Treaty of San Illa

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Treaty of San Illa
Treaty of the Governance of Ardaima and the Abolishment of the Regency Thereof
Arms of the Ardaiman Commission created by the Treaty
SignedJune 26, 1946 (1946-06-26)
LocationSan Illa, Prince-Bishopric of Legettra-Vaisocca
  • Principality of Mardmony
  • Duchy of Macchia
  • Duchy of Giozzara
  • Viscountcy of Saivara
  • Archbishopric of Cadmaria
    (on behalf of the Pontificate)
  • Worker's Party of Ardaima
  • Unionist Front of South Asura

The Treaty of San Illa (Arday: Trattato di San Illa) was the treaty that unified the disparate states of Ardaima following the collapse of the Grand Regency and avoided war between the Kingdom of Mardmony and the Worker's Alliance of Palagna. The Treaty ended the Grand Regency and rejected all future claims to the royal throne of Ardaima. The other states of Ardaima also signed the Treaty in the following six months after individual negotiations and protections were added. Three states--Corfa, Majella, and Orchella--initially declined to sign the Treaty, but new governments in exile were formed under the aegis of the treaty which were later installed during the bonifica senza sangue.


Grand Regency

After the forced abdication of Confivesco in 1869, the Primate of Vestinia summoned a Regency Council to consult on the line of succession. Notable members of the council were the Prince of Mardimony, whose nephew Ruggero Maria was a claimant to the throne, and the Bishop of Picesa-Auson, whose patron was Count Alfonso of Termariza, another claimant, as well as several prominent members of the House of Carignari. The principle concern of the Primate was to avoid a war of succession, which had seemed likely at the time of Confivesco's abdication. Tensions flared during the first few sessions of the council and the Primate ordered a recess, writing to the Pontiff and asking for his aid. The Pontiff came to Vestinia in June and consulted with the Primate and the rest of the Council individually. After several days, the Pontiff privately admonished both Ruggero Maria and Alfonso that they were willing the threaten violence against each other for the throne at which point the two claimants revealed that they had been pressured by their representatives on the Council to pursue the claim.

The Pontiff excommunicated the Prince of Mardimony after Ruggero Maria revealed that the Prince had carried out several affairs with men and sent the Bishop of Picesa-Auson away to aid the mission in Native Alforja. Having eliminated the two primary agitators on the Council, the Primate reconvened the Council. The Council first offered the crown to Ruggero Maria, who declined, and then offered it to Alfonso, who accepted, but abdicated before his coronation after meeting with Ruggero Maria. The Council considered offering the crown to the Count of Palagna, Emmanuel di Gesmino, but the Carignaris refused to allow the crown to pass to a cadet branch of the family. After this the Council decided that it would continue on as a regency until Maria Carignari, Confivesco's niece, came of age. This began the Grand Regency of Ardaima since the Council would ultimately decide not to accept Maria Carignari as Queen when she came of age in 1884, instead allowing her to join the Council if she would renounce her claim, which she did on the advice of the Pontiff.

Kingdom of Mardmony

In 1908, Prince Marcelino of Mardmony married Raffaella of Legettra-Vaisocca, reforming the Kingdom of Mardmony and making the first strong claim to the throne of Ardaima since the renunciation of Maria Carignari. Because of the excommunication of Marcelino's predecessor, however, the Council argued that his coronation would be an international embarrassment and instead offered him the title of Protector of the Realm in the fashion of Midrasia. The title carried with it the status of first among equals of the princes of the realm and the command of the Royal Army, which Marcelino readily agreed to since he saw it as defacto kingship of Ardaima. Marcelino quickly discovered that the various Captains-General of the various realms, though they nominally served the Royal Army, would not support his claim to the crown without the approval of the Regency Council. Marcelino formed the Order of Presiede to reward the generals who supported him and generally reorganized the armed forces to be more centralized.



