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Buite Hemel (Gruppa4)

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The Free Ports of Buite Hemel
Flag of Buite Hemel
Motto: Black Flags Rise, Victory to the Fleet
and largest city
Official languagesCantonese
Demonym(s)Buite Hemelian
GovernmentUnitary Pirate Syndicacy
• Warlord Sovereign
Identity Classified
• Master Marshal
Muramasa Zhao
LegislatureThe High Command of Buite Hemel
High Council of Provinces
Autonomous Polity of Huaxia
• Assertion of Sovereignty
April 19, 1904
• 2020 estimate
• 2016 census
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
1.1 Trillion Satarii
• Per capita
86,000 Satarii
HDI (2020).74
Date formatYYYY-MM-DD
Driving sideleft

Buite Hemel, officially known as The Free Ports of Buite Hemel, is an autonomous polity located on the southernmost outskirts of the region of Huaxia, sharing a land border with the Império polity of Kozabumi. Uninhabited until the 1800's when it was discovered by Huaxian pirates, Buite Hemel was originally a pirate port and later headquarters for many pirate syndicates who operated in the region. Subsequent immigration of pirates and outlaws from various nations lead to the development of a complex patchwork culture and identity. Following invasion attempts in the 1900's by Imperio powers, the loosely-organized pirate syndicates reformed into a nationalized collective lead by the Warlord Sovereign.

Buite Hemel now acts as an independent polity within the larger sphere of Huaxia, maintaining its sovereignty while coordinating with other Huaxian polities on matters of defence, trade, and culture.


The origins of the name Buite Hemel can be traced to some of the earliest pirates and mercenaries to immigrate to what is now the Polity of Buite Hemel. Afrikaans-speaking mercenaries named the land Buite Hemel which translates roughly to "Outside Heaven", in reference to the islands status as a land outside of the traditional authority of Huaxian 'Heaven', the unified political body of the cooperating nations of Huaxia.


Discovery & Early Settlement

19th Century illustration, ships off the Hemelian coast

The islands of Buite Hemel, despite their proximity to the Huaxian mainland and the shipping lanes favoured by traders, were not inhabited until an undetermined date in the 1800's when it was discovered by a pirate scouting expedition. The force moored off the islands there and sent parties ashore to some of the larger islands, establishing a small dock facility and settlement at what is now the capital of Omhaya. The shallow, calm waters surrounding the islands and the sub-tropical climate proved to be an ideal harbour for the pirates, and soon the pirate scouting force that had discovered the islands was joined by its mother force, and the archipelago soon grew busy as they settled and developed it as their base of operations.

Soon, the settlement grew more prosperous, enough that allied pirate fleets would come to dock for provisions and trade their spoils. The streets of the free port of Omhaya bustled with activity as pirates, mercenaries, traders, and outlaws of all stripes came and did their business there, with many of them settling there to take advantage of its natural harbour and freedom from authority.

Rise of Pirate Syndicates

It was at this time that the area became dominated by syndicates of pirate fleets, who would use the islands as a home port and staging area to launch raids along the coast and throughout the busy shipping lanes in the region. Through economic and/or defense unions between powerful captains and traders, huge fleets were raised, the majority of whom allied with one another through economic or military means. The large size and supreme might of the fleets proved to be devastating to all they encountered, and soon the syndicates became extremely prosperous. While the competition between the syndicates could become violent on the high seas, all agreed to respect the neutrality of Buite Hemel and it's immediate surrounding waters, and so all could still have it as a safe haven and free port.

As a result, the islands themselves grew in population and developed in popularity and luxury, becoming a place where wealthy pirates and merchants would gather to drink and whore and spend their fortunes. Services industries and farming bloomed, and the islands soon became properly developed. Brick buildings replaced old shanties, cobblestone roads spread across Omhaya, and Red Tortoise Seaport expanded exponentially to cope with the increasing volume of ships and travelers.

With new people and new enterprise came more money, the majority of which inevitably ended up in the pockets of the syndicates through fees, taxes, bribes, and tributes. This capital was used to fund new businesses and expeditions, further cementing the power and influence of the pirate syndicates across the seas from their seat of Buite Hemel.

Sovereignty Crisis

Militiamen posing with a battle flag, 1902

The turn of the 20th century saw the emergence of the first threat to the continued existence of Buite Hemel and the people who found themselves calling it their home. In 1901, a fleet of imperial powers from the South came to put down the pirates that had been reported to operate in the area. Upon finding the thriving settlements there, seeing opportunity, they attempted an amphibious invasion of the islands, attempting to bring it under their domain.

Accustomed to occasional raids from unallied pirates the defenders quickly retaliated, with hidden gun emplacements and rifle fire erupting from behind every rock and doorway. Within minutes, 96% of the main landing force had been cut down or captured. The fleet severely crippled, it limped away to report the incident to their superiors.

Understanding the potential ramifications of such an event, the most powerful pirate lords called together a council to decide what would be done. It is said that the decision was swift, as the mightiest warlord in the room simply pounded his fist on the table and declared: "I will be the one to break them upon the rocks. Those who take my orders and fight along side my fleet will be rewarded. Those who fight for the imperials or themselves will be beheaded". With that, an understanding was reached, and the warlord took command of a unified pirate fleet consisting of all free Hemelian ships and militia. The newly formed Hemelian Armed Forces dug into the islands, and prepared for the return of the Imperio forces.

