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The Kingdom of Amador
Imperium Amador
National Flag of Amador
CapitalIfa Serine
Official languagesEnglish, Latin, Arabic
Recognised national languagesEnglish, Latin, Arabic (and at least fifty-one other languages)
Ethnic groups
83.8% Amadorian1
16.2% Other
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy with a Bicameral Government
• Monarchy
Maeralya Amador
• Prefect
Alonsir Balatak
LegislatureChambers of the Imperium
Imperial Senate
House of Representatives
• Pre-History
20,000 B.C.
• Kingdom of Tiami
Antiquity -3,287 B.C
• Kingdom of Hath Teliel
3,287 B.C. - 1,487 B.C.
• 1st Kingdom of Amador
1487 B.C - 1000 A.D.
• 2rd Kingdom of Amador
1001 A.D. - Present
• Water (%)
• 2022 estimate
• 2022 census
GDP (PPP)2022 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2022 estimate
• Total
$722,192,867,990,541.002Increase 2.2%
• Per capita
$47,091.352Increase 0.8%
Gini (2020)22.4
HDI (2022)0.942
very high (1st)
Currency Aeures ()
Time zoneGothic Central-West Time (GCT+8)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code117
ISO 3166 codeAKC
Internet TLD.akc

The Kingdom of Amador (Latin: Imperium Amadore), is a Gothic Elven Kingdom ruled by the House of Amador, situated across the South-Central area of Gholgoth on the Tiamian Peninsula. Amador is currently headed by Maeralya Amador. A moderate-sized, peaceful nation, Amador is a highly developed country. With over 15 billion people residing in the nation, it is one of the least populous nations in Gholgoth. Three-fourths of the population resides in the northern areas of the country, where the land is flat and fertile. The capital is Ifa Serine and the largest city of Amador is Citadel, followed by Ene Shaeras, He'kir, and Naeth Aethel.

Amador is a kingdom ruled by elves, though there retains a sizable population of humans and other non-human species. A proud race with a history spanning millennia, the modern working-class elf, aside from their pointed ears, are are almost completely biologically and anatomically identical to modern humans. Their lifespans only being equivalent to a human. The Royal Family of Amador are the only example of a pure-blood elven lineage left in Amador who retain their immortality. The current monarch, Maeralya, has sat the Eternal Throne for 538 years. The royal family posses Magicks, highly advanced technology passed down between monarchs. One such example is the Holocron, a storage device.

Amador is a regional center for science, art, philosophy, and greater education, hosting many of the region's most prestigious universities. The nation is home to some of the most visited heritage sites in Gholgoth. It is among the most visited nations in the region when adjusted for international visits. The nation is highly develop, maintaining a high nominal per capita income despite being economically dwarfed in size by most of the region. Amador is renowned for it's reusable energy programs and lush, verdant forests. It is home to a small (by regional standards) but technologically advanced military. Unusually, for a Gothic nation, Amador itself remains quite peaceful in it's own right, often attempting to avoid regional conflict than to involve itself.




The Kingdom of Amador is a large country by both land and total area. A peninsular nation, Amador shares a sea border with the Scandinvans via their island of Vismer. Amador also shares a southern land border with Brewdomia. Southern Tiami itself is largely mountainous or rolling hills, whereas central Amador is heavily forested by the Godswood trees. Flat, fertile plains stretch throughout much of Amador's northern half.

Mount Olmphyar

The Glypherial Mountain Range staddles much of Amador's southern border southwestern coast. Mt. Olmhyphar, at 18,596 ft., is the tallest moutain in all of Amador and the Glphyerials. Boundles mountain lakes straddle the mountain range, allowing for inhabited life to manage. The Glypherial Mountain Range is home to several extinct volcanoes, inclduing Mt. Killaltel, at 17,493 ft., thus making it the tallest volcano in Amador.

Southern Amadorian Fields

There are many lakes in Amador; the largest being Lake Oraclien. The vast majority of Amador's population is situated in northern and central Amador. These areas, largely flat, coastal, or rolling plain, are highly fertile. Amadorian wheat fields litter nother Amador, and are often considered a natural wonder in their own right due to how much farmland there is.

Young Godswood Forest in Central Amador

Government and Politics

The Kingdom of Amador is an absolutely monarchy operating as a federal republic asserting sovereignty over 12 states and several overseas territories. It is among the old continuously governed nations in Gothic. While power is derived from the Monarchy, Amador has a democratic constitution and democratically elected officials, though final say on any laws and enforcement rest within the hands of the Eternal throne. The Constitution of Amador is the supreme legal document of the nation. It establishes, under the monarchy, the structures and responsibilities of the federal government and its relationship with the population.

