BBT Season 1: In-Depth Episode Synopsis
Introductory Statement |
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Timeria Season 1! 1) One player becomes the Head of Household and has their own private bedroom and bathroom. They are also the player who is able to nominate two houseguests for eviction (elimination). |
Week 1
Week 1 | Episode 1 | The host, Gunnar Gottlieb, welcomes the audience to Big Brother. Every week, the houseguests will compete for luxuries, as well as power. One lucky houseguest will become the Head of Household and will nominate two houseguests for eviction. Short Synopsis (cause Season 1): |
Episode 2 | After the Nomination Ceremony, Robert threatens to quit if nobody takes him off of the block. Everybody is annoyed with him. In the secret room, it is revealed that Anton and Casey are the two chosen to go into the house! | |
Episode 3 | Anna Lina causes more drama, Robert still threatens to quit and isolates himself, Nadia establishes herself as "The Godmother" around the house, Anton makes two different four person alliances to get him farther (him, Casey, Shaun and Rontay -- and -- him, Nadia, Marlene, and Cardarion), Sara rubs people the wrong way with how blunt she is and Kelvin sketches some people out due to not strategizing and being quiet most of the time. At the Eviction Ceremony, Gunnar Gottlieb reveals that the audience has been voting on if the eviction should be cancelled and they have decided ... no. Robert is evicted with a vote of 11 to 0. |
Week 2
Week 2 | Episode 4 | Shaun wins Head of Household. He and Rebecca, openly, celebrate together right after in front of everybody. In the pantry, Jessi tells Rebecca that her celebrating like that with Shaun is very bad. Shaun may be Head of Household this week but, next week, the both of them could be targeted by the house. Rebecca is, now, worried. In the living room, Anton, Reggie and Rontay discuss Shaun and Rebecca celebrating together. Rontay points out that, despite their thoughts, Shaun is HOH and saying anything could be super bad against them. In the HOH, Rebecca tells Shaun that they need to do something because everybody may start to think that they are a showmance. While Shaun points out that they are, Rebecca says that they may be targeted after this week. Shaun says that they just need to weed out who could be after them and send them packing this week. To ease the tensions in the house, Cardarion hosts a fashion show in the backyard. The twist is that the men must walk down the "runway" in the women's swimsuits. Everybody has a laugh. Later, Sara tells Rebecca that people believe her and Shaun to be together now and what she did was really, really stupid. This starts an argument between Sara and Rebecca over Sara's bluntness and choice of words. Sara declares that she will be making sure Shaun and Rebecca are split up next week. |
Episode 5 | In the backyard, Anna-Lina, Anton, Cardarion, Casey and Marlene all discuss Sara being in an alliance with Shaun and Rebecca. Later, Casey and Marlene discuss an alliance together since they trust each-other a lot. They both discuss their strategies of laying low in the first couple weeks and then discuss how "insane" some people are for starting fights like Anna-Lina. Meanwhile, in a bedroom, Anna-Lina talks to the cameras about starting drama on purpose. If she is the villain, everybody will want her in the Final 2 cause they will believe they can beat her. In the HOH room, Shaun and Rebecca talk about the nominations. Shaun wants to "backdoor" Sara ("backdoor" meaning put her up as the replacement nominee and have her evicted). Rebecca talks about this week being a mess. They decide to cuddle, calm down and flirt some more. Meanwhile, Anna-Lina starts some more petty drama with Reggie, Casey, Rontay and Anton. Shaun wins the Power of VETO! | |
Episode 6 | After the Veto Ceremony, Sara gives Shaun the finger and calls him a coward, causing a large argument between the two. Anton, meanwhile, campaigns to stay and even talks to Shaun and Rebecca about protecting them next week as everybody will want them gone. Privately, though, Anton discusses not winning next week and letting somebody else split them up. In one of the bedrooms, Jessi is furious with Rebecca, who apologizes over and over about what happened. Jessi says that she is no longer helping her in this game, which Rebecca doesn't expect her to anymore. At the Eviction Ceremony, Sara is evicted with a vote of 10 to 0. |
Week 3
