Confederation-class dreadnought

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Confederation Class Dreadnought
File:Confederation Class Dreadnought.png
Class Overview
Class name: Confederation-class Dreadnought
Namesake: The Confederation of Planets
Builders: Unterchester Shipyards
General characteristics
Type: Star Dreadnought
Weight: Unknown, likely millions of tonnes
Length: 11,537 m
Width: 3,172 m
Height: 2,749 m (Superstructure)
66 m (Masts)
Crew: 78,536
Onboard AI: No
Complement: 1 million troops, thousands of ground vehicles
Power Generation: 1x Kiufuter T-2SC Antimatter Initated Fusion Reactor
6x Secondary Weyville Co. Nuclear Fusion Engines
Propulsion: 8x Confederate Works BT-U21 Fusion Drives
2x Confederate Works Maneuvering Control Systems
Kiufuter FLD-22 Warp Drive
Sensors Systems: Sensor Suite: STB-31 Sensor System
FCS Mk. 16 Fire Control Sensors
Other Sensors: MTS-28 Secondary Sensor Suite
Electronic Warfare Systems: Sensor Suite: STB-31 Electronic Warfare System
Mk10 Deception System
Armament : 5x Antimatter Accelerators
25,000x Missile Pods
86,000x Secondary Railguns
75000x Reckoning Nuclear Missiles
594x Nuclear Mines
Shielding: SDS-541 Energy Shielding
Armor: Hull: 5 m of Nanocarbon Composite
Citadel: 39 m
Turrets: 27 m
Interior Bulkheads: 1m
Vehicles carried: Thousands of Fighter/Bomber/Transport Craft
48x Dropships
Hundreds of thousands of boarding craft
Hundreds of thousands of drop pods
Thousands of ground and atmospheric vehicles

The Confederation class Dreadnought is a dreadnought type vessel in service with the Confederation of Planets Navy and in service with the Colonial Defence Force, captured after the Milky Way Conflict.


Operational Record

Buildup of the Confederate Military

The Confederation class was first deployed as the flagships of several fleets in the Confederate Navy after a mass reorganisation of the Confederate Military, including the rapid buildup of military strength. At the start of the buildup, the Confederation class were the most powerful vessel in the navy and thus the pride of the Confederate Military.

Milky Way Conflict - Battle of Terra Farum

The Confederation class were the flagships of most fleets in 2551, when the Milky Way Conflict broke out. They were part of the Confederate fleet that ambushed an Interstellar armada on 17 March 2551, starting the first battle in the war. In that battle, the Confederate Military was shocked to discover that Interstellar starships excessively outmatched the supposed equivalents in the Confederation. As such, the Confederation class performed poorly in combat against the Interstellar armada, being considerably outgunned by even cruisers. After the battle, seven Confederation class dreadnoughts (Idealistic, Buuharaa, Just Secession, Yinterverx, Kuger, Killiara and Hutch U. Pesson) were destroyed and several more were heavily damaged, some beyond repair. The Confederate flagship, Idealistic was destroyed within the first two hours of battle, after being hit by a antimatter projectile from an Interstellar Valiant-class Dreadnought, IFS Likeable. On 19 March, almost the entirety of the Confederate fleet was wiped out, compared to relatively minor casualties for the Interstellarians. The remaining two Confederations (Richard P. Bennent and Odera) fled with the tatters of the ambush fleet back to Confederate controlled space.

Battle of Farum Major

The Interstellar armada pursued the Confederates through warp space and chased them to Farum Major, a heavily disputed border territory that had been invaded and taken over by the Confederation. The Interstellarians arrived on March 20 and attacked on March 21. The Confederate Farum Major Fleet was made up by dozens of Confederation-class Dreadnoughts, hundreds of cruisers and thousands of destroyer and frigate type ships. Due to the intelligence gained just a day prior about the massive Confederate defeat at Terra Farum, the Confederate command altered their tactics heavily and preserved their dreadnoughts carefully, making sure they were blanketed by cruisers at all times. Thus the Confederation class was relegated to a sniper role and was kept behind the flanks, away from direct enemy fire. Confederate light warships like destroyers and frigates would launch hit and run attacks against the Interstellarians, while Cruisers drew their fire away from both the dreadnoughts and light warships. For a time, this tactic worked and only one Confederation class was lost during the first day of fighting. However with the Interstellar assault on the planet, the Confederations were forced to be used against the ground forces, exposing them to enemy fire, leading to heavy losses.


Power Generation & Propulsion



Sensors & EW