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Neviersia (Neviersian: Neviersýa; French: Neviersie), officially the United Democratic Republic of Neviersia (Neviersian: République Unés-Democratique tu Neviersýa; French: République democratique unie de Neviersie), is a country whose territory consists of mainland Neviersia in Eastern Veropa, and Utopian Neviersia in North Utopia. The mainland of Neviersia extends from the Avon Lake to the eastern-most borders of Veropa. It is bordered by Ambelviser and Shelliana to the westent, and Sheplania and Shaisovi to the east. The north of the mainland borders the Djurmmonia Sea, whilst the south borders the Bladderiannes Sea. The country's 17 provinces span a combined area of 7,807,997 km², and a total population of 300,000,000 (as of January 2019). Neviersia, a sovereign state, is a federal semi-presidential republic, with its capital in Djurma (despite La Paz being the judicial capital city), the second largest city. Other economically and culturally important cities include Djurmaica, Melbourne, Kingerstan, Perth, and the largest city Bolfayem.

The sovereign state is a federal semi-presidential republic, with a parliamentary system, divided into the seventeen provinces (of which five (referred to as "Utopian Neviersia") are located overseas in the North Utopian continent). The provinces all have a provincial parliament, whether it be a bicameral or unicameral government, the most populated being Washtuse, where Djurma the capital is located. Washtuse is one of the most densely populated and most richest provinces, in terms of GDP per capita, and the province is home of many national company headquarters. A quarter of the entire population of 300,000,000 people live in the province alone, and substantially live near the coast.

Neviersia was one of the five founding countries of the Veropan Union (along with Ambelviser, Sheplania, Knamdoroughland, and Ambulena), and hosts as a seat of the Veropan Union Parliament in the country's capital city, which is Djurma. Neviersia is also a founding member of the Edbethonian Union (defunct), Elabathan Union (defunct), the Ambelviersian Trilateral Unity (ATU; consisted of the members Neviersia, Ambelviser, and Allevarres). The capital city of Neviersia, Djurma, hosts many headquarters of other international headquarters.

Neviersia is a highly developed country, having an advanced high-income economy. The country has very high and exceptional quality of life, as well as standards of living, education, healthcare conditions, standards of education, and finally, is categorised as "very high" in the Human Development Index. It also ranks as one of the safest and most peaceful countries in the world, because of the reason of mostly not participating in war and conflict directly.


The name Neviersia directly is derived from the preceding country Ambelviersia, of which the part "-viersia" comes from the old Sheplanian word "Viersyanette", or "Land of the Free Viersians". The prefix "Ne-" in the modern term Neviersia derives from the old Neviersian term "Neau", or "New". Historians theorise that this refers to how Neviersia became a sovereign state, having declared independence from Ambelviersia in 1981 - it has been 1752 years since the Neviersian people have had their own independent country. Thus, the first Neviersian country is referred to as "Viersýa" in the Neviersian language. The Neviersian term for the name "Neviersia" was first used by natives as early as their country was annexed by "Greater Sheplania" in the early 200s, which back then "Greater Sheplania" was colloquially referred to as "The Evils of Veropa" by the Neviersians (this is because Greater Sheplania at that point had already taken control of roughly 60-80% of the entire continent of Veropa).

The standard term to refer to a citizen of Neviersia is a "Neviersian", and the Neviersi tribe as "Viersi".


Prehistory (before the 15th century BC)

During the "Veropan Merge" geological period, the first few waves of human settlement entered (of which people today who descend from this group are called a Viersi) the area, which was from 300 million to 217 million years ago. Prior to the merge, Neviersia had no human life, and only animal and marine life resided in the area of land. By the end of the Veropan Merge, students of Bolfayem Citier University theorise that the population of Viersis was approximately 50 million inhabitants, which was particularly a huge number compared to other areas of Veropa at the time, prominently because the land was extremely fertile and suitable for farming, which could feed a huge quantity of people.

The oldest traces of the first settlement, believed to have been called Allesseix, date from approximately two million years ago, and is located in what's now part of Melbourne, the current capital city of Melbourne. The Viersi tribe met with the Belver tribe group (now the descendants of the Ambelviserans), and cooperated outstandingly with exceedingly amazing diplomatic relations. To this day, the countries Neviersia and Ambelviser, including the people of both nations, get along nicely.