Week 3 | Episode 7 | Rontay wins Head of Household. In the HOH room, the strategic Anton, the fun-loving Cardarion, the calm and serious Marlene and the thrill-loving Casey all talk to Rontay about going after Shaun and Rebecca this week. Marlene and Casey also express concern about Jessi after Rebecca revealed during an argument last week that the two were sisters. Later, Rontay and Shaun are in one of the bedrooms. Rontay says that everybody is talking to him about going after him and Rebecca but he is so conflicted because they became allies on Day 1 after they bonded over being superfans. He tells Shaun that he is risking a lot if he doesn't put them up so he better be safe if either him or Rebecca win HOH. Shaun promises Rontay that, if he saves them, the both of them will protect him. In the backyard, Jessi and Casey are playing pool. Casey says that she enjoys hanging out with her but people are concerned over her and Rebecca. Jessi says that, yes, the two of them are sisters but she is no longer protecting her in the game and will vote her out if need be. She doesn't want Rebecca to ruin her game any more than she has been. Jessi and Casey discuss being superfans of the show, which is why Jessi doesn't want to go down with Rebecca's "ship". Rontay is alone in the HOH room. He is super conflicted on what to do. Does he go after his ally, Shaun, and his showmance and play it safe or go after somebody he doesn't trust. Jessi comes in the HOH room and Rontay says that she is safe, to which Jessi thanks him. He discusses his conflicts and, when Jessi asks who the people are that he doesn't trust, Rontay says Anna-Lina, Kelvin, Casey and Marlene. Jessi says that Casey seems trustworthy, which Rontay hopes so. |
Episode 8 | After the Nomination Ceremony, Shaun and Rebecca celebrate in the pantry, dubbing themselves "Shaubecca". Anna-Lina starts some petty drama with Rontay, Jessi and Marlene. Jessi and Marlene talk with Cardarion and Nadia about sending Anna-Lina out this week since she is the biggest wildcard here and nobody likes her. Privately, in one of the bedrooms, Anna-Lina celebrates being the "queen of chaos" and says that she will apologize to everybody after the game but, right now, she needs to be the villain. In the kitchen, Anna-Lina and Jessi have an enormous argument over Anna-Lina's behaviour. In one of the bedrooms, Kelvin talks with Nadia and Reggie about laying low for the week. Nadia feels like Kelvin laying low may be why he is up. He needs to talk strategy with people so they know where his head is at. Reggie agrees and says that Anna-Lina causing drama will send her out this week. Casey and Marlene solidify their Final 2 after making an alliance last week and discuss what is going on at the moment. Marlene decides to tell Casey the truth about her occupation. She isn't a kindergarten teacher ... she teaches programming at a college. Casey also says that she lied about her occupation as well. She is actually a BMX Champion named Casey Randall--not a cashier named Casey Heinrich. The two of them hug and promise to get each-other to the Final 2. It is revealed that the audience has voted on how the VETO will play out. There will be TWO Veto Holders! Cardarion and Jessi wins the Power of VETOs! | |
Episode 9 | Casey feels blindsided and tells Rontay that, if she is the target, he better get her out before she wins HOH. There is a lot of tension in the house. Jessi talks to Cardarion and is shocked that he used the VETO on Anna-Lina. Cardarion says that he was hoping to put Rontay in a position to put up either Shaun or Rebecca and did not expect Casey to go up at all. Jessi says that it is clear that Rontay and Shaun are working together. Casey comes in and Cardarion says he didn't know that she would go up. Casey says that she feels bad for getting so upset but says that her and Rontay can start over after the game as she can't trust him in the game. In the bathroom, Shaun and Rebecca openly flirt with each-other and are super ecstatic that they survived the week off the block. In one of the bedrooms, Nadia, Reggie and Kelvin talk. Nadia says that they need to make sure Casey goes over Kelvin. Reggie feels like, as Casey openly targeted Rontay after the ceremony, they can try and get him and whoever to vote her out. It is a (fake) double eviction! The host tells the audience that the two people leaving tonight will head into the Secret Room Casey and Anton were in. Only one will re-enter the house, though. He then talks to the houseguests and says that tonight is a double eviction and two people will leave tonight. |
Week 4
Week 4 | Episode 10 | After Marlene's eviction, Shaubecca (Shaun + Rebecca) celebrate their side winning the past three HOHs and taking out three contestants (Sara, Kelvin, Marlene). Rontay comes in and the three of them celebrate being a "powerful trio". In one of the bedrooms, Casey and Jessi solidify a Final 2. In the bathroom, Anton tells Cardarion, Nadia and Reggie that they should form something to protect the four of them. After that, the host appears on the screen and tells the Houseguests that the past two evictions ... were FAKE evictions. Kelvin and Marlene will have a chance to get back into the house but only one of them can. One at a time, the houseguests enter a padded white room and state who they want back: Kelvin or Marlene. Marlene is chosen to come back into the house! |
