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Midgard is the third planet in the solar system, and the only one known to support life.

Approximately 70% of Midgard is covered by water — mainly liquid water, in the form of oceans, lakes, and rivers, but also polar regions covered by solid ice — while the remaining 30% of Midgard's surface is covered by different landmasses and continents. These continents are home to a variety of life, including Víss hǫlðr, or humanity, which over the course of billions of years of evolution, has evolved into complex organized societies. As of 2019, there are X nation states present on Midgard, with a variety of different languages and cultures.







Short and formal names Capital Population Government
 Ambrose – Ambrosian Confederal Republic Elsbridge 11,323,903 Semi-presidential republic
 Sjealand – Sjealandic Realm Asgård 42,357,656 Constitutional monarchy in which the monarch personally exercises power

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