The Romani-Passingian Era (1500 BC-250 BC)

The First Neviersian Republic and the Breakup (250 BC-229 AD)

The Veropan War (229 AD)

The Veropan War was first discussed as early as 100 AD, due to the rising tensions between all of Veropa, and Sheplania, with their trading disputes. The majority of Veropan nations refused to provide Sheplania iron, gold, and other crops that the country kept demanding for its economy. The tensions continued to rise throughout the years, and continued to worsen as Sheplania was industrially growing economically, and constantly demanded the rest of the Veropan nations for their resources, essentially exploiting them. The citizens of Veropa have collectively had negative opinions of Sheplania, and Sheplanians were mislead by the government with propaganda, claiming that the other nations were actually significantly much more richer than Sheplania, and were too "greedy" to provide their resources to help the "poor Sheplanian nation". In the last few years before the continental war, especially along the borders of Sheplania and Eastern Neviersia, residents of both sides kept throwing grenades towards each others' houses, and came as extreme to committing homicides. The governments of both sovereign states supported what their respective people were doing to the opposing side.

On the 9th of January 229 AD, Sheplania came too far with its tiresome ways, and asked that both Eastern and Western Neviersia provide to them 50% all of their farming crops, which would devastate their own populations. Understandably and very unsurprisingly, the citizens of both countries were furious and terrified, and came to the borders of Sheplania, in groups to express their anger. The plan was apologised, and then the Sheplanians suggest that they claim a section of land for farming. However, the Neviersians still weren't happy. The point was, millions of people would no longer have anywhere else to live in Neviersia if the land was taken away (of which Neviersia was crowded back the time). A pretty irresponsible decision knowing how problematic overpopulation was at the time. "Agreeing to the plan would devastate everyone!", as the East Neviersian leader shouted in his speech. When both governments refused to do so, the Sheplanians did the same thing, except more incandescent and enraged, to the Neviersians. The Sheplanian King even made a speech (towards the Sheplanians) to say that the Veropans were too greedy and obstinate to share their goods and belongings, even threatening to kill the Skippaian leader (historians to this day still don't know why). The leaders of West and East Neviersia, Harevelt Normbkraine, and Quarvie Ilskarvich, urged the Skippaian government to take security measures, to prevent this assassination potentially happening, although the Skippaian government arbitrarily refused to (but did bring forward a few more guards to the capital - notwithstanding very ineffective).

A few days following the speech, Jarries Luivelt, the leader of Skippia, was murdered by what was theorised a planned assassination by the Sheplanians. Sheplania declared war on the nations of Skippia, East Neviersia, West Neviersia, Abchazsko, and Ambulena. Several other nations such as Allevarres, Payantamonia, and Ensorevakia joined in on the war. A few months after the war, the Sheplanian government reportedly pretended as if they were losing the war, and intentionally weakened their forces. The Veropan nations won the war, whilst Sheplania gave them time to put down their Veropan forces. A month later, Sheplania deployed all of its forces all over Veropa, and quickly annexed all of Veropa. Western Neviersia was the last to be claimed by Sheplania, pushed back to its capital, Djurima (nowadays called Djurma), where it then surrendered to the Sheplanians on the 19th of December 229 AD. The leader's family of West Neviersia were in prison for a few days, until they were temporarily "released" for New Year's Day and for a family picture. The Sheplanians actually lied, and when the family came in the room for the "picture", they set their guns ready and killed them all. The nation Sheplania was renamed Greater Sheplania.

Sheplanian Era (229 AD-15th Century AD)

Modernisation Era (15th Century-1950)

The First World War (1950-1970)

Ambelviersia (1970-1981)

Contemporary Period (1981-Present)


Location and Borders

The vast majority of the population of Neviersia live in eastern Veropa, referred to as Mainland Neviersia. To the north, it is bordered by the Djurmmonia Sea; the Bladderiannes Sea to the south. Its land borders comprise of Ambelviser and Shelliana to the west, and Sheplania and Shaisovi to the east. With the exception of the border with Shelliana, all of Neviersia's land borders are based on geographical features; for example, the Rhomees River with the border of Shaisovi has been used since 1959. The border with Shelliana was arbitrarily set in the 1970s, just a few years after the Greater Sheplanian nation broke down. Mainland Neviersia is known for having its almost rectangular shape, and how it is the widest and biggest country fully within Veropa. The region has hundreds of coastal islands, particularly the many islands just outside the coast of Manima, and near the city of Perth in Petowolvaapa. The largest island is the province of Jasmania, which was the newest province established (seceded from the mainland province in 2004), not including the five Utopian provinces. The region has a combined area of 7,735,488 sq km, and 7,807,997 sq km if including the Utopian Neviersian region, the largest country fully in the continent as previously mentioned.

Regarding the Utopian Neviersian region, the region is located in the North Utopian continent in the midlands area. It borders Ambelviser's claim, Chambierre Ilmraine, to the west, the Georgi Republic and Kataarina Dalmaaria's claim Avon-Bernney, and unclaimed land to the east. The region spans a combined area of 72,509 sq km.