Episode 11 | Shaun, Rebecca and Rontay are super confident that they can keep all three of them in the game. If Rontay uses the VETO on Shaun, the bigger target, that means that they can try and get the replacement out much easier. Shaun campaigning to get Nadia on the block leads to a huge argument between him and Nadia. Later, Nadia campaigns to ensure Shaun goes out in the next couple weeks. Due to people trusting her, there is a small montage of her solidifying her nickname of "The Godmother". Cardarion grows a bit suspicious of her position in the game, though. Casey and Marlene solidify a Final 2 of their own again with them talking about being great friends outside of the house. Marlene hopes that Reverse Week doesn't screw things over for them, to which Casey agrees. Jessi comes in and the three of them decide to solidify a Final 3 all women alliance called "The Crusaders". Anna-Lina starts drama with Anton, Shaun and Marlene. Everybody is the house grows tired of Anna-Lina and not a single person in the house trusts her. Later, Anton, in the living room, talks to the other houseguests about how he met his wife, Katie. Rontay uses the VETO on Shaun. Gunnar Gottlieb reveals that the replacement will be the next person who received the most votes, which is ... Jessi! The final nominees are the sisters, Jessi and Rebecca. | |
Episode 12 | In one of the bedrooms, Jessi and Rebecca reminisce about their childhood and being so close growing up. They both regret letting the game get to them and Rebecca says that she was in the wrong for outing them as sisters so, if she goes, she knows she did it to herself. In the kitchen, Nadia and Reggie talk. The two of them have become really good friends. Nadia hopes that they can take over the season once the showmance is split up. Nadia tells Reggie that she has made many alliances in the game and many people trust her. She wants to use that to get the two of them to the end. Reggie says that he isn't the most strategic but he doesn't want to lay down either so he will make some alliances and the two of them can compare notes. Casey wins HOH! |
Week 5
Week 5 | Episode 13 | Before the HOH, the host tells the houseguests about ... The Button! The Button will be in the parlour room after the HOH and can only be pressed once every six hours. However, what happens to the presser could be something good or something bad. To the audience only, the host, Gunnar Gottlieb, reveals that it will switch between good and bad after every click. It isn't random and, if the houseguests figure out the pattern, it could lead to some great strategy and sabotage! Cardarion wins HOH! |
Episode 14 | Soon after the ceremony, in the parlour room, Anton is the second person to push the button. An alarm goes off and everybody heads to the living room where it is announced that Anton will be the third nominee for the next two weeks. He is able to take himself off, though. In the pantry, Anton is SHOCKED over this. Cardarion comes in and tells Anton that he needs to calm down. In the bathroom, Shaun and Rontay says that being up against eachother sucks but they may have an edge to send Anton packing. In the kitchen, Nina and Toby discuss how insane the game is, especially with them being in the house again. Nina says that it shocks her how well Anton and Casey are doing. Toby says that he wishes he watched more of the show before applying so that he could campaign better to get into the house. Shaun talks with Cardarion in the HOH room. He says that he understands why he is up and hopes that there is someway he can stay in the game. He refuses to give up. Cardarion tells him that he is a great player. He hopes that, maybe, there is some way they can work together. Cardarion wins the VETO! | |
Episode 15 | Right after the Veto Ceremony, an alarm goes off. The host, Gunnar Gottlieb, reveals that the houseguests now have a very important vote. Should Nina and Toby return to the game? Until now, they have been completely isolated from the outside world so neither knows anything that has happened. One by one, the houseguests vote of if they should "Return" or "Leave". Should they leave, they retain their original placements. Nina and Toby are to leave. |
Week 6
Week 6 | Episode 16 |
Episode 17 | |
Episode 18 |
Week 7
Week 7 | Episode 19 |
Episode 20 | |
Episode 21 |
Week 8
Week 8 | Episode 22 | |
Episode 23 | ||
Episode 24 |
Week 9
Week 9 | Episode 25 | |
Episode 26 | ||
Episode 27 |
Week 10
Week 10 | Episode 28 | |
Episode 29 | ||
Episode 30 |