Political Subdivisions of Krais

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Territories of Krais-Mordova
Teritoriile Krais-Mordova
Flag of Krais
The territories under Kraisian control as of 3085.
The territories under Kraisian control as of 3085.

This article contains information relevant to the Principality of Krais.

Inner Planetary Belt

Main Article: Inner Planets

The Inner Planetary Belt, often referred to as just the "Inner Belt," can be considered the wealthiest region of the country, as the cluster of systems is dominated by trade and commerce. Notable planets such as Krais and Paccifica make up for a large portion of the nation's wealth, while resort worlds such as Concorda and New Constanta exist as a treat for the workers of the nation, who all are able to enjoy them due to government programs which offer paid vacations to workers and their families. The Inner Belt is also sometimes referred to as the Drug Den of the nation, as many narcotics rings run throughout the region, and despite the intervention of the Mordovocorps, little progress has been made in clearing out the larger urban centers of illegal narcotics. Paccifica City is sometimes referred to as the Smuggler's Den. Regardless, the city itself still holds a high reputation, just as the planet as a whole does.

Incorporated Planets

Krais - Concorda - Paccifica - New Constanta - Crișana

Unincorporated Planets


Mordovan Expanse

Main Article: Mordovan Expanse

The Mordovan Expanse is a central region within the principality. The region is well known for its heavy industries, and resource rich worlds. Some examples are the industrial centers of Mordova, and Kervrez. Due to strict environmental regulations, the planets themselves however are not heavily industrialized, and what little industry there is located on the planets is faced with harsh regulations about pollution. The planets have instead opted to exploiting the dead bodies within the Solar System. Mordova's moon of Passantic, while not containing an atmosphere which is breathable to humans, has been turned into a large, self-sustaining industrial complex which spans the entire surface of the moon, as well as running deep underground. Due to the moon's proximity to Mordova, the gravitational pull of it's orbital parent has allowed for geological activity to continue beneath the thick atmosphere. As such, geothermal energy is the main source of power within the massive complex.

Within the region as well, many more traditional industrial/mining worlds can be found. Governmental regulations on planets such as Laysander and Grecmeria are much less strict due to the inhospitable climates of the planets. Laysander is one of only two colonized planets within the nation to be dedicated to mining, the other being Kaluga. Grecmeria on the other hand is located on the very edge of the habitable zone of its parent star, making the planet cold, and inhospitable to most life. Notably however, despite mass industrialization and exploitation, the Southernmost continent on the planet, affectionately named "Alps," is host to many large animal reserves, as well as a number of ski resorts, making it a popular tourist destination.

Incorporated Planets

Mordova - Kervrez - Laysander - New Expo - Grecmeria

Unincorporated Planets


Sinfaxi Run

Main Article: Sinfaxi Region

The Sinfaxi Region is a border region between the Principality and the Tortugan Domain. The region is known mainly for New Kanto, a planet made up of mostly Japanese descendants who settled the planet a short time after the unification of Krais and Mordova. New Kanto is a planet of steep hills, dotted with expansive, long waterfalls, and deep, green jungles. While mostly an urban planet, large swabs of land have been marked as reservations, including an entire continental sized landmass near the equator. Away from New Kanto, two more major planets exist within the Sinfaxi Region. The agricultural world of Sunderslund, and the mining world of Kaluga. Sunderslund is known for its gentle, rolling hills, only to be broken by slow-flowing rivers. While Kaluga is a harsh, mountainous mining colony. Due to the geography of the planet, near constant thunderstorms dot the landscape, and the planet was at first mistaken to be a small Gas Giant due to the thick clouds which cover the entire planet. The region itself however is a constant hotspot of tension, as pirate bands from Tortuga frequently raid the otherwise peaceful worlds. Due to these constant raids, a near permanent presence of the FAF-K is required to keep the pirate bands at bay. Despite attempted negotiations with the Tortugan Domain, nothing as of yet has come to bare. Another thing to note is that due to the volatile nature of the border, there is no truly defined border between Sinfaxi and Wild Space.

