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The New Gals
Against the isolation of Runet (2019-03-10) 102.jpg
The arrest of the band Post-Truth is believed to mark the beginning of the Novyye Chuvikhi movement.
Native name Новые Чувихи
English nameThe New Gals
Time2017 - present
Causerising authoritarianism of Cyrene III, High Archduchess of Cosacakaya
aftermath of Black Thursday
growing social conservatism in Cosacakaya

Новые Чувихи (Novyye Chuvikhi) or (new gals), is a term coined by [PLACEHOLDER] to describe a predominately female feminist and anti-establishment cultural phenomenon in the Cosacakayan Music Industry. Originating as a social response to 2018 Constitutional Crisis - it has since evolved into a distinct genre of popular music in Cosacakaya.



The roots of Novyye Chuvikhi can be traced back to 2011 as an underground subculture in many urban areas among disillusioned youth. The

growing dissatisfaction and artistic dissent among female musicians

The arrest of the band Post-Truth is believed to mark the beginning of the Novyye Chuvikhi movement.

The name was coined by [PLACEHOLDER] [1] to make fun of new, mostly female, artists.

Role of Black Thursday

  • mass arrests of future Novyye Chuvikhi
  • meet in prison and form music collectives
  • inspires others to sing protest songs

Rise of Reeztochka & Dina Gyrdymova

Into the Mainstream

Modern Day

Today Novyye Chuvikhi continues to be extremely popular in Cosacakayan - with Novychuvikhi songs consistently reaching the top charts. It has significantly impacted the Cosacakayan music scene, influencing not only content but also the industry's dynamics. Female artists aligned with this movement have gained prominence, challenging the traditionally male-dominated landscape. The movement has fostered a sense of solidarity among artists and listeners.

However, it's rise and continuing popularity has sparked a culture war between the socially conservate government and the Novyye Chuvikhi movement.

Other cultural impacts

Social Media



Novyye Chuvikhi is made up of a diverse range of music genres and it defies easy categorisation, as artists experiment with various musical elements and genres. While many notable Novyye Chuvikhi artists belong to a wide range of musical genres being pop artists to all-female heavy metal bands. Artists like Alina Kosova fusing traditional Cosacakayan sounds with contemporary genres.

What unites Novyye Chuvikhi is characterised by its venturing into politics and societal critic feminist ethos, anti-establishment stance, and a commitment to social change. Artists associated with this movement often address political and social issues, gender equality, and advocate for justice.

According to feminist writer [PLACEHOLDER] [2]. , at its core, Novyye Chuvikhi embodies a fervent feminist ethos and an unyielding anti-establishment stance. Artists associated with this movement utilize their craft as a powerful tool for socio-political commentary, challenging traditional norms, and advocating for gender equality, justice, and societal change. The movement thrives on the principles of empowerment, autonomy, and the dismantling of systemic barriers.




[PLACEHOLDER] called out Novyye Chuvikhi for excluding male artists.
  • Why only females?
  • Seems to be a lot of white and white passing, underrepresentation of minorities
  • fAmIlYvAlUeS and god under threat

Notable Novyye Chuvikhi

[PLACEHOLDER] is considered the mother of Novyye Chuvikhi However, numerous artists have emerged as key figures and influencers, contributing to its growth in Cosacakaya. Notable musicians within the movement include Reeztochka, Alina Kosova, and [ARTIST3]


  1. ": What is Novyye Chuvikhi?". Media Nation. 05 June 2019. Retrieved 14 July 2023.
  2. ": Novyye Chuvikhi is changing the nation - Veronika Nikulshina". The Nation. 22 October 2021. Retrieved 24 October 2023.