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  • Ionska
  • 이아ᇇ가
  • Yanska
  • Ionterra
Flag of Ionland
Coat of arms of Ionland
Coat of arms
Motto: "Szczęść Boże nasz naród"
"하나님은 우리 민족을 축복"
"God Bless our Nation"
"Benedicite gentes Deum nostrum"
Anthem: "Marsz Ionska"
Rominski Dynasty Standard
Location of Ionland in Unknown
Location of Ionland in Unknown
District Map of Ionland
District Map of Ionland
and Largest City
Official languagesIonite
Recognised national languagesIonite
Ethnic groups
71% Slavo-Ionite
27% Hanguk Ionite
GovernmentEnlightened absolutist Monarchy
• Król
• Królowa
• First Minister
Eliasz Malinowski
• Legislature
State Congress
• Upper House
National Senate
• Lower House
Legislative Chambers
• Realm of Ionia
52 AD
• Ionite Kingdom
• Ionite Empire
• Rominski Dynasty Begins
• Total
7,700,000 km2 (3,000,000 sq mi)
• 2013 estimate
• 2010 census
GDP (PPP)2013 estimate
• Total
zł $2.9 trillion (High)
• Per capita
zł 22,295 (High)
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
zł 1.6 trillion
• Per capita
zł 16,389
Gini (2014)Positive decrease 37.9
medium (Medium)
HDI (2012)Increase 0.906
very high (Very High)
CurrencyZloty (zł ZLY)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+073
ISO 3166 codeIN

Ionland, is an Enlightened absolutist Monarchy. It is located in Unknown on the continent of Unknown. Ionland covers 2,185,380 square kilometers and has has an estimated population of 112 million people. Ionland is comprised of thirty three provinces.


The name Ionland comes from the name of the Ionik people, the tribe located in modern Southern Ionland which successfully established itself as the dominant tribe in 22 AD.


Around 5,000 to 5,100 B.C.E. the first settlers established the first settlements in now what is known as North Western Highlands, these settlers called themselves the Vistullaks. During the Bronze Age the Vistullaks broke off to two separate groups, the Ioniks and the Wilnians. These two would develop their own but very similar scripts which would serve as the basis for the two groups current modern languages. The Ioniks would move down south meanwhile the Wilnians built ships and departed the land. The Wilnians would later settle on a small island chain located off of the coast of Ionland.

In 88 B.C.E. Ionik tribe leader Jarogniew embarked on establishing a defined region which the Ioniks had governed.

The Realm of Ionia (52 B.C.E. - 1082 C.E.)

In Jarogniew's elder years, he saw his vision completed in 52 B.C.E. when the Ioniks created their first proto-councils which governed each outlined governance that Jarogniew created. Jarogniew declared in writing that, "the Ionik people a the one true rules of the Realm of Ionia and that no foreign entity shall deter our people from our destiny". For 140 years the Jarogniew clan ruled the Realm of Ionia. In 1082 Lech Sówka declared himself the first Krol of Ionland.

Ionite Kingdom (1082 - 1612)

In 1082, Lech Sówka declared himself the first Krol of Ionland. Only Twenty seven at the time, most Ionites saw the newly declared Krol as a brash and arrogant leader. His first move as the new Krol he alloted all power to himself. He demanded that all Ionites to pray to him as he had saw himself as a god. However his reign was ended short when he was murdered by his court on his eleventh year anniversary of his declaration of his power. The following Krol took note to not be to overbearing on the populace, it was actually written into the coronation oath in 1244 that all royalty had to abide by all laws set.

Around 1298, a Hanguk ships arrived on the shores of Sobieski to find new places to live. Few Hanguk immigrants immediately assimilated into Ionite society today they are referred to as Mieszać Ionites. Both the native Slavic Ionites and their new neighbors exchanged cultures. Both groups grew closely as the Hanguk became involved in the Orthodox Christian church. The Slavo-Ionites and the Hanguk Ionites shared a common language with Latin becoming the new mode of conversation between the two.

Around 1413 a group of raiders invaded Ionland, this would be called the Barbarian-Ionite War. The first few years of the war the Ionite army lost battle after battle as the head of the army's powers were split three way between the legitimate head of the army, the Krol, and the Krol's son. In 1428 the head of the army, Bratumił Majewski overthrew the Krol and his family and established the short-term state the "Commonwealth of Ionland". Immediately after the overthrowal, the Ionite army began a large counter-offensive against the Raider army. In 1433 the Ionite Army officially wiped out the Raider army and captured the head raider capital.