In a terribly bloody campaign that lasted 15 months, a combined task force of several imperial nations attempted to invade and seize control of Buite Hemel. Victory was finally achieved in 1903, when the Imperial Capital ship was sunk following a daring infiltration mission. Twice crippled, the Imperial fleet was forced to withdraw all remaining troops over the next few days.

However, many English-speaking Imperio troops elected to stay behind on the islands following the ceasefire. Fearing punishment for their failure and also the grim prospect of their lives back home, many soldiers settled on the island, with the permission of the Warlord Sovereign. All told, over 20000 Imperio troops settled on the islands in the aftermath of the Second Battle of Buite Hemel.

Foundation and Constitutionalization

The temporary command structure that was established in response to the invasion crisis soon became the de-facto leadership in Buite Hemel, now known as The High Command of Buite Hemel. They had formally established The Armed Forces of Buite Hemel prior to the second battle of Buite Hemel, and continued to administer it following the ceasefire. Additionally, the payment issued to soldiers as additional compensation for continued loyalty against imperial bribes (tickets redeemable for high-quality gunpowder, a valuable and essential commodity for outlaws) became the default currency for all inhabitants of the isles.

On April 19, 1904, a year to the date of declaration of the ceasefire, the Hemelian High Command officially decreed the establishment of Buite Hemel as a Nation-State, asserting it's continuing mission to provide a safe haven for all pirates, soldiers, renegades, and outcasts from 'civil' society. It was on this date that the Constitution of Buite Hemel was personally written by the Sovereign Warlord, providing formal structure and understanding to Hemelian law. With an armed forces, currency, and formal government established, Buite Hemel took another step towards legal legitimacy as an independent power.

Rise of Nationalism

Campaign in Wel Yan

1989 Economic Boom

Geography, Climate, & Environment

Buite Hemel is maritime nation comprised of four continental islands , a mainland region, and countless smaller islands and islets, covering a total area of TBD km². The islands are largely sub-tropical in climate, with the summer rainy season bringing mighty storms that soak the islands for days in a torrential downpour. Strong oceanic currents drive warm water and nutrients to the islands, resulting in the region having world-class biodiversity, boasting an impressive 16,712 unique species present, including 730 species which are endemic to the region and its surrounding waters.


Government & Politics




Administrative Map of Buite Hemel

Buite Hemel consists of nine adminstrative sub-divisions known as provinces, with the nine provinces being further divided into 36 districts. Each province wields authority delegated to it by the High Command of Buite Hemel, and subsequently delegates municipal authority to its constituent districts. Districts manage local affairs, and coordinate with neighbor districts on provincial affairs as a part of a provincial Lower Council, with provinces accordingly coordinating on national affairs in the High Council. Ultimately, the Warlord Sovereign and the High Command of Buite Hemel holds ultimate power over any decision within the borders of Buite Hemel, and only delegates authority for administrative effeciency.

Flag Province Capital Population Area
TBD New Sirecht Omhaya Citadel TBD TBD
TBD Alba Newend Downtown TBD TBD
TBD Darstead Hamilton Closed City Classified Classified
TBD Benko Benkoan Highlands TBD TBD
TBD Wel Yan East Welland Downtown TBD TBD
TBD Wel Yan Central Zhen River City TBD TBD
TBD Wel Yan South Onze City TBD TBD
TBD Wel Yan West Hedian City TBD TBD
TBD Wel Yan North Einbos City TBD TBD

External Relations



Piracy is the oldest and original business in Buite Hemel, with the polity directly owning its origins to the pirate syndicates that discovered and founded it, with many of these original pirate syndicates continuing to exist and operate in or from Buite Hemel. Privateering is state-sanctioned in Buime Hemel, with The High Command of Buite Hemel issuing letters of marque to qualifying individuals. Many privateers operate as a part of larger syndicate fleets, and own complex networks of logistic and operation facilities in Buite Hemel, which combined with Buite Hemels many Free Economic Zones, allows them operate freely from the polity.

Privateering in Buite Hemel is a diverse business, with each fleet operating in different physical or economic areas. While the majority of fleets engage in conventional hijacking and robbery, some specialized privateer syndicates provide contract services to clients; examples of contracts include private security, asset acquisition, reconnaissance, and sabotage.

Non state-sanctioned piracy is not explicitly illegal in Buite Hemel. While the Armed Forces of Buite Hemel operates two Anti-Piracy Corps, in practise pirates are free to operate and resupply in Buite Hemel, so long as they do not attack ships, settlements, and other assets owned or claimed by Buite Hemel.

Free Economic Zones

Five districts within Buite Hemel are classified as Free Economic Zones, Special Economic Zones that are distinct from the rest of the polity in that all business and commercial activity conducted within is not subject to customs regulation, taxation, and other limitations placed on enterprise. The disctricts operate like self-contained cities, containing port facilities, manufacturing areas, warehouses, residential zones, retail zones, and business centers. Many foreign and domestic companies, corporations, and syndicates do business in the Free Economic Zones, with 90% of international commerce being conducted from Red Tortoise Freeport.

List of Free Economic Zones in Buite Hemel
  • Red Tortoise Freeport Region
  • Omhaya Free Economic Zone
  • Red Light Free Economic Zone
  • Welland Free Economic Zone
  • Zhengfule Free Economic Zone

Black Market








