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The Stratocratic Territories of Iryllia
Iryllia flag.jpg
Motto: 'The paranoid man is often the safest...'
and largest city
Official languagesGaelic (Irish), Rusinan Standard
Ethnic groups
85% Iryllian

6% Chargrenite
4% Gaul
2% Valarisk
1% Noctish
1% Myraxian

1% Other
GovernmentMilitary Populist Stratocracy
• Grand Marshal of the Iryllian Territories
Alexis Harn Rhonfoq XI
• Grand Marshal of the Army
Field Marshal Nicolas Tras IV
• Admiral of the Fleet
Supreme Fleet Admiral Kelly Tras-Domivov
• Chief Air Marshal:
Supreme Air Marshal Illich Novobask Sewq-Forn
• Advisory Marshal
Field Marshal Zachariah Zusak
• Advisory Marshal
General Sasha Dimitriov Llyelin
LegislatureCouncil of Advisory Marshals
• Total
3,844,210 km2 (1,484,260 sq mi)
• Estimate
3 billion
• Density
780/km2 (2,020.2/sq mi)
Gini (2019)29.2a
HDI (2019)0.701a
CurrencyIryllian Silver: 1 NS$ = 0.5823 IRS (IRS)
Calling code+31
  1. Data from Slavacian Institute of Statistics

Iryllia officially he Stratocratic Territories of Iryllia is military populist stratocracy. It is governed by the Grand Marshal of the Iryllian Territories, and a legislature called the Council of Advisory Marshals. It is partially located in mainland Rusina as well as the islands directly south of it, the largest being Casella. It borders Nocturnalis to the west, Asargeth to the north and Chargren to the east, although due to an ongoing war, the north-eastern borders and surrounding territories are currently occupied by Myraxia.



Iryllian Geography varies wildly, In Casella province with a main focus around agriculture the relative industrialization is low. Due to large swathes of arable land a large focus on trade has been built around this area with terrain not dissimilar to that of southern Germany.

The north is a different tale, Eridian has the lowest of the tree in terms of industrialization as it is mostly taken over by large coniferous forests with the foothills of a mountain range along it's northern border, these thin across it's border with Malakhurst, it's central city "Mithos" is the major trade hub between northern and southern Iryllia (Including Casella) it is close to the capitol, Forqona, situated in Malakhurst province, Forqona is by far the largest city in Iryllia, housing over One hundred Million citizens and home to the "Kop'ye v nebo" OSE (Orbital Space Elevator) Designed to usher in a new age of space exploration when construction is complete. Malakhurst is by far the most densely populated and industrialised province with terrain similar to Northern Russia, flat oblasts inter spaced by large forests of coniferous tree's.

Infrastructure is mostly based around the rail system. A huge inter-connecting network of rail lines link the nation together through every major city and town. The rail system dates back to the golden age of industrialisation, with the road networks, if arguably more efficient simply did not have sheer capacity the rail network did at the time, as such Iryllia's road networks are mostly built to compliment the rail system often tourists have found that straying off the beaten path one does not find an easy route, with very few roads equipped with hard surfaces or more than two lanes again increasing focus on the rail networks.

Politics and Government

Iryllian politics are dominated by the army, as the nation only grants citizenship to soldiers and the ability to hold office only to officers. As such, the power in the country is held by current military officers, with the leader of the nation also serving as its commander-in-chief.


Main Article: Iryllian Armed Forces

Iryllia has a very powerful and deeply politically entrenched military, with some Iryllians stating that "Iryllia is a military with a state". Military service required for full Citizenship one is only eligible for the lowest rungs of Iryllian society if one is not a member of the military and even then, service as an officer is required for many political positions. As such the Military is irrevocably tied to the fabric of Iryllian society.

Training and selection

After the education cycle, ages 4 to 14, a set of aptitude tests are taken. These test a variety of skill sets, problem solving abilities and physical attributes. Along with personal choice of a service branch. Officer service is voluntary, however if there are too many volunteers, or too few, the ones with the highest scores in the relevant categories are chosen.

Following the selection process, the children are separated. Army units going to their local regimental school, Air Force to the local squadron training schools, Navy to the closest coastal or major river training installation. This period consists of further education, basic combat training, equipment maintenance, teamwork & cohesion. Additionally more branch specific skills, such as damage control in Naval schools and Air crew training to in air ones can be named. After this two year period, and during which cadets can be called upon as an emergency reserve force, cadets take another set of aptitude tests, and choose which specialist branch, if available, to head towards. If a branch is in need of additional troops, for example if the Tank Regiments have been taking exceptionally heavy losses, many recruits with the relevant aptitude scores will be conscripted into the Tank Regiments regardless of their choice, then cadets will often find themselves with little, or no choice as to what branch they enter.

With the dual nature of the military and state, combat roles are but a fraction of available roles, supply and logistics officers could see themselves in the traditional roles, or find themselves in positions with shipping companies, engineers could build fortifications or simply end up building houses. Due to the high population of Iryllia, which is continuing to rise, vast numbers of cadets are processed every year and not everyone is needed. In times of peace, the option is available to enter active reserve and enrol at civilian Colleges or Universities, the citizen entering active reserve capable of being called up at any time. Often infantry regiments supplement local police forces, sailors into the merchant marine rather than active Navy service. Airmen, especially those who do not wish to become pilots, often end up as mechanics for not only civilian airlines but also car mechanics, engineers and take on many other roles and responsibilities.


Each branch is structured differently to one another, each with their own ranks, departments, intelligence agencies and so on and so forth. Army units are trained as Regiments, Navy as Squadrons and Airforce also as Squadrons. There is a certain level of interconnectivity between the branches due to overlapping needs. For example: Army Air Aviation which deals with rotary wing aircraft where as the Airforce operates fixed wing aircraft almost exclusively. Both take from Cadet squadrons however each are under different branches, operated different training facilities, doctrine and rank. Again with the Naval Air Wing, which operates the navy's carrier borne aircraft, takes from Cadet Air Squadrons but operat their own aircraft, doctrine, rank and training facilities, marines from Cadet Regiments, Airborne from Cadet Regiments and etc.

Army units are trained as Regiments, the three most common types being Infantry, Armoured and Artillery regiments. Regiments are not combat organisations, the closest analogue to which being Brigades. When Regiments are done training, and sent to combat units, they will divided up along the Battalion and sometimes even company level and restructured into combat brigades, being the smallest strategic combat unit fielded. Which are then in turn organised into divisions, corps and armies when the need arises.

Air Squadrons are decided on a "As needed" basis. New pilots rotate in and replace old or dead ones, maintenance crews replacing losses, old crews or forming new formations. Less so is the emphasis of splitting up locals from each other however it is still practiced to a degree.

Naval Squadrons operate in much the same way however here the split is immediate, ready assembled crews being sent to training ships under the watchful eye of more experienced officers and then are disseminated to the fleet, either replacements on active ships or entirely new vessels.

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