The Kingdom of Amador is a monarchy ruled by Maeralya Amador, head of the House of Amador. As such, the nation's government can be classified as an absolutely monarchy; however, the government, in accordance with the monarchy, operates a bicameral legislature and a judiciary structure as well. Amador maintains several democratic values despite the absolute power the monarchy holds over the nation, for Amador could not hope to be solely governed by one person.


The Amadorian Armed Forces are commanded by the Department of Defense at the behest of the Monarchy. As such, the current monarch is considered the commander-in-chief of the military. The Department of defense administered all branches of the military: the Army, Navy, Airforce, and Coastal Defense Forces. The armed forces are considered an advanced, professional force in Gholgoth, where her main interest lay. The AAF is structured around defense, and thusly, possess only limited power projection.

The AAF are considered one of the smallest military forces in Gholgoth, owing to the nation's defensive-minded structure and smaller population size. As a result of its smaller size, the AAF possess nuclear weapons in substantial amounts. The Department of Defense does not publish offical numerical counts of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are considered a deterrent and would only be used in a retaliatory strike. Amador's budget publishes national defense at 4.2% of the national budget, though many believe this to be false and significantly higher.



The KoA Census bureau reports roughly 15,315,000,000 citzens of the Kingdom in 2020, making the Kingdom of Amador the least population country in Gholgoth. There is a net gain of one person of 80 seconds. 82 % of Amadorians over the age of 18 are married. The remainder are widowed, divorced, or have been married. Amador's fertility rate stood at 3.4 per woman. Children are considered adults at 18 and most, roughly 90 % will move out to live on their own and start families. The population is diverse, racially and ethnically. a pre-dominatnly elven society, elves make up 68 % of the total population. Twenty percent are humans, and the remained 12 % are other non-human species. Much of ethnic background is homegenous, but human roots exist from the Scandinvans and Kylarnatians.


Religious affiliation in the KoA, according to a 2022 Amalup poll:

  Eternal Flame (60%)
  Catholicism (10%)
  Gothic Pantheon (11%)
  Islam (2%)
  Judaism (2%)
  Unaffiliated (8%)
  Unanswered (1%)

Religion in the Kingdom of Amador is universally free by proclamation, with one exception, of the monarchy of Amador and further guaranteed in the codified laws of the land, the Constitution. No governing body, nor interference can forbid the free exercise of religion in Amador. Religion, as a result, is widespread and practiced by a majority of Amadorian households.

The Largest religion is the Eternal Flame, so named for the divine powers bestowed upon monarchs upon their accension. It preaches that the Great Phoenix granted it's flame to the rightful ruler of Amador so that the sun would forever cast it's warming gaze upon the fertile lands of Amador. The Eternal Flame considers each Amadorian monarch to be a living god, as they are capable of bending the flame to their will. More than 60 % of the population practices the Eternal Flame.

Amador is a diverse nation, with millions of Christians and its subsequent denominations, Jews, Muslims, and countless other religions being practiced in Amador's borders. Amador's de facto nation religion is the Eternal Flame. Because of the nation being such a religiouslt diverse nation, many citizens believe in a higher power or spiritual entity.

The Universal Rite of the Scandin Church is the leading religion of the Scandinvans and the direct antithesis to the Eternal Flame. As a nation of non-humans, Amador is actively against the Scandinvan nation and its religious leaders. Amador has made regionally unpopular advances at culling the religion under the guise of safely securing the nation from a religion which harbors wonton destruction against its populace. Tentions, as a result are high, with many believing this religious persecution to be a religious culling. With Amador's entry into regional affairs over the last few decades, further religious cullings could result in military response by both sides sooner rather than later.


Amador is a highly urbanized nation, especially in recent decades. As of 2022, more than 90 % of the populations lives in urban areas. Of this 90 %, 69% of the uran population lives along the coast. Amador has fourteen cities with populations exceeding 100,000,000. Citadel is the largest city and urban area in the nation, with it's second largest urban area, the capital Ifa Serine. Many of the fastest growing cities in the nation are in the Thylath Prefecture and Mundaille Prefecture , where growth percentage exceed 10% per census. Amador is a predominantly elven nation, with substantial populations of non-human and human persons.


Main article: Economy of the Kingdom of Amador

Citadel Central Business District

The Amadorian economy is one of the smallest economies in the region of Gholgoth, reflexive in its population also being one of the smallest. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is estimated to be around $722,192,867,990,541.00 and a GDP per capita of $47,091.35. Amador maintains of the the highest per capita incomes in the region. Amador's compounded annual growth rate is roughly 2.6 %. Amador is considered a hub of foreign investment and a source of high-tech labor owing to it's many prestigious universities. The Aereus is Amador's currency.