Geology, hydrography, topography

The geology of Neviersia is well renowned for its diversity. As a result of its eventful geological history, Neviersia shows a rich variety of landscapes across the country. Rocks of almost all geological ages are represented at the outcrop, from the Veropaiac Geological Era onward. The entirety of Mainland Neviersia currently sits on the Veropan Tectonic Plate, which previously comprised of the Viermaian and West Veropan Tectonic Plates, which merged together 217 million years ago. The mainland originally sat on the Viermaian tectonic plate, of which used to be it's own island continent. During the merge of the two tectonic plates, the continent gradually rejoined with the rest of Veropa, during which the trace of the first few Viersi tribes entered the country, from the east of the mainland. The aftermath of the merge, or the "Veropan Merge", caused in the creation of several islands in the continent, including but not limited to, Jasmania (nowadays the 12th province of Neviersia), the sovereign state of Ernanuaiy, and the sovereign state of Blahrnehrohr.

The Veropan Merge also resulted with large sections of western Neviersia being raised, forming what's now today known as the Djurmaian Mountain Range. At 4980 metres tall above sea level, Montagne Blier, 245 kilometres south of La Paz (renowned for being the highest city in the world in terms of elevation) in Manima, is the highest point in Veropa. The majority of Manimanians live along the east of the province, alongside the Audainnes Lake, which also borders the sovereign Veropan states of Ambelviser, Germania, Ensorevakia, and Shelliana, primarily because of how much flatter the region is compared to the western areas of Manima. Due to the Veropan Merge, the initial seismic risks of the region have significantly declined in the past million years. The coastlines of western and southern Neviersia both offer contrasting and phenomenally amazing landscapes: the slightly mountainous ranges along the Kingerstan capital area, the coastal cliffs such as the Côtes-As-Maire in southern Fliffue, and the wide sandy plains in the south of Layneruven. Neviersia has some of the most extensive river systems in Veropa, of which consisting of the five major rivers (in media referred to as "the big five", or "des grand cenque": the River Danubero, the River Loixoire, the River Aaronnie, the River Sagne, and the River Jaboon (all of whose sources originate in the Djurmaian Mountain Range), including and their tributaries, whose combined area covers over 77% of the entire mainland. Fertile agricultural lands, moors, and plains comprise much of the remaining countryside, most significantly in areas such as Eastern Neviersia, and Southern Neviersia. Central and Northern areas of the mainland are mostly either hot grassland or near-desert like, and are barely suitable enough for subsistence and commercial agriculture.

The five Utopian provinces of Utopian Neviersia spans a combined area of 72,509 sq km, located in the midlands of the continent of Northern Utopia, sitting on the Utopian Tectonic Plate. Overall, the region is generally flat, with only a few significant high elevation areas scattered over only Alberta, including but not limited to: the Provkalisey Points (highest elevation of 320 metres above sea level), the Allevar Needle (219 metres above sea level), and the highest point of the region, Mount Hilliberry, standing at 429 metres tall. Fertile agricultural lands, moors, and plains comprise much of the remaining countryside of the region. Most of the rest of Utopian Neviersia's topography (ie. the remaining four provinces of Barnélovadde, Alberta, Loyonne, and Manitoba) consists of low-lying hills and plateaus, which are usually no more than 300 metres high, although however, the Mournez-Allevarrd Mountains of the north point of Barnélovadde rises up to as high as 400 metres. The largest lake in the region is Lierx-Nemmes, which is located in central Alberta.


The western areas of the Neviersian mainland generally do have higher maximum and minimum temperatures than the rest of the mainland, significantly much more than the Utopian provinces (of which the temperatures there are much more consistent throughout the year), though north-eastern Neviersia (particularly the areas surrounding d'Empaïs Krýstellon city from early November to as late as late March, whilst the central and south-eastern areas of Neviersia typically have a higher maximum temperature, from as early as late March to as late as early October. Western Neviersia is also much more sunnier throughout the year, despite having a notably higher precipitation rate. It rains on more days in every month throughout the year than the rest of the mainland, and rainfall totals are typically slightly more in every month, despite Utopian Neviersia suffering wetter months throughout the year.

Central and South-Eastern Neviersia suffers the highest temperature averages annually, the highest temperature recorded being 61 degrees celsius in western Petowolvaapa, in the 1994 Neviersia drought disaster. Petowolvaapa, and its surrounding areas typically has a hot, dry, arid, climate (although not as extreme as the Sahara Desert). Precipitation is slightly higher in the Petowolvaapan desert than the precipitation of that of the precipitation rate in the Sahara. The desertification process has been well acknowledged within the past few decades; it became so severe that it mysteriously affected people's accents. Efforts of slowing it down has caused the rate of desertification to slow down. The whole desertification process indirectly resulted in some of the largest constituencies in the country - the Petowolvaapa-Normbries Constituency is the second largest constituency, spanning a combined area of 292,748 square kilometres (for comparison, if Normbries was its own independent country, then it would be 73rd for being the largest country; it would be bigger than Ecuador, and behind the Philippines), behind the Snowdonne-Acri Constituency in the Acres province.