Bratumił Majewski declared his intentions of keeping the Commonwealth alive but royalists had launched an offensive within Ionland with popular support from the surfs. Bratumił's regime is regarded as one of the first military dictatorships in Esquarium. Bratumił was overthrown and slain in 1439. The new Krol Janek Filipek had declared all Majewskists enemies of the kingdom and began a nationwide purge which took the lives of 500,000 Ionite. Most crimes were massacres were conducted by armed surfs under the command of the Krol. For the next two centuries the monarchy would move their efforts into establishing a new Ionite Order by expanding their territory. In 1612 the Ionite Kingdom of Great Ionland had successfully conquered the Silsian Range which was sought after by the previous monarchs.

Ionite Empire (1612 - 1916)

After the conquering and establishment of an oversea territory, the Krol, Karol Kowalczyk declared himself Wielki Król or High King King. High King Karol Kowalczyk declared the Ionite Empire as the dominant force in the world. Set out to "quell the lower beings" he embarked on an expansion of Silsian Range territory by eliminating tribes surrounding the territory. Some field generals tried to incorporate tribes by Ionizing them but the attempts were regarded as "brutal wastes" of time by the High King. Along with the expansion of the Silsian Range, the High King established trading ports in various places like in Sanguinia and Greonterp in 1615. The Empire would grow stagnant until 1832 when a republican revolution would occur on Christmas day. However the republican forces were destroyed in two days. This rebellion would serve as the main inspiration for the republican revolts which would occur in 1914.

Republican Revolts and the Rise of the Rominski Family (1914 - 1940)

Due to increasing distrust in Krol Krzysztof Niemec, groups within the Imperial Army began splitting off and would later declare themselves as the Ionite Republican Army. Early on during the Republican Revolts the IRA had successful campaigns against the Imperial Army in the South however victories in the north were limited. However most saw the IRA as a nuisance and a terrorist organization but most of the populace despised the Krol. In December 1915 in Dmow various Orthodox Churches began declaring allegiance to the Rominski Family as the new rightful rulers of Ionland, a popular family that was well known for their philanthropist work in the region. With the endorsement of the Orthodox Church, the Rominski Family began building up forces that was able to match both the Imperial Forces and the Republican Armies. During early 1916 the Rominski Loyalists eliminated the IRA from contention and by August of 1916 reached the Imperial Seat of Sobieski. With the control of the Capital, Tadeusz Rominski declared himself as the new Krol. The ousted Krol, Krzysztof fled to Blokdalf to lead the colony which broke away during the coronation of Tadeusz.

Krol Tadeusz began a rapid industrialization and modernization of Ionland during his early years as Krol. He saw the country as backwards technologically and industrially and in need of drastic change. By 1925 Ionland fully modernized itself and began competing on the world trading market. During the 1930s Krol Tadeusz saw Walminghaven as a threat to the Ionite Empire as the Walminghaven monarchy was propping up Krol Krzysztof II in Blokdalf. Krol Tadeusz declared war on Walminghaven and Blokdalf on March 12th 1930 and began an all out war on Walminghaven and its puppet government in Blokdalf. This would be known as the Second Ionite-Walminghaven War, the war would later result in a stalemate and to this day the two nations share rocky relations.

Krol Tadeusz final years and the beginning of the Krol Władysław Reign (1940 - 1964)

The final two and half decades of Krol Tadeusz reign was quiet, the Krol focused on family life and the promotion of family life in Ionite Society by building up propaganda campaigns which mainly consisted of traditionalist messages and the importance of preservation of Ionite Culture. In 1958, Krol Tadeusz introduced the famous Ionite Racial and Cultural Laws which introduced strong racialist and religious policies into Ionite Society. The law banned non Slavs and non Hanguks from entering the country which was later lessened to non-Slavs and non-Monics in 1962, the law also required all Ionite couples to have atleast two children which the government would cover financially, and the finally it banned all religions other than the Ionite Orthodox Church. Krol Tadeusz believed in the purity of maintaining the "precious unity and love between the Slav and Hanguk populace" in Ionland. His policies strengthened the relations between the two groups. Internationally it was seen as an oppressive law but internally people supported it. On July 3rd 1964, Krol Tadeusz died and his son Władysław took up the throne.

