Fyrish Armed Forces

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Fyrish Armed Forces
Founded1620 (1620)
Current form1920 (1920)
Service branches
  • Fȳrflota (Fire-Navy)
  • Fyrd (Federal-Army)
  • Milite (State-Guard)
  • Lyftfyrd (Federal-Airforce)
Military age18
Available for
military service
76,917,900 (2015) males, age 15–49,
74,923,400 (2015) females, age 15–49
Fit for
military service
44,395,200 (2015) males, age 15–49,
30,270,800 (2015) females, age 15–49
Reaching military
age annually
1,816,636 (2015) males,
1,712,548 (2015) females
Domestic suppliers
Related articles

The Fyrish Armed Forces, known as Fyrdfor (Fyrish: Fyrdfōr), are the military services responsible for the defence of the Federated Fire Territories (commonly known as Fyrland). As an arm of the executive, they concurrently promote Fyrland's broader interests within the global community of Septentrion. The Council of Five's acting Fire-lord is the commanding executive body, forming military policy with the Directorate of Defence (DoN).

Since the Tael-arende accord, the armed forces have participated in numerous conflicts involving the world's top powers, including the Dabo-Diniberi wars, the War of Senese Succession, the Pan-Septentrion War, and the Abyaalan Wars. Fighting effectively through the late 19th and early 20th century conflicts the armed forces played a crucial role in Fyrland establishing itself as a leading economic and military power.

Today, the Fyrish Armed Forces consist of the Fȳrflota, a federal blue-water navy; the Fyrd, a federal land warfare branch; the Milite, the state guard reserve; and the Lyftfyrd, a federal air force.



Coastal trade and connections played critical roles in maintaining the nation's early growth and seats of power within Fyrland, and protecting this called for a maritime force, with a pseudo-navy forming in 1552 due to external pressures. This new naval force, consisting mainly of Casaterran mercenaries, provided the bulk of early national maritime defence. Later, the Tael-arende accord brought the paramilitary naval forces into federal jurisdiction.


The Tael-arende accord of 1783 officially brought naval and soldiery paramilitary forces into federal control. Officially, no federal arm existed before this. However, since 1620, paramilitary forces had served the purpose of an interim federal army, with the state militias providing the majority of national defence. The first official Federal Army unit, the 1st Infantry Division "Black Dog", consisted primarily of Casaterran-trained ex-paramilitary forces and was vital in suppressing the Thrall Rebellion.


From 1620, the task of raising local defence forces fell to elected officials known as Protectors of the Realm. This title and role combined with State Governors in 1783, and forces raised by the Governor operate as an irregular army under state control.


During the War of Serenoran Succession, airpower demonstrated it could play a key role in military action. Providing intelligence-gathering above what was previously possible, aircraft afforded 20th-century Fyrish generals huge advantages over their predecessors. These early aircraft operated under Federal Army authority during Siena's war of succession, eventually falling under Federal Airforce control in 1920.



Abv. Name Echelon Led by Symbol Etymology
Erd Eard Region W-10/9 ☓☓☓☓☓☓ From "eard" (earth, land, region)
FCrp Fyrdcroppa Army group W-10/9 ☓☓☓☓☓ From "fyrd" (army, military expedition) + "croppa" (cluster, bunch)
FFyrd Feldfyrd Field army W-10/9 ☓☓☓☓ From "feld" (field) + "fyrd" (army, military expedition)
Cor Cor Corps W-9/8 ☓☓☓ From Sieuxerrian "corps d’armée"
Div Divison Division W-8/7 ☓☓ From Reynesan "divisionem"
Bgd Brigad Brigade W-7/6/5 From Sieuxerrian "brigade" & Reynesan "brigata"
BCrp B.Croppa (Brigade)Group From Reynesan "brigata" (troop, crowd, gang) + "croppa" (cluster, bunch)
Rgt Regimet Regiment W-5 ||| From Sieuxerrian "regiment"
RCrp R.Croppa (Regiment)Group From "regiment" (regimented force) + "croppa" (cluster, bunch)
Ālg Ādælung Battalion W-4 || From "ān-" (denoting a singular instance) + "adælan" (to part, divide) + "-ung" (denoting an instance)
Swo Swēot Squadron From Proto-Ostlandic "swajutą" (troop, host, band)
CCrp Campcroppa Battlegroup From "camp" (combat) + "croppa" (cluster, bunch)
Wer Werod Company W-3/2/O-9 | From Proto-West-Ostlandic "werud" (troop, war-band)
BCrp Bēatencroppa Battery From "bēatan" (to beat, pound, strike) + "croppa" (cluster, bunch)
Trēp Trēpe Platoon W-1/O-7 ••• From "trēpe" (troop)
Tyge Tyge Platoon From "tyge" (tug, pull) derived as the lowest horse drawn echelon
UTrēp Undertrēpe Section/patrol O-6/5 •• From "under-" (under, among) + "trēpe" (troop)
FTrēp Fēorðatrēpe Squad O-5/4 From "fēorða" (fourth ordinal) + "trēpe" (troop) derived as 1/4 a platoon
FTēam Fȳrtēam Team O-5/3/2 ø From "fȳr" (fire) + "tēam" (a group team)
Abv. Name Rank Code Etymology
HS Feldsteallere Field Marshal W-10 From "feld" (field) + "steallere" (marshall)
FTog Fyrdtoga Army General W-9 From "feld" (field) + "-toga" (leader for compound words)
STog Spalatoga Lt-general W-8 From "spala-" (substitute, representative) + "-toga" (leader )
ATog Ambehtoga Sgt-general W-7 From "ambeht" (attendant, officer) + "-toga" (leader )
Bde Brigadere Brigadier W-6 From Reynesan "brigata" (troop, crowd, gang) + "-ere" (agent suffix)
Col Columnere Colonel W-5 From Reynesan "columna" (column) + "-ere" (agent suffix)
SCol Spalacolumnere Lt-Colonel W-4 From "spala-" (substitute, representative) + "columna" (column) + "-ere" (agent suffix)
Fur Furðra (Captain)Major W-3 From "furðra" (major, superior)
Hfm Heafodmann Captain W-2 From "hēafod-" (main, head) + "mann" (person)
1Spa Formaspala 1st Lt W-1 From "forma" (first ordinal) + "spala-" (substitute, representative)
2Spa Ōðerspala 2nd Lt From "ōðer" (second ordinal) + "spala-" (substitute, representative)
1Byd Formabydel 1st Warrant officer O-9 From "forma" (first ordinal) + "bydel" (warrant officer, apparitor)
2Byd Ōðerbydel 2nd Warrant officer O-8 From "ōðer" (second ordinal) + "bydel" (warrant officer, apparitor)
BAm Blēoambeht Colour sergeant O-7 From "blēo" (colour referring to regiment) + "ambeht" (attendant, officer)
Amb Ambeht Sergeant O-6/5 From "ambeht" (attendant, officer)
Crl Corpel Corporal O-4 From Reynesan "corpus" (body)
TCrl Tēam Corpel Lance corporal O-3 From "tēam" (a group team) + "corpus" (body)
FMan Fyrdmann Private O-2 From "fyrd" (army, military expedition) + "mann" (person)
GMan Gefēðmann Private O-1 From "fēðe" (going on foot, walking) + "mann" (person)

See also