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Name: Fir
Other names: The firey one, the red warrior, the light bringer.
World: Gyllenheim
parents : Lif
siblings : none
Consorts : Firvild
Children: a few

Fir is the god of fire, warmth and light in the holy chronicles. He is known to ride with Virlavir during at the start of summer and spring.


Fir is said to be the son of lif and the great fire spirit Ildrig the ancestral king of fire and ruler of the fire spirits. It is said that Lif took Ildrig to bed in return for a large ruby made from solidified fire.

However when the great firespirit realised that Lif was with child did he panic as it had been foretold that a son of his would be his doom. He demanded that the pregnant goddess and the unborn child was to be turned over to him but the gods refused and as a result did Ildrig besiege Gyllenheim and Silferheim with his mighty armies. The siege was only broken when Ildrig and Bel met on top of the walls of the mighty home of the gods where Ildrig was wounded and his troops had to drag the fire king away without arm and leg on his right side as Bel shouted curses and howled for vengeance.

Fir however grew up quickly during the siege and even took part in some of the later battles, in fact did he slay his cousins Ildman and Firhalf in single combat and leading a sally where he captured his half sister Firvild that he later married. When the gods broke the siege did Fir, Bel, Helmet and Hisrir lead a counter attack on the fire gods stronghold where Fir managed to corner his father and slay him. Bel however was furious at this and was said to have beaten Fir so hard that he did not wake for nine nights and days as Bel said that the honour of killing their enemy should have been his.

Fir in the sagas

Fir is said to be a fierce god and a prankster making him a friend of Arkar, he is generally described as a rather manly god with several male attributes like chastity, being warlike and brave. However so does he have a rather fickle mind and is not very much in control of his emotions, a trait generally considered feminine in the chronicles.

He is married to his half sister Firvild that he captured in battle and rarely takes any lovers. He is also described as not being too happy with the silverforged god Bel and the two are said to be rivals. He is also the half brother to the god Avirl and sits on Arvil's war council and often carry his banner and horn into battle in the sky war.


Fir has no children of his own but he is called the king of fire and every fire is often called his child even if he is not considered their biological father.

Worship of Fir

Fir as the god of warmth and fire is a major god in the holy chronicles and there are several prayers to him when the faithful gathers in the temple. There are also often a sacrifice made to him in temples during each friday.

A more simpler ritual made by most people is that his name is carved into firewood before a fire is created. This simple form of worship is one even made today. Template:Chronological gods