Krol Władysław and the Stagnation Years (1964 - 2000)

Krol Władysław reign resulted in a stagnation in the Ionite economy. He is also widely known as the "Do-Nothing Krol", however Krol Władysław did build up the Ionite sports and fitness program as well as the reformation of the Imperial Army. In September of 2000, he abdicated his throne to his son, Jan, the current reigning Krol of Ionland.

Krol Jan Reign and the rise of Krol Fryderyk (2000 - Now)

Krol Jan began his reign by


Most of Northern Ionland is flat lands and most major population centers. In Far-Southern Ionland, the Silsian Mountain Range lines the border.


Climate in Ionland depending on the season varies. A regular autumn day in Ionland is very cold and brisk. For a regular winter day an Ionite can expect a moderate amount of snowfall. A regular spring day has a nice warm toasty feel and a summers day is very dry and humid. The worst weather Ionland faces are harsh Blizzards, the government has a special disaster unit set up in case of an area being affected by blizzard. The Blizzard of '94 completely shut down the infustructure of Ionland and caused over 428 deaths.


Ionland is an Enlightened absolutist Monarchy which the Król exercises complete power over the nation at his behest, the Król appoints ministers which operate each facet of politics in Ionland. Although it being an Absolute Monarchy constitutionally, most foreign experts regard Ionland as a Constitutional Monarchy with a monarch that uses his constitutionally given power rarely.

Ionland hold non-partisan elections which independents may run on the local level and national level.

Political Leaders

Office Incumbent Assumed office
Król Fryderyk July 18th 2016
Królowa Nayeon July 18th 2016
First Minister Eliasz Malinowski October 20th, 2013
Minister of Foreign Affairs Arkadiusz Nosek June 28, 2015
Minister of the Interior Lesław Ślusarski September 28th, 2007
Minister of Finance Seung Rhee August 12th, 2009
Minister of Justice Wisław Warszawski April 3rd, 2000
Minister of Defence and War Yun Moon December 3rd, 2013
Minister of Economics Hyun Gim February 16th, 2011
Minister of Food and Agriculture Yun Han July 18th, 2010
Minister of Labour Walduś Adamczyk October 13th, 2004
Minister of Communications Uriasz Rusnak May 19th, 2006
Minister of Transportation Iseul Kim November 4th, 2014
Minister of Information Zachariasz Wojda September 7th, 2007
Minister of Aviation Filip Gomulka August 3rd, 2013
Minister of Science and Education Yoon Minah January 26th, 2010
Minister of Religious Affairs Lew Niemczyk March 13th, 2013
Minister of Armaments and Defence Production Haneul Han March 17th, 2009
Minister of Animal Rights and Wildlife Conservation Marcin Kozlow April 30, 2002

Government Buildings


The main guiding law of Ionland is the Constitution of Ionland which serves as the main basis and reference for all future laws that are made. Laws are created by Legislative Council members which are voted on by the council members and if the law is passed it is brought up to the National Assembly where it can be voted on or vetoed. If the bill successfully passes the National Assembly it is then brought to the Monarch whom can sign it into law or veto it.

Foreign relations

Ionland generally has maintained a policy of isolationism for the past century or so.

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Current state of relations



The economy of Ionland is a free market capitalist economy with few government ran industries. The total GDP is 2.9 trillion zl while the GDP per capita is 22,000 zl. Ionland makes over 476 billion zl on exports which includes things like machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, food products, fruits and vegtables products.

Development and Trade



Ionland is ran on a combination of nuclear energy and air power. In the recent years, Ionland has been moving toward a greener future by constructing more nuclear power plants and wind turbines around the country.


The people of Ionland primarly use the automobile for transport. Ionland being a vast country, has a interstate highway system which connects all Ionland together. The next favored way of transportation is by air, the primary and only airline in Ionland, Ionite National Airways is the top way of transportation.


The population of Ionland is 205 million. The ethnic population of Ionland comprises of two groups, Celtic Ionites which make up 71% of the population and Hanguk Ionites which make up 27% of the population.


The national language of Ionland is Ionite and Hanguk.


Healthcare is provided by the government to all Ionites. However private options are open for greater care and is generally used over government provided care.


Just like healthcare, education is provided by the government. It is required for all Ionites to attend schooling up to an associates degree in college. After the associates degree, over 83% of Ionites decide to continue their schooling until a masters degree.


