Ahranaian Orthodox Church

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Ahranaian Orthodox Church
Ahranaian Orthodox Church Logo.PNG
OrientationAhranaian Orthodox
Supreme GovernorMonarchs of the Kingdom of Ahrana
PatriarchKarl Stephan XV,
Metropolitan of Moskovo
Origin1547 CE
Vulga Supra, Kingdom of Xara
Separated fromSolarian Catholic Church

The Ahranaian Orthodox Church is the Biggest and the Oldest Church in the Federation of Ahrana and Religion that makes up the Religious Majority of the Federation. The Orthodox Church is Spiritly connected to the Imperial Throne of Ahrana even though the Imperial Family no longer rules Ahrana, the Head of the Church is the Former Queen, Alexandria Victoria Mishia Chayka II. The Orthodox Church believes that the Imperial Family were nominated and chosen by the One God to Govern and Lead the Ahranaian People into the World and this something some people still believe.


The beliefs of the Orthodox Church is that the one true God sent Disciples and his Son to Eurth to teach us and show us the error of our ways and to bring us back to Gods grace so would not be damned upon death. The Orthodox Church believes in the true Prophet of the one God was his Son and that everything that was done by the Son was done for in the name of the One God.

The Orthodox Church has practiced the statement, "One True God" when referring to the lord of the Heavens instead of just say "The Lord" or "God". It is the Churches Belief that if refers to the One True God as just Lord or God that it is an Offense that is a Un-justification of the One True God, one must always refer to the Lord of the Heavens if not a Preist, Bishop, Patriarch or Head of the Church as the One True God while the latter does not but instead say, Lord of the Heavens.


The Structure of the Orthodox Church and Faith is the same since the founding of the first Church by the Disciples of the One True Gods Son. Apostle Greggory I founded the Orthodox Faith and created everything we now follow as part of the Faith. The highest rank in the Church is the Head of the Church which is Historically the Head of the Imperial Household of the Imperial Throne of Ahrana. Currently, the Former Queen Alexandria Victoria Mishia Chayka II is the Head of the Church and will be so till her death.

The Current Patriarch of the Entire Orthodox Faith is, Patriarch Dimitri Erikksons V, who was elected Patriarch of the Church and Faith by the Former Ahranaian King, Gustov XVII, father Gustov XVI in 1958. The Patriarch is in position till his death or until the Church calls for his resignation which has not happened in three Centuries.

Below the Patriarch, there are the Grand Bishop and the Arch Bishops of the Grand Parishes of the Orthodox Church. There are currently twenty Grand Parishes of the Federation of Ahrana all are the same boundaries as from the last drawing of the Grand Parishes in 1878 at the Council of Moskovo of 1878. The Head of all twenty Grand Parishes is the Grand Bishop which helps the Patriarch will his Duties overseeing the entire Faith and the Churches in the Federation. The Arch Bishops oversee their Grand Parish and report all funds and information to the Office of Patriarch.

Below the Grad Bishop and Arch Bishops comes the Bishops that oversee the Church Districts that number around three hundred and seventy-eight in total which is in relation to the number of Bishops. They help with the Funding of the Local Churchs and so forth.

The Priest are who make the Church the Church, they deliver the sermons and so forth for the Church, the number of Priests is around 4,758 and they all are ordained by the Patriarch of the Faith. The Priest's make the Church go round without them the Churches would not be as functional as they are today.