Combined Arms Tactical Group (Sieuxerr)

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The Combined Arms Tactical Group and the Combined Arms Tactical Subgroup are the two lowest deployable units of maneuver in the Sieuxerrian Army. The Combined Arms Tactical Group (Groupement tactique interarmes) is a roughly battalion-sized task organized organization formed from the various regiments, and the Combined Arms Tactical Subgroup (Sous-groupement tactique interarmes) is a higher-strength company-sized task force.



Combined Arms Tactical Group

The core of the GTIA is generated from the host regiment, which is an administrative formation. This will include HQ, services, as well as a central combat group. Additional combat and combat support formations will be brought in to round-out the capabilities of the GTIA as are required by the nature of the deployment. Regiments also contain reservist units that are used to add extra personnel since active army units are routinely under-manned.

Example Medium GTIA

  • HQ and HQ company brought from the regiment
  • 1-3 Infantry companies from the regiment
  • Scout and weapon section from the regimental recon and weapons company or the company itself. This includes 120mm mortars and ATGM carriers.
  • 1-2 Tank squadrons from an armored regiment. Can also be armored car squadrons from a light cavalry regiment.
  • Artillery battery from an artillery regiment. These are generally 155mm howitzers mounted on either a wheeled or tracked chassis. Other supporting artillery arms could be NLOS missiles, multiple-launched rockets, or 170mm howitzers.
  • Combat engineer company from an engineer regiment.
  • Air defense detachment to include short-range air defense missiles or anti-aircraft guns.
  • Electronic warfare detachment from a divisional MI company.
  • Signals detachment from a divisional signals company.
  • Logistical support comes from the regimental sustainment company as well as attached formations bring their own organic mainetence and transportation elements.

Additional supporting elements can be brought in to include more logistics units, additional reconnaissance troops, as well as combat aviation.