Styria-class Battlecruiser

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Styria Class Battlecruiser
Styria class Battlecruiser.png
Class Overview
Class name: Styria-class Battleruiser
Namesake: Historical & Modern Provinces
Builders: Deimos Steel Works, Enlis Drive Yards, and others
General characteristics
Type: Battlecruiser
Displacement: 357,200 tonnes
Length: 1,150 m
Beam: 144 m
Height: 465 m
Complement: 3,157
Power Generation: 40x Beranek Mk IV LP Furnaces
Triple bank Kampon-Wahl Coronatite Expansion Engine
Propulsion: 6x D-c10f Impellers
8x D-c4a Impellers <
Maximum FTL Speed: 30.5 Kempes
Sensors Systems: 3x KW/SY-15A Heimdall Omnisensors
7x Mk VI Argus Fire Control Sensors
30x Mk XXI Panoptes Sensor Drones
Electronic Warfare Systems: 2x KW/SL-15A Hermes Panspectrum Electronic Warfare System
20x Flight 5C Dixie Decoys
Armament (Styria): 12x Mk III Reiger Lances (6x2)
37x 40.6 cm SK/39 Kadwell Macrocannons (7x3, 8x2)
2x L/50 Torpedo Tubes (2x1)
118x Mk IX 40 kg DP Reinhold Gun (54x2, 10x1)
368x 8.8 cm FlaK-80 (184x2)
22x 8 cell Point Defence Missile Launcher
Shielding: Mk XIV Priwen-II Ravelin Array
Armor: Hull: 50 cm
Belt: 150-300 cm
Turret: 350 cm
Barbette: 350 cm
Small Craft carried: 4x J.17 'Hussar'

The Styria class Battlecruiser is a battlecruiser in service with the Imperial & Federal Navy, where it serves a crucial role as the primary capital ship of the Scouting Fleet, and generally forms the vanguard of any large scale Imperial naval campaign. The Styria class is named for both historical provinces of Old Terra, and modern provinces of the Imperial and Federal Union. Much larger than even a heavy cruiser, the Styria class is definitively a capital ship, and is deployed as such. The Styria class, using its extremely high output furnaces and efficient expansion engines can nearly match a light cruiser for speed at FTL and STL speeds. The Styria class is often used as the flagship of rapid response task forces, as it can easily outpace the slower battleships and dreadnoughts of the Navy's battle fleets. Vessels of this class are often deployed to frontier positions, where their high speed and massive firepower often enable them--and a small screening force--to deal with most incursion and other problems that may face frontier worlds. In large scale fleet actions, the Styria is intended to operate with the Scouting Fleet, and either launch independent raids deep behind enemy lines, scout for the battle fleet, and serve as a highly mobile reserve force. The Styria class follows the classic mantra of battlecruiser design, and is said to be able to outrun anything it cannot outgun. In service, the Styria class has been one of the more commonly seen classes of R.u.B Navy warship, as they are often used to patrol major trade corridors, and supplement frontier garrisons, as well as performing 'showing the flag' operations at major ports of call across the galaxy.


Operational Record


Power Generation & Propulsion



Sensors & EW