The overwhelming majority of citizens of Petowolvaapa reside around the River Osbournnes, with another particularly large section of people residing around the River Delta, slightly located more west to the River Osbourne. The climate of both locations here are much more suited for living and survival, and also economy and tourism.

Utopian Neviersia has notably wetter months than the mainland of Neviersia, the driest month being January, at 77.6 mm. The average monthly temperatures are usually slightly colder than that of the rest of Neviersia, having a similar climate to England, the United Kingdom.

Climate data for Neviersia
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 29
Daily mean °C (°F) 10.1
Average low °C (°F) −1.5
Average precipitation mm (inches) 65.3
Source: Weather National Agency


The "Department of the Environment" of Neviersia was first created in 1982, shortly after the protests nationwide from people claiming that Neviersia wasn't doing enough to tackle the issues regarding the environment. Neviersia was ranked only 23rd in Veropa by carbon-dioxide emissions, despite being one of the most industrialised countries in the world, contributing to 0.8% of worldwide fossil fuel emissions. Neviersia was the 3rd most environmentally friendly and conscious country in Veropa, behind only Ambelviser and Shelliana. 84% of all electricity production as of 2017 comes from nuclear power, resulting in less pollution, higher than any other Veropan country. This was because, during the Sheplanian Era, Neviersia was, despite its citizens living in horrid conditions, an economically thriving area. The 1930 Oil Shortage Crisis resulted in Sheplanians looking towards nuclear energy, and investing in it.

Forests account for 40% of Neviersia's land area, and are some of the most diverse in Veropa, comprising for a total of 200 different tree species. There are 41 national parks all over the country, 27 of which are located in Eastern Neviersia. Provinces are required to have a certain policy, meaning that for every one tree cut, a minimum certain amount of trees are required to be replanted. The number replanted can be higher than the minimum, but cannot be below of the set threshold. However, businesses may ignore this policy, provided that they give a valid reason to.

Neviersia has made plans to cut carbon emissions by at least 30% of its 1990 levels by the year 2020, which is particularly higher than other non-Veropan countries, such as New Venezuela's plan to reduce their emissions by only 10% of their 1990 levels. This plan was emphasised by the Greens Party of Neviersia in 2000, of which the original percentage plan was only 10% cut by 2020, which would later be raised to 30% gradually over time, considering the worldwide issues of the environment.

Politics and Government


Neviersia has a parliamentary government, of which the parliament meets in the Council of Neviersia, comprising of two houses: an elected Council of Representatives, and an elected Senate. The position of the Prime Minister, the head of government of Neviersia, is appointed by the Prime Minister, usually if they're the leader of the political party with the largest number of seats in the Council of Representatives. The current prime minister is Jabonne Melées, who has been so since 5th April 2017, and is also the leader of the Labour Party. The prime minister has a maximum term of 5 years, but can choose to resign if he/she chooses to. For the elections of the Members of Parliament (MP), who are part of the Council of Representatives, the nation is divided into 1,000 constituencies, each representing 1 MP elected by roughly 300,000 people with a two-round system (the first round colloquially referred to as the "Semi-Finals", the second being the "Finals". The MPs and Senators have a maximum term length of 5 years.

The Labour Party, Conservative and Unionist Party, and Democratic Unionist Party are currently the three largest parties in both the Council of Representatives and the Senate. Although, the Greens, in comparison to most other countries, has quite a lot of seats in both chambers, which is because of the importance and value of the environment in Neviersia. MPs of the Further East Party are only elected by citizens who live in the Further East area.


The Neviersian Military Forces are the current national forces of the country. It mainly focuses on defending the country's borders, and not on participating in war and conflict (with the exception of the country being involved in its civil war, gradually growing to become a continental-related war), hence the reason as to why Neviersia will rarely directly participate in war, and only participates in aiding countries in war. They are, however, relatively more active in the Universal Pact, where the need of it is slightly higher in North Utopia than it is in Veropa. A few garrisons and military facilities are located in the North Utopian provinces of Alberta, Loyonne, and Manitoba. Neviersia was ranked 5th for one of the most peaceful countries in the world.

The Neviersian Military Forces consists of three service branches: the National Navy of Neviersia, the National Air Force of Neviersia, and the National Army of Neviersia. All three are managed by the Department of Ministry. The weapons and vehicles used in the nation are as technologically advanced as middle-high income countries, as the country seldom fights and participates in war. The National Army of Neviersia was most notably active during the civil/continental war of Neviersia, which took place from 1990 to 2010. This was also the last time that the country actively fought.