Amador has a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a low level of corruption, and a high level of innovation owing to it's ancient Elven roots. The nation is home to Amadorie Airs, one the the region's premier airship manufacturing companies. The kingdom maintain a trade surplus, exporting more goods than importing. Top exports include airships, paints, electrical equipment, transport equipment, and food products.

Amadorians have one of the highest average household and employee incomes among members of Gholgoth, as well as a high median household income. Wealth is relatively spread out, though income inequality has seen an uptick over the last two decades. Among regional nations, Amador possess relatively few billionaires (984), as many simply give their fortunes to charities. Because of government policies and the general caringness of the nations populace, poverty rates are low, with only 3% of the nation living under the poverty line. As a net grower of agricultural products and with government involvment and subsidies, most Amadorian citizens will never go hungry. Amador has a sizable homeless population of over 12 million, though many of these citizens choose to be homeless to better be with nature. The nation provides enough shelters for all homeless citizens should the need arise. The Kingdom has a large welfare state backed by government support. It guarantees its' workers paid vacation and paternity and maternity leave.

With modern policies geared at putting Amador on an equal footing in regional affairs and beyond, the Amadorian economy has undergone extensive networking and refurbishing. Several government programs aimed at turbo-charging economic output have been put into effect. These government programs fall under the New Era Plans. As show of economic prosperity, Amadorian cities have suddenly started to soar vertically. Over the last decade, more than 1,200 skyscrapers have been built. Central business districts are springing up in the nations largest cities.


Amadors location in Gholgoth and isolationist policies for much of its history has prevented the nation from expanding its infrastructures outside its borders in the way of Gothic nations have. However, within its own borders, Amador has perhaps one of the most advanced transportation networks in the region. A series of expressway wrapping around and through the nation, service the vehicular needs of everyday Amadorian citizens. As a nation equipped with airships, the nations airways are dense and efficient. High speed rail also services the nation, with much of the dedicated rail lines for citizens capable of speeds in excess of 300 miles per hour, among the best in Gholgoth.

The high-speed rail (HSR) network in the Kingdom of Amador is among the longest in Gholgoth -- with a total length of over 50,000 miles as of 2020. The HSR network encompasses newly built rail lines registered to speeds up to 300 mph, also among the fasted in Gholgoth. The HSR network is extensively used, with billions of passengers annually. With the New Era Plans, HSR is on the books to add another 20,000 miles of purpose-built passenger lines the network by 2030.

Amador's HSR network is among the most efficient and sophisticated in Gholgoth

Owing to favorable geography, the nation is littered with waterways able to be traversed by large barges anf other ships. Inland ports, as a result, filter through vast amounts of cargo due to other parts of the nation. There are tens of thousands of airports in Amador, including the Tiami International Airport, the nations largest in terms of passenger volume. Airports handle civilian and freight together. Most aircraft are powered vie solar energies.


As of 2022, 72 % of energy in Amador was produced from renewable sources including wind, solar, hydropower and geothermal energies. Nuclear power was 20 % of energy produced in Amador. Nuclear power is becoming increasingly popular, despite risk of nuclear catastrophes, due to the sheer volume of electricity it can produce. The remaining 8 % of energy produced comes from fossiles fuels and natural gas. Amador is privy to significant means of energy consumption and remains a fossil fueld exporter to the international market. The Kingdom is set to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and to reduced GHC emmisions by 80 % by 2040. Among Gothic nations, the nation is one of the greenest nations.

Water Supply and Sanitation

The water and sanitation sector is shared responsibly by the Ministry of Health and the Labour and Welfare Office. They oversee domestic use, water resource development and sanitations. Water quality and preservation is overseen by the Office of Environmental Preservation. Acccess to water is universal in Amador, where 99 % of the population receives their water from public utilities. Amador's water supply is often considered the healthiest in Gholgoth.

Exchange Rate: 1 Aeureus = $2.0198 Gross Domestic Product: $722,192,867,990,541.00 GDP Per Capita: $47,091.35 Unemployment Rate: 2.71% Consumption: $637,670,880,000,000.00 Government Budget: $84,676,316,155,200.00 Govenment Expenditures: $82,982,789,832,096.00 Government Waste: $1,693,526,323,104.00 Exports: $84,948,187,722,345.20 Imports: $83,408,989,563,900.00 Trade Surplus: