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Six Domains of Tandire
Flag of Xiwantandu
Motto: Progress, Prosperity and Peace
Largest cityItztlan
Official languagesTandan Standard
GovernmentHegemonic Atlepetl Federation
• Sovereign
Toloche Cancuzuma
• Great Reformation
14th of August, 1284 AM
CurrencyNera (Lb)
Date formatdd-mm--yyy

Xiwantandu, the common name of the Itztlan-Tola Hegemony, is a star state located in the Gamma quadrant that occupies the planet Tandire and parts of the surrounding Gentian solar system through a network of tributaries and client states. It is formally a hegemonic federation of Atlepetl city states, which the central union of the Itztlantec and Tolantec cities and their territories forming the imperial core, and various Atlepetls and other forms of client state being subjugated and paying tribute to this core in a vassal-suzerain relationship. The largest and most notable client of Xiwantandu are the Metztli occupying the Twin Moons of Tandire, and represent one of the only footholds of the Tandan regime in space as well as one of the most industrially advanced power within the hegemonic sphere of the Xiwa. Due to their decentralized power structure, Xiwantandu is notable for highly variable levels of technology and development depending on the region. Itztlan-Tola and their integrated lands of the imperial core are a sophisticated industrial society with sufficient technological advancement to launch craft into space and even develop primitive fast than light travel. In comparison, peripheral vassals on the continent of Acalhuacan exist in a medieval technological stage and operate as an undeveloped agrarian economy in stark contrast to the technical and productive capabilities of the integrated core. The basis of Xiwa economic progression is based on the gradual process of adoption of technology and new modes of production by vassal states, subsequently increasing the amount of resources and economic value that can be extracted as tribute by the imperial core.

The Xiwa are made up of the three known sentient species native to Tandire which belong to the Archaeopterid family, a group of feathered diapsid sentient consisting of only three extant species. Miri are by far the most common of the three, making up the well adapted generalist species, while the long living but diminutive pygmy Kypra and the colossal Rorkar races are far less common, believed to have been undergoing the processes of natural extinction due to competition from the Miri before this process was effectively halted or in some cases merely slowed by the advent of civilization. The three species are organized into a caste system featuring clerical figures on top, followed by the warrior caste that in past centuries dominated before being deposed by the clerics, and beneath them the artisans, the merchants, the peasants and fisherman, and finally the untouchables which are people of other castes that have undergone ostracism and been cast out for significant transgressions against the social order. However, most occasions of ostracism are no longer practiced under the Xiwa, and the once only hypothetical superiority of the clerical caste has been reinforced establishing the supremacy of religious laws over the civil government of Xiwantandu.

Geography and Politics

The basis of the Xiwa state is the Mandala system common to Tandan society, wherein a series of vassal relationships and peripheral tributaries make up the bulk of the empire and are arrayed around a center of power, a hegemonic Atlepetl city state, the cities of eponymous Itztlan and Tola in the case of the Itztlan-Tola Hegemony. However, Xiwantandu breaks from Tandan convention in its use of a bipartite metropolitan center splitting power between the two capitals under a state of union, with Itztlan as the senior partner and Tola as the junior partner. A third capital exists largely as a formality, located on a very small rocky island near Itztlan known as Cuauhquemecan, who's only function is to serve as the formal seat of the Sovereign of Xiwantandu and as a neutral third power center to mediate disputes between the opposite poles of the Xiwa core territory represented by the Itztlan and Tola city governments acting on behalf of the swathes of territory they directly administer. Itztlan, being found on Citlaltepec island in the Sondrilos archipelago, has integrated the island chain as well as numerous World Ocean islands and small enclaves on Tecualoyan as its part of the imperial core, while Tola has integrated a subcontinental region of Conitlan known as the Saddle of Conitlan. Together, these integrated territories of the imperial core largely surround the Sondriline Sea, one of the only partially enclosed maritime bodies on Tandire distinct from the World Ocean, the only other one of note being the Gulf of Mictlan. The imperial core comprises some 700 million inhabitants, overwhelmingly Miri Tandans, which inhabit not only the mega-cities that Itztlan and Tola have separately become, but a large number of significant urban centers, as the advanced and develop imperial core is where the majority of Tandire's major urban and industrial centers can be found.

