Arsyan Republic

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Gabrielt and Arsyan Republic
Dzukana i Arshanona Galorul (Gabrielt)
Dkūnon Šaršōhnne Almditta (Arsyan)

Arsyan Republic
Arshanona Galorul (Gabrielt)
Šaršōhnne Almditta (Arsyan)
Flag of Arsyan Republic
Motto: Dza Nalgi, Ash Ronnya
Kvi Gālen, Čen Gzit
Two bodies, one soul
Dzukan Rul, Gyash e Nar
Dukan Vliteh Mnōšeh
Gabrielland, the tree of life
Common languagesGabrielt
• 1976-1980
Nyrina Tavan
• 1980-1985
Oklom Timan
• 1976-1981
Kohmmi Tolore
• 1981-1985
Bilir Tamva
LegislaturePeople's Consultative Assembly
House of Elders
House of the People
• Exile of Government
12 February 1976
• Established
14 February 1976
• Vehnnti talks
7 February 1980
• Amendment in effect
1 January 1985
• Disestablished
1 March 1985
1976463,719 km2 (179,043 sq mi)
1980468,194 km2 (180,771 sq mi)
19851,877,043 km2 (724,730 sq mi)
• 1976
• 1980
• 1985
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Gabrielland Gabrielt and Arsyan Republic
Gabrielland Gabrielland

The Arsyan Republic, more officially known as the Gabrielt and Arsyan Republic until 1977, was a soveriegn state which encompassed the realms of Arsya and the northern portion of the New Frontier established after the fall of Vailhims to Dzakwanist forces on the 14th of February 1976. The Arsyan Republic maintained widespread international recognition from other nations, and was considered to legally own all of the territory of the former Gabrielt and Arsyan Republic (1930-1976) with the southern half mainly controlled and administered seperately under Dzakwanist Gabrielland. The Gabrielt and Arsyan goverment elected in 1975 was forced into exile into Sangur, where they declared a state of exile within their own homeland and continued to perform their duties.

The territories under the Arsyan Republic were considered "liberated territories" by the exiled government and most of the international community, while areas under Dzakwanist Gabrielland were considered occupied territories. The exiled Gabrielt government still claimed legitimacy over Dzakwanist Gabrielland, and treated the occupied territories as its southern regions. During this period, the democratically elected Gabrielt government in exile held snap elections in 1977 under the first and only elections within the Arsyan Republic. More liberal reforms and modernization within the Arsyan Republic in 1978 and 1979 dwarfed the Dzakwanists' economy, even with half the population.

The Arsyan Republic continues to maintain international recognition from the majority of foreign nations, with many moving their embassies to Sangur, however, some countries still maintained their embassies in Vailhims in secrecy although recognizing the country to be de jure part of the Arsyan Republic. The Arsyan Republic is considered by most modern Gabrielt historians to be the sole successor of the Gabrielt state. The name was formally changed to just the "Arsyan Republic" on the 1st of January 1977, a name retained until 1984 even after reunification.

On the 11th of February 1980, the 4th anniversary of the Dzakwanist takeover, the former government in exile was allowed to return to Vailhims and resume parliamentary and executive duties as normal, ceding the territory in and around Vailhims to the Arsyan Republic. On the 1st of May 1980, the Arsyan Republic was absorbed Dzakwanist Gabrielland into the Federation, and adopted a temporary constitution. Talks began discussing constitutional amendments, which was agreed on in 1983. The amendments took effect on the 1st of March 1985, and the Arsyan Republic changed its name to the Federation of Gabrielland and Arsya.