Gambit War

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Gambit War
Part of the Spanish-Dutch Wars
Fleet of the Tigress of Spain.png
Date9 October 2092 – present (22 days)
Genoise, Spanish, and Dutch colony space
Status Ongoing
Colonial Flag of the Spanish Empire.png Armada of the Tigress Flag of Espana.png Espana
Naval Flag of the Kingdom of France (Civil Ensign).svg Genoa
Netherlands Netherlands
Flag of New England 2092-present.png New England
Commanders and leaders
Colonial Flag of the Spanish Empire.png Josefina the Tigress Flag of Espana.png Carlos IV
Naval Flag of the Kingdom of France (Civil Ensign).svg Frederick II
Naval Flag of the Kingdom of France (Civil Ensign).svg Frederick, Grand Dauphin
Netherlands Anna Charlotte
Flag of New England 2092-present.png Victoria
Flag of New England 2092-present.png Grand Duke of Kennebrec
1,700 starships

The Gambit War is an ongoing conflict in Genoise and Dutch Colonial Space between the Armada of the Tigress, lead by Josefina of Derita, known as The Tigress, against the forces of the Espana, Netherlands, Genoa and New England. After erupting in October of 2092 the conflict is pitting the forces of Josefina the Tigress against the stellar forces of colonial powers to surpress her plans to liberate Spanish colonies and restore Carlos III of Espana to the throne.

Josefina of Derita is the youngest daughter and penultimate child of Christopher II of Derita and Alara the Terrible of Russlande. She married then Carlo, Prince of Asturias in 2059 during the reign of Carlos II of Espana, and was Queen consort briefly during her husband's reign from 2067 to 2068, which ended upon his overthrow in the aftermath of the Third Spanish-Dutch War. Josefina would go on to attempt to retake the Spanish throne on behalf of her husband from her base of operations in Milan, resulting the civil war between the Carlist and Henrians, lead by Henrique II of Espana, known as The Carnage from 2069 to 2085, which ended with the Treaty of Ghent between Josefina and Antonio I of Espana (Henrique's son). The Treaty of Ghent guranteed Josefina and Carlist forces control over Spanish colonies.

This treaty was ignored four years later during the Montreal Coup of 2089 which overthrew Antonio and placed Josefina's son, Carlos IV on the throne. The coup, conducted by General Benjamin Montreal and Frederica of Riessany resulted in Frederica agreeing to hand over Spanish colonies to the Dutch and Genoise. A deal she made without informing, much less consulting, Josefina. As this new agreement went into effect, Josefina and her loyal allies in the colonies went into hiding and began plotting a return to Earth to undo the agreement. This resulted in a coordinated mutiny in October of 2092 throughout the former Spanish colonies in Genoise space, which for the most part had been left in the hands of the Spanish bureacracy over seen by Genoise supervisors, unlike in Dutch Space. This massive defection resulted in the formation of the massive Armada of the Tigress.

Josefina on October 9 issued an ultimatum to the Genoise, Dutch and Spanish governments, demanding the return of the colonies and abdication of Carlos IV. This ultimatum was given until October 19. The Dutch and Spanish governments both refused to respond to the document. King Frederick II in turn formally rejected the ultimatum, declaring Josefina an insurgent and threat to world peace. The same day, Carlos III, who had been living in Milan in exile, was arrested and the Duchy of Milan seized by the Genoise Crown.