Political Divisions

(map is in the shop)

The Itztlan-Tola Hegemony is a highly complex order of overlapping states of union, vassal-suzerain relationships, and alliances. The name Itztlan-Tola by itself officially only refers to the actual municipal areas of the Itztlan and Tola megacities, commonly referred to as the Iron Sisters as sister cities on opposite ends of the Sondriline Sea whose bond is like iron. The state of union between these two cities was established under the Writ of Foundation and is marked as the formal start point for the polity now known as Xiwantandu. These two cities, dominated by their two Temples of the Serpent and the Eagle respectively, established the office of the Sovereign to rule as a middle authority tied to neither pole of the partnership, and to this day in the strictest interpretation of the founding documents, the Sovereign is primarily and in some cases only referred to as the master of the two cities alone. At the time the Writ of Foundation was penned and ratified, these two cities were embroiled in the violent collapse of the former Itztlantec Empire and the full extent of the Sovereign's jurisdiction was only the immediate territories of the two cities.

Although all territories added into the domains of the Sovereign were originally merely subjugated vassal states to either Itztlan or Tola and therefore under their union state, the passage of time and the expansion of the sphere of influence for the Iron Sisters has resulted in many of the territories nearby to the two cities becoming closely tied into them as satellite communities integral to the greater economic and political systems of the large metropolitan centers. Over time, these vassal city states and territories were fully integrated and their governments reorganized from largely self governing vassal states to directly ruled provinces under the Sovereign's civil government. These territories of annexed former vassal states are collectively known as the Central Integrated Territory, or C.I.T. of the Itztlan-Tola Hegemony. The Itztlan-Tola CIT, colloquially referred to as the Core, is economically vital for the industrial economies of the two mega cities to sustain themselves, allowing for many production centers to be spaced out and making ample room for complex supply chains. The high level of industrial development of the CIT has caused it to be a densely populated region, and the only region on the surface of Tandire to have a predominantly urban population, hosting all of the top 25 largest cities of the planet. Notably, many island territories in the Tandan world ocean are directly governed by the Sovereign and are not under a vassal-suzerain relationship, but are not part of the Central Integrated Territories, and are simply considered integrated territory within the Hegemony. An example of a non-CIT integrated territory is the large island of Zolla in the austral polar sea, which is directly ruled as an overseas possession of the Sovereign and serves as a strategic polar launch site for voyages into space.

Lastly, the remaining territory of Tandire as well as its extensions into space are governed by vassal states that have not undergone the total integration of those now defunct states that have been absorbed into the CIT. This complex tributary web can be politically amorphous in some areas, and is referred to under the umbrella term of the Hegemonic Sphere of Itztlan-Tola, whereas the specific term of the Hegemony is used to describe this extended tributary network in addition to the CIT and Itztlan-Tola themselves. Although some of these states do have some level of economic and political integration, most are highly autonomous in their internal affairs and are essentially self governing states and nations, save for the cession of control over foreign affairs and trade to the authority of Itztlan-Tola as well as the payment of tribute. Tribute is usually paid in the form of raw materials and natural resources of a certain monetary value, but can sometimes take the form of military assistance or a technological contribution. By far the largest and most powerful vassal state of the Hegemony are the Metztli, controlling the Tandan moons and possessing an technological and industrial sophistication to rival that of the Itztlan-Tola CIT itself. Because of its nature as an advanced power unto itself and in part due to historical circumstances, the Metztli enjoy a special status as part vassal, part independent allied power to Itztlan-Tola that makes it unique within the Hegemonic Sphere. While many vassal states are highly autonomous, the status of the Metztli goes beyond autonomy as they even exert some degree of influence over Itztlan-Tola in their own right, although they are distinctly the junior partner in the relationship. This is best exemplified by the joint command and operation of the Xiwa Armada space-borne naval forces of Xiwantandu between Itztlan-Tola and their Metztli subjects.