Foreign Relations

Neviersia was one of the founding members of the Veropan Union made in 1981, shortly after its independence. It was created to ensure peace, freedom, democracy, and equality between all member states, a chance to improve diplomatic relations with each other, and to better the continent of Veropa. Since the 1980s, the Neviersians, and the Neviersian Government, has developed close ties with what used to be its absolute nemesis, Sheplania, although a minority of people from both countries still express their hate for the other country (these hate crimes usually come from people of ages between 50-60).

The country is a member of several different organisations, notably the Universal Pact for instance. In May 2013, Neviersia held a referendum whether to join the newly-created Universal Pact, a Union of which its members are mainly in the Utopias. Neviersia was invited to join the Universal Pact purely because of how already influential the nation was in Veropa. On the 20th May 2013, the results were revealed to the public for the first time; 53.4% of the population voted in favour of joining the Universal Pact, and 46.6% voted against the opportunity to join the UP. An overwhelming majority of these people who voted against lived in rural areas; the people who voted for mostly lived in urban areas.

Near the end of 2013, a survey was held on 100,000 people across the country stating whether they liked the Universal Pact. The percentages of people who liked and disliked the UP were similar to the one in the election months prior, however this rose to 78% of people favouring the organisation. In early 2015, just months before the presidential election, one of the presidential candidates, Judeau Danma, said he that he thought Neviersia wasn't really "connected enough to the members of the Universal Pact to be considered a good relation", so he wanted to ensure Neviersia claims some land to be closer to them. This received great approval from the public, so therefore he won by an extra 30 million voters than the runner-up candidate, Celien Demaine-Pence. Only a week after he was declared president of Neviersia, the country had already claimed 72,509 square kilometres of land in North. Utopia, so that the number of provinces rose to 17. These five new provinces (Alberta, Loyonne, Barnélovadde, Manitoba, and Kingston), are now referred to as Utopian Neviersia. Ambelviser, another country in Veropa, did the same thing and claimed land in North Utopia as well, bordering Neviersia's claim.

Being a former member of continental unions Edbethony and Elabatha, Neviersia still has great diplomatic relations with countries that used to be part of these unions (ie. Ambelviser, Shelliana, Payantamonia, Ambulena, Knamdoroughland, etc). On the contrary, Neviersia holds very little to no diplomatic relationships with DEUN and CFN members (being a former member of both organisations); Judeau Danma has expressed his opinion that the unions "did not care enough about its member states, nor care about sustaining the 'active' characteristic of a perfect union. There was no unity. There was no order. There was no peace.". 5% of the population have positive views towards the CFN (Commonwealth of Free Nations), and 8% for the DEUN (Democratic Economic Union of Nations). Most people believe that more people have favourable views towards the DEUN than the CFN is that the DEUN was more stable, active, and had a peaceful community.

Administrative Divisions

Neviersia, a federal country, is divided into 17 total provinces (twelve of which are located in Veropa, five and North Utopia) at the first-level. Each province is entitled to have their own provincial government (some are unicameral, others are bicameral) , and own the legislative power to legislate on any subject, except subjects which have been specifically noted within the Constitution (therefore, the Parliament may only legislate within these specific areas).

Each province has a provincial government, whether it be a bicameral or unicameral one. They may legislate on only a few subjects stated by the country's constitution. The rest of the subjects would be legislated by the Parliament. For example, provinces may legislate criminal law and province police, transport, local government, etc, however the parliament doesn't have the power to legislate over these areas; the parliament can legislate over important subjects such as education and healthcare. The nation's capital, Djurma, is not governed by the Washtuse Provincial Government, and instead governs itself, despite being in the province, and being the capital of both the province and the country (although, the meeting place for the bicameral parliament is located within Djurma). Usually, the lower houses of most bicameral provincial parliaments are called the "Legislative Assembly", whilst the upper house is called the "Legislative Council". Most unicameral provincial parliaments are called the "Legislative Parliament".

All provinces are divided into counties, further divided into districts, then parishes (the lowest level). Each province is allowed to draw its own constituencies, although this is very infrequent, and each constituency must have roughly 300,000 citizens.