Over 96% of Ionites are Orthodox Christians. Religion is a major part in the daily life of an Ionite. Orthodox Christianity is the official religion of Ionland.


Despite the fact that the nation is an Absolute Monarchy the media apparatus of Ionland operates freely without any interference by the Monarch due to the Freedom of Speech and Media Acts of 1988. The culture of Ionland is a rich and the main focus of an Ionite. The favored music of the people of the Ionland is Han-Pop, the people of Ionland also like genres like rock, grunge, swing, and pop. Many Ionites have differing taste on food, but the most popular diet for an Ionite consists of fruits and vegtables. The national past time of Ionland is ice hockey, Ionites love watching movies in which they have a special liking to home produced movies in Dmowood.




Ionland is the home to a world-wide phenomena called Han-Pop, or Hanguk Ionite-pop. It is based out of the Pyongsan entertainment industry which is home to various companies which have their own artists. It incorporates various elements from different genres.



Food and Diet

Since the early days of the Ionik people, Ionites have ate a primarily vegetarian centric diet. This is a result of Ionite mythology's emphasis on the spiritual power and deification of animals. Since the Ionite conversion to Orthodox Christianity, Ionites have carried over that reverence of Animals. The primary crops in Ionland are potatoes, barley, grapes, blueberries, and corn. Although, meat eating isn't a rarity either. Beef and venison are the popular forms of meat eaten in Ionland. In Ionland slaughter houses a special priest prays for the soul of the animal to ascend into heaven.


The national pastime of Ionland is highly regarded to be Ice Hockey. The Ionite Hockey League is the most watched sports league on Ionite television, next is the Ionite Football League. Rugby and Baseball are also popular sports but haven't gained much mainstream traction. Combat sports are also very popular in Ionland with Professional Wrestling being popular entertainment venues. Millions around the world tune into All Ionite Pro Wrestling as it is one of the only professional wrestling promotions in Unknown.

Public holidays

There are a total of 18 public holidays in Ionland.

Date Name Holiday Notes
January 1 New Year's Day (Nowy Rok) (새로운 년일) Yes
1st day of 1st lunar month Hanguk New Year (한국의 신년) Yes
January 6 Epiphany (Trzech Króli) (주현절) Yes
Moveable Friday Good Friday (Wielki Piątek) (좋은 금요일) Yes The Friday before Holy Saturday
Moveable Saturday Holy Saturday (Święty Sobota) (성 토요일) Yes The Saturday Inbetween Good Friday and Easter Sunday
Moveable Sunday Easter Sunday (Niedziela Wielkanocna) (부활절 일요일) Yes The day after Easter Sunday
May 1 Day of Remembrance (Dzień Pamięci) (기억의 날) Yes
Moveable Thursday Ascension Thursday (W Czwartek Wniebowstąpienia) (승천 목요일) Yes 39 days after Easter Sunday
Moveable Sunday Pentecost (Zesłanie Ducha Świętego) (오순절) Yes 49 days after Easter Sunday
June 10 Flag Day (Dzień Flagi) (국기의 날) Yes
July 3 Krol Tadeusz Memorial Day (Król Tadeusz Dzień Pamięci) (왕 태 듀스 현충일) Yes Commemorates and celebrates the life of the first Rominski Krol, Tadeusz
August 16 Day of Celebration of the Ascension of the Rominski Family to the Throne (Dniu Uroczystości Wniebowstąpienia Rominski Rodziny na Tron) (왕좌에 하나님의 위대한 왕실의 승천의 축제의 날) Yes
15th day of 8th lunar month Hanguk Thanksgiving (추석) (Joseon Dziękczynienia) Yes
November 9 Monarch Day (Dzień Monarcha) (킹의 날) Yes The Official National Day of Ionland, Ionites have the surrounding week off to celebrate.
November 23 Slavic-Hanguk Unity Day (Słowiańsko-Joseon Dzień Jedności) (슬라브 - 조선 통일의 날) Yes The Official Day of Celebration of the bi-cultural unity of the Slavic and Hanguk Ionite People. The long title is the Day of Celebration for God's Greatest Friendship on Earth. Ionites have the day before and the day after off from work and school.
December 24 Christmas Eve (Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia) (크리스마스 이브) Yes
December 25 Christmas Day (Boże Narodzenie) (크리스마스 날) Yes
December 29 Queen's Day (Dzień Królowej) (여왕의 날) Yes The Sister Holiday of Monarch's Day, Ionites celebrate female figures in their life