Constitution of the United Federation

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The Constitution of the United Federation is the supreme law of the United Federation of Iteria.


Prior to the Shaddanic Era, fundamental laws of the Tawilisi Empire were not codified. Under Astragonese rule, the empire's territory was divided between the Viceroyalties of Makodya and Dyanatsia. Each enumerated the rights of the castes in the 1703 Pacts of Bloodright. In 1802, Prince Mamuwalde declared the Viceroyalties' independence as the new nation of the Iterian Empire. He personally participated in the Constitutional Convention of 1803, as one of the authors, of the 1804 Constitution. It was inspired by Santonian and Goyanean values. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution was primarily based on the 1792 Santonian Declaration of Rights.

Mamuwalde's position as head of state was a hybrid modelled after the Goyanean grand emperor and the Callisean president in the 1800 Callisean Constitution. Although Mamuwalde remained a powerful figure, he described his position as "presidential" (reference to Callisean presidency). He, like most Makodyan leaders up until now, served in the roles of chief diplomat and commander-in-chief of the armed forces. In times of crisis, he was expected to use extraordinary powers. Mamuwalde also recognized national agenda was only determined by the Supreme Batasan (Makodyan parliament) and respected the parliamentary right to nominate the elected government. His precedents created most of the conventions that would later dictate the traditional, constitutional relationship of the Makodyan head of state and the legislature.



We, the Makodyan people, fought for the cause of freedom, won our blood-soaked right to be righteously convened through our duly-elected representatives in the Supreme Batasan, renounce human bondage to earthly worship and feudal fealty, and hereby proclaim, ourselves, now and forever, free. Lest we forget what it cost, this Constitution is founded on the highest principles of democracy that guarantee the full blessings of freedom: The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people; built on the spirit of common good; and hereby declare and ordain the promulgation of this CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED FEDERATION OF ITERIA.