In addition, Sinfaxi is commonly divided into two regions due to the size of the region. The two entities are often referred to as Upper Sinfaxi, and Lower Sinfaxi. While in name they are separate, the two continue to operate as one region. However, adaptations have been made in order to make sure that each region is fairly treated. Lower Sinfaxi is a special case however, as the region contains both of the special regions within the nation. The Cyanoa region has for some time been semi-independent of Sinfaxi rulings, considered to be an autonomous region within Lower Sinfaxi. The region operates as its own separate political subdivision, however has not been allowed to leave Lower Sinfaxi due to the low population of the three habitable worlds in the region. The Comesti Special District is considered to be another military district, though a constant civilian presence has it fall short of the classification. Comesti has no habitable worlds, and all permanent habitation is made up of habitats which sprawl across many of the planetary bodies of the three systems which make up the region.

Incorporated Planets

New Kanto - Sunderslund - Kaluga - Sinfaxi

Unincorporated Planets

Fenrir IV - Cyanoa III - Cyanoa IIIa - Cyanoa V

Orion's End

Main Article: Orion's End

Orion's End is the final region controlled by the Principality, and the least populated of all. The region expands into the Orion Rift, which it claimed its namesake for. It is the furthest into the Orion Rift that humanity has colonized on a planetary level, and it is known for only that. While the region may be the least populated region in terms of humanity, the region is one of the densest star clusters to ever be colonized by humanity. The region contains a high number of stars due to the nature of the Rift, and its stellar formation properties. Nineteen of the Principalities forty-three stars are known to exist in this small region, with others theorized to be located in the cluster as well. Travel in the region is limited however, due to excessive solar winds, and constant solar flares from stars in their protoplanetary stage. Despite the relative young age of many of the stars within the cluster, a number of habitable planets exist within this beautiful region of space. The planet New Tyrol, which orbits Grestin's Star, was colonized late into 2899. The planet is a temperate Cascadian World, with towering pines, and deep, beautiful valleys. The timber from the planet is heavily sought after in both the internal and international market.

The other major planet in the expanse is known as Morrow, and is an arid world that orbits a large gas giant. Another agricultural colony, the planet is very young as far as habitable planets go, and the tectonic plates within the mantel of the planet are still somewhat unstable, and often cause large earthquakes. These quakes typically only affect the rift lines on the planet though, and makes the fertile lowlands on the Southern Hemisphere of the planet safe for colonization. Morrow is the least populated planet to be incorporated into the Principality on an official level, her population coming in at less then 3,450,000 as of the 3100 National Census. A small number of other planets have been colonized throughout the region, however, none have reached the population statistics or development required to be fully integrated as one of the core worlds.

Incorporated Planets

Morrow - New Tyrol

Unincorporated Planets

Edisan III - Edisan VII - Grestin's Star I - Aquafin II

Ragnar Military Region

Main Article: Ragnar System Authority

The Ragnar Military Region, otherwise known as Ragnar Anchorage, is a multi-system special region dedicated for matters of the military. The region is near inaccessible to civilian travel, and is situated in a particularly volatile region of the Orion Rift, making all but the heavily monitored routes impossible to traverse. Little information is public, however what is known is that the installation encompasses at least three planetary systems, with the regional "capital" being the Ragnar Anchorage. The Ragnar Anchorage is a large moon orbiting the gas giant Ragnar, with a heated, molten surface due to the extreme radiation emitted by the gas giant. The moon is one of many, though all of them are said to be colonized by the Principality. At least two habitable planets exist within the region. One is known to be tidally-locked to its host star, and is often used for in-atmosphere flight training due to the temperate conditions along the planets terminator line. It is unknown if any widespread settlement has taken place on the planet.

The other habitable planet, commonly referred to as the scrapyard, is the one planet in all of Krais which has no environmental regulations whatsoever, due to the near inhospitable atmosphere and lack of sentient life on the planet upon arrival. It is unclear what caused the planet to develop this way, however it became known as a Sterile World. The military commonly dumps spent materials there, and much trash from across the nation ends up on this planet. Much of it is recyclable at least, however the northernmost continent which has been named the North Scrap Flats is completely covered in trash from coast to coast, covering a surface area of over 900,000 miles.