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National Syndicate for Fornication Workers
FoundedJanuary 1912; 113 years ago (1912-01)
TypeNational Syndicate
HeadquartersShffahkiaville, Shffahkia
ServicesPromotion of the interests of sex workers
Transaction and regulation of sex work and other related activities in Shffahkia
FieldsSex work
222 048
Bella Buissonne

The National Syndicate for Fornication Workers (Lysian: Le Syndicat National pour les Travailleuses de la Fornication, Cristinese: Il Sindacato Nazionale per i Lavoratori della Fornicazione) or NSFW is a national syndicate which oversees the sex-work industry in Shffahkia. It works on the national stage facilitating easy co-operation between the various state syndicates, regulating the sex-work industry and promoting the interests of its members. It was created in 1912 during the Syndicalization of Shffahkia. The organization has more than 200 000 members, and its Directeur is Bella Buissonne who was re-elected to the position in July 2018; she is also a minister in the Collective of Ministers. Due to the high amount of foreign tourists using the NSFW's services, the NSFW primarily goes by its Anglish name and acronym even providing Anglish courses among other education to its members.


The National Syndicate for Fornication Workers or NSFW was officially formed on January 1. in 1912 as a part of Delacroix's syndicalization of Shffahkia. It served as the federal syndicate for Shffahkian sex workers who had previously formed localised "sex syndicates" of their own. Much like other syndicates, the NSFW originally had the power to set prices within its jurisdiction, however prices were left to state-level syndicates who, in turn, allowed individual sex workers set their own prices.

As a result, the usage of sex work services starkly increased which led to increased rates of sexually transmitted diseases between 1912 and 1918. The NSFW partially pressured by federal and state governments as well as many activist groups began to increase the qualification requirements as well as oversight over the industry even legally changing the term "sex worker" to "fornication worker" in an attempt to sway married men from buying their services.

Following the De-Syndicalisation of Shffahkia in 1969, the NSFW was able to retain its position within its industry unlike many other syndicates which were weakened of disbanded. Leaving the NSFW in its strong position was justified by its successes as it was successfully able to drop the rate of sexually transmitted diseases and make sex work safer for both worker and customer.


All sex workers in Shffahkia have to be a part of the NSFW by law. The National Syndicate for Fornication Workers or NSFW is the national syndicate for sex work in Shffahkia. It has three main objectives:

The Oversight of the Sex Industry

The NSFW is in charge of the oversight of the taxation and welfare of its members as well as the services they provide. The NSFW delegates these tasks to lower syndicates, however, when a local syndicate is not available or possible to be established, the NSFW oversees the workers, their health and business transactions directly. This is often done in far-off areas or in areas where there are very few sex workers that are not a part of an existing syndicate.

Oversight over the services provided by the members of the NSFW by requiring workers to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases and to document their transactions among other things. Although not officially required, the NSFW encourages the use of contraception in the workplace. Failure to comply with the NSFW's requirements leads to expulsion. If a worker were to receive a disease as a result of their work, their local syndicate is to provide for their healthcare and welfare needs until their transfer into the local state and/or federal healthcare plans. In the event of a pregnancy, the NSFW is to offer both abortion and childcare services.

The Promotion of the Interests of Sex Workers

It is the objective of the NSFW to promote the interests of all its members. The NSFW promotes the interests of all its members on the federal level while lower syndicates promote the interests of their members on the state level through various means. Most often the NSFW provides funding for their prefered candidates as well as venues where their preferred candidate can speak. Making sure that the needs of their members are heard in all forms of governance. The NSFW also provides legal assistance in any matter relating to the NSFW.

The Facilitation of Co-operation between Lower Syndicates

The NSFW is to facilitate the co-operation of various lower syndicates. In practice, this means that a sex worker from the Silver Coast who is a member of the Sub-National Union for Fornication or SNUF (the State Syndicate of the Silver Coast) can work in any other state and in any other syndicate as standards and rules have been nationally extended. This also includes co-operation with the national and internal police to helo crackdown on illegal sex work.


Bella Buisonne is the Directeuse of the NSFW. She has served in the position for over 30 years, she is colloquially known as Ma BiBi.

The NSFW is organized as a national syndicate. This means it is the federally recognized syndicate in charge of other lower syndicates whose members are automatically members of the NSFW. Although federally recognized, it is not a government organization instead being a syndicate that was started by workers directly. The NSFW co-operates closely with the Shffahkian government. Every month the NSFW has workers assemblies where workers directly speak with each other and the directeuse.

Being a syndicate, the NSFW elects its directeuse directly through elections open to all members. The directeuse serves from one year to four years per term depending on their level of support and can be recalled at any time by a popular vote in which the directeuse has no say in. The directeuse oversees the NSFW. Decision making in the NSFW is from bottom to up which means that the Directeuse is bound by the popular opinion of the NSFW. Most decisions taken by the NSFW are started from worker petition or initiatives. The directeuse is in charge of making passed petitions and initiatives into practice.


The NSFW is embroiled in two controversies over its name. The first involves the term "Fornication Worker." Originally meaning a sex worker who provides services to non-married individuals, today some members of the NSFW see the term as degrading and would wish to use the term "sex worker." The NSFW argues that changing its name is a bad idea because it would cause confusion and lead to misunderstandings.

The second is over its Lysian name specifically the work "Travailleuse" which refers to a female worker. With increasing male membership, the NSFW has been pressured by some to change the word to the masculine "Travailleurs" which also encompasses the feminine. The overwhelming majority of NSFW's members are female which means that the petitions to change the name have been unsuccessful as of 2019.