Province Population (2019) Capital City Land Area (sq km) Demonym
Fliffue 13,212,567 Brdlegade and Gyndagyde 129,168 Fliffuean
Manima 28,246,315 Kingerstan 863,812 Manimanian
Washtuse 77,010,904 Djurma 484,112 Washtusian
Saqlazaen 25,421,267 Melbourne 788,244 Saqlazaenian
Acres 35,246,257 Ieesleevie 1,466,116 Acrian
Knarberggesseen 29,362,235 Brisbane 554,916 Knarberg
Petowolvaapa 29,426,731 Perth 1,241,988 Petowolvaapan
Layneruven 17,678,405 Darwin 810,396 Layneruvenian
Moldavaia 9,051,812 Brixtonmiller 177,692 Moldavaian
Jaxabonme 9,526,732 Queensborough 373,560 Bonmévian
Romanesia 10,635,256 Hartlepool 655,656 Romanesian
Jasmania 10,945,362 Devonport 189,828 Jasmanian
Alberta 2,000,243 Hillberry 50,204 Albertan
Loyonne 400,300 Teuchesque 10,908 Loyonnéan
Barnélovadde 600,842 Aymark 5,020 Barnélovaddian
Kingston 795,020 Elmart 3,098 Kingstonian
Manitoba 439,752 Ailobre 3,279 Manitoban



In 2015, Neviersia was both Veropa's largest consumer and producer of energy. Neviersia is home to some of the largest energy companies in the continent, including NevioPetroleume, EnergieRoyalle, and JusteEnergieGrenne-Neviersýans. As of 2017, 84% of all Neviersia's energy was produced by nuclear power, 6% by gas, 5% by coal, and 5% by renewable energy, despite renewable energy slowly replacing other non-nuclear energy sources. Des Lumieres tu Neviersýa is the main electricity generation and distribution company in Neviersia, also being one of the largest producers of energy in both Veropa and the Universal Pact. Furthermore, it produced approximately 29% of all the Veropan Union's electricity, primarily sourced from nuclear power, and partly from gas power. Several nations have commended this, especially those who are receiving the energy. It even is one of the smallest emitting nations of carbon dioxide and pollution in the world, mainly because of how it uses nuclear energy.

As of 2019, there are currently 257 nuclear power plants generating Neviersia's electricity, usually a few hundred kilometres away from major cities in Neviersia. Neviersia has been well aware of the potential consequences of not taking safety into consideration, especially of what happened in the Chernobyl Disaster of 1986 in Ukraine. Therefore, several strict safety measures have been taken in case anything may fail to function.


Neviersia is the world's 3rd biggest and most popular tourist destination, with approximately 100 million tourist having visited the country in 2018, and a total of US$77.63 billion was spent in Neviersia by foreign tourists in the same year. Data from the Djurma University shows that the majority of all foreign tourists were Ambelviserian in 2014, but nevertheless, the number of travellers originating from other areas in and outside Veropa are much larger. The country's principally economically significant tourist destinations are located mainly in Northern-Western and Eastern Neviersia, in places such as in Djurma (eg. the Djurmaiacaia Bridge in Central Djurma), Ieesleevie (well renowned for how environmentally friendly it is by its tiny carbon emissions and building designs. Neviersia, but most especially Djurma and Bolfayem, has some of the world's largest, most popular, and renowned museums, which include the Lounges, of which is the second most visited art museum in the world (7.7 million visitors in 2018) behind the Eealinges in Ambelviser, the Musée tu d'asaroix (4.9 million visitors in 2019), which mostly devoted to the Greater Sheplanian years, and Cagne-Kiem Museum (3.4 million visitors in 2018), which dedicated to both ancient and contemporary art. Chump Allyvai is one of Veropa's most popular theme parks, with 15 million combined annual visitors.


As of 2013, the railway network of Neviersia, which stretches 51,345 kilometres, is the most extensive railway system in Neviersia, operated by DRN ("Des Railwais tu Neviersýa";"The Railways of Neviersia"). High-speed trains include the Brandommenn, the Veropagno, and the "Des Ilkeys" (or "the Ilkleys"). The Veropagno, which travels at 330 km/h, travels along the North Veropa mainline. The system has existing and functioning rail connections to all of the country's neighbouring countries, plus the island nation of Allevarres. Within urban centres, such as Djurma, Melbourne, Djurmaica, Ieesleevie, Bolfayem, etc, there exist several underground subway systems, of which the stations link to the national railway. Bus lines, for example the Djurmaian 1 Bus Line in Djurma (the most used and busiest line in the city), also have connections to the railways, complementing them.


A census is taken every ten years in all parts of Neviersia. In the last census, January 2015, the population was 298,864,237, the second most populous in Veropa (only behind Sheplania). The country officially reached a population of 300,000,000 on the 1st of January 2019, 12:00:00AM, the 300,000,000th person being Emilie Haudenne. A quarter of all Neviersians live in the province Washtuse, most of whom live near the most of the Djurmmonia Sea. The average total fertility rate per woman was 2.00, which is a slight increase from the January 2005 census, of 1.90 (though still below the 'baby boom' peak of 3.97. Although, in 2015, 25.6% of all births in Neviersia were to unmarried women, which was a decrease from the 26.9% percentage in 2014.

