The Rasulov Declaration

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Rasulov Declaration
The Act of the Preservation of the Royal Lineage
Territorial extentDurnstaal
Enacted byCzar Rasulov Husa
Date enactedJuly 4th, 1712

The Rasulov Declaration is a law first laid by Czar Rasulov Husa in 1712 to prevent his sister Anna Husa from retaking power following the Husa Power Struggles. The purpose of the law was simple and straightforward: to prevent Anna Husa from becoming Czarina, he banned the crowning of a Czarina. This decree caused widespread outrage from Anna Husa's supporters, but this only led to many of the most vocal being arrested or killed for treason by the new Czar. Anna Husa herself was captured and executed in 1732.

The law was enforced throughout the remainder of the Durnlaka Wars and for some time after until 1756 when the law was not brought into the Union Law Code. However, the law had already been circumvented during this short time by Anna Husa II, Anna Husa's daughter, when she took the throne after Rasulov Husa's death in 1740. Despite having the power to repeal the law, she instead decided to uphold it to further spite Rasulov Husa. Since the law forbade the crowning of a Czarina, she had herself crowned Czar instead. From that day forward, it became tradition to crown female rulers as Czars.

As the monarchy started so too should we continue it, lest we lose what makes Duern the great kingdom it stands as today. To this end shall the law be amended. None who are born of a commoner shall inherit the throne, lest they pollute the bloodline forever. None of serious illness or infirmity from birth may inherit the throne, lest they make the kingdom look weak. None who carry the title "Czarina" may inherit the throne, lest their emotions cloud their judgement. None born in foreign lands may inherit the throne, lest their homeland be elsewhere. Through these decrees shall the kingdom be made to prosper further and forevermore.