Local Government in Byennordvest
Byennordvest is a decentralised unitary state with two levels of local government. Byennordvest is divided into five regions which are heavily interwoven in the history and culture of the nation. The regions of Byennordvest have gradually gained more autonomy over local affairs since the Byeansk Republic was founded in the aftermath of the Byeansk Civil War of the late 18th century. However, it was not until the new constitution and restoration of the Monarchy of Byennordvest in 1884 that the regions had any significant form of self government. Further powers were given to the regions in 1967 under Prime Minister Henry Ruufmass when an ammendment to the Byeansk constitution alllowed for the creation of regional legislatures or Økyslögting. Each regional legislature has the same authority but all are beholden to the oversight of the national Hymerinting.