Neviersia's density rate is quite low, at 17 people per square kilometre. This is because most people live in urban areas (take for example, Washtuse).


Education has always been one of the most important topics in all Neviersia ever. During the First Neviersian Republic's existance, school was compulsory for students from 6-18 years old (nowadays, the starting age varies by province; some provinces start at 4 years, others at 5 years old, and others at 6 years old).

Nowadays, the education system of Neviersia has been mostly centralised, consisting of 3 compulsory stages: primary education (4-6 to 11), secondary education (11-16), and tertiary education (16-18), all of which are predominantly public, run by the Department of Education, the oldest department. While the training and remuneration of teachers, curriculum are run directly by the country (unless the school is a private one), the management of schools are directed by the local authorities. There are five key stages, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5. Primary schools comprise of KS1 (ages 4-7) and KS2 (ages 7-11), secondary schools comprise of KS3 (11-13) and KS4 (13-16), and tertiary schools (commonly more known as colleges) comprise of KS5 (16-18).

School behaviour has been a priority in education, while ensuring that teachers are fair, lenient, and compassionate. Neviersian teachers are ranked 3rd in the world for most lenient, only behind Sheplania and Ambelviser. 94% of all students in Neviersia have an "Outstanding" behaviour label, according to the Veropan Union.


Christianity, particularly Catholic Christianity, is the predominant faith in the country. The National Census of 2015 showed that 81.23% were all Christians, which includes a very small portion of Orthodox Christians and other denominations. 30% said that they regularly attend Mass, and 33% that they are strongly religious. Protestants make up 15% of the population, who are heavily concentrated within the provinces of Saqlazaen and Jaxabonme. Orthodox Christian communities, although small, are very much concentrated in some rural areas in the province of Acres. The numbers of Orthodox Christians has been slowly declining since 2000, as many are converting to the other two major denominations. There have been several failed attempts in the past to stop such decline in Acres and Knarberggesseen.

Jews and Muslims together make up 10% of the 300,000,000 people of Neviersia (according to the 2015 National Census), who live mostly in the north-western areas of the mainland (very notably, the Outer Djurma County in Washtuse). The majority live in urban and rural areas outside Djurma, and other northern mainland provinces. Most Muslims practice Sunni Islam. Most Neviersians in the south (mainly in rural areas) are slightly less welcoming of followers of these two religions; a citizen from the southern province of Layneruven in a small town called Ilkleis said that "We fear that the identity of a 'Neviersian' would slowly be lost if diversity rose". On the other hand, this situation is very rare even in the southern provinces.

0.25 percent of the population identify as followers of Viersi-based tribal religions, who mostly live in the mountainous province of Manima, near major cities like La Paz and Kingerstan. These religions are by majority followed by the Viersi tribe. The remaining 4.75% of the population have not stated, or follow other religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Religion in Neviersia as of 2015.

  Catholics (60%)
  Protestants (15%)
  Atheists (10%)
  Jews (5%)
  Muslims (5%)
  Viersi-based Religions (0.25%)
  Other / Not stated (4.75%)



The cuisine of Neviersia, overall, is a mixed combination of British, Australian, and Dutch cuisines, but primarily consists of British bits. Neviersian cuisine developed from various influences, including the influx of Sheplanians, settlements, trade, and claiming North Utopian territory. Even the several food famines across the centuries shaped the cuisine today. Viersi people have brought exotic spices and meat and savoury herb stewing techniques as early as they arrived. Neviersians generally favour both meaty and healthy dishes.

Fish and chips first appeared in menus as early as 1875, despite Greater Sheplania's failed attempts to stop non-Sheplanian food entering Greater Sheplania (especially the Neviersia area). By 1900, there were 500,000 fish and chips shops all over Neviersia, primarily in the north-western provinces of the mainland. It's also been considered a common take-away food as soon as 1890 in Neviersia, including numerous other bordering countries in Western Veropa. The first shop was called "Fish and Chips: Attemptez Cuisin Britis Nau!", opened by Harry Smith-Davidson in northern Djurma, a British migrant who was quickly arrested by the Sheplanian Police Force for breaking the law as previously mentioned. Although, quickly after the shop's closure, several other hundred shops have been opened all over the city, eventually the entire country. The shop's remains are preserved today in a museum in northern Djurma. Nowadays, because of the increasing numbers of vegans and vegetarians, there are now shops which sell vegan-friendly and vegetarian-friendly fish and chips.

Bangers and Mash came about in the mid-1900s, following one of the worst food shortages in global history. Farmers were lacking in many different foods, and had almost no animals to eat; therefore, Greater Sheplania bought potatoes and several animals (to use for the sausages). It was heavily cheap, it came out in huge amounts, and could feed millions of people who were starving. The dish was relatively quick and easy to make in hugely large quantities for a large section of people. Today, there are over 1,000,000 shops nationwide who sell fish and chips; many are located in the provinces which were subject to the famine (ie. Layneruven, Romanesia and Moldavaia), although there are a lot in the northern provinces as well.

Pavlova has risen in popularity in the 1980s when a huge influx of Australians moved in, just after Neviersia declared independence. Several things that the Australians have brought to the country were welcomed by Neviersians. Today, Neviersians enjoy the crispy meringue crust, light fruit filling and the whipped cream toppings, and sometimes add their own Neviersian twist. The current president of Neviersia, Judeau Danma, considers pavlova his favourite dessert.


Many sports, which include association football, tennis, golf, cricket, and netball, are popularly played in Neviersia. Since joining the Universal Pact in May 2013, Neviersia has participated more and more frequently with the Universal Pact sports, such as the 2018 Summer Daunlaund Olympics, the 2018 Universal Pact Cup in Havadar, and will participate in the 2019 Summer Olympics of Ambelviser (another Veropan nation who joined in early 2014). The nation has also hosted events such as the 2013 Veropan Olympics, the 2010 VFC, and the 1991 Jenerria World Cup. The largest stadium, Stadierre tes Lends te Djurma, in northern Djurma, was the venue for the 1991 Jenerria World Cup and the 1969 Sheplanian National Olympics (which was a year before Greater Sheplania broke down due to the 1970 Civil War / World War I). Association football is predominantly more common in northern Neviersia (with the exception of some areas in Washtuse), whilst handball is predominantly more common in the south (with Layneruven as an exception); nonetheless, both sports are generally favoured by citizens of all areas in Neviersia. The popularity of handball rose in the last 20 years; a 2000 poll found that 87% preferred association football as their favourite sport.

Since 2000, Neviersia started hosting its own national olympics, or "Des Goms Neviersýans", held every leap year in different selected cities all over the country, and has been ranked the most famous national game event in the world. Cities or towns of any size can apply to be involved in the games, despite critics claiming that the process to do so takes too long to finish, some saying 7 years. Harrode Ilkeis, who founded the games, has denied this sort of action happening, albeit not proving so. Djurma and Bolfayem have been consistently tied for having the largest teams by number of participants involved in the games for 16 years.

Rugby has been consistently the least played sport by participation, from a research study at Djurma Ilkvarr University, of which most speculate that most of the public dislike it's "aggressiveness" and how dangerous the game was, despite a minority of people arguing otherwise. The sport, believed substantially by Northerners and urban Southerners, has become more dangerous over the decades. This partly contributes to the reason as to why Neviersians are assumed as being "nice, quiet, and gentle". Neviersia has only competed in one game associated with rugby: the Rugby World Cup (although having reached to the finals). Most of the Neviersian rugby players were born in rural southern Neviersia.

Golf is the fourth most popular sport, by participation, in the country, by majority in western Neviersia. The largest golf course is located in the National Ancient Golf Course of Varntkees, located in western Manima, which was first opened in 1980. However, the oldest golf course in Neviersia is actually the Davidson's Golf Course of Marnebui, in Adelaide, Washtuse, opened in 1790. The sport is usually played on some schools of Melbourne. Jasmania has the most golf courses, at 927, the biggest in Devonport.

Major Cities

Neviersia is one of the most highly urbanised countries in the world, with its largest cities being being Djurma, Bolfayem, Ieesleevie, Queensborough, Andebar, Kingerstan, Brisbane, and La Paz.

Largest urban areas of Neviersia


Rank City Population Rank City Population


1 Bolfayem, Acres 20,324,621Increase 11 Ieesleevie, Acres 6,986,311Increase
2 Djurma, Washtuse 15,268,212Increase 12 Queensborough, Jaxabonme 6,875,221 Decrease
3 Andebar, Petowolvaapa 10,125,033Increase 13 Djurmaica, Washtuse 6,413,565Increase
4 Kingerstan, Manima 10,020,554Increase 14 Adelaide, Washtuse 5,532,212Increase
5 Brisbane, Knarberggesseen 9,436,866 Decrease 15 Burney, Jasmania 4,112,331Increase
6 Hartlepool, Romanesia 8,205,984Increase 16 New London, Washtuse 4,000,041Increase
7 Brdlegade and Gyndagyde, Fliffue 8,200,354 Decrease 17 Kingston, Washtuse 3,998,642Increase
8 Devonport, Jasmania 7,134,396Increase 18 Brixton, Washtuse 3,876,423Increase
9 Melbourne, Saqlazaen 7,031,532Increase 19 La Paz, Manima 3,873,298 Decrease
10 Darwin, Layneruven 7,003,354 Decrease 20 Harbie-Norman, Moldavaia 3,832,123 Decrease