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Christian Commonwealth of Ebrary
Republica Christian de Ebraria (Ebrarese)
Flag of       Ebrary, Ebraria
Coat of arms of Ebrary
Coat of arms
Motto: "Deo et patriae"
Anthem: Hymn of Ebrary
Map of Ebrary
Official languagesEbrarese
Recognised regional languagesNurdman, Gallasian
Ethnic groups
Ebrarian, Nurdman, Gallasian, Others
Demonym(s)Ebrarian (Ebrariano)
Government  Unitary dominionist presidential Christian republic
•     Protector Soveran (Sovereign Protector)
Daniel Lucas
•     Presidente (President)
Carlos Renaldo
LegislatureParliamento (Parliament)
Senato (Senate)
Assemblea Popular (Popular Assembly)
CurrencyEbro (EBR)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.eb
Preceded by
Kingdom of Ebrary

Ebrary (Ebrarese: Ebraria), officially the Christian Commonwealth of Ebrary (Ebrarese: Republica Christian de Ebraria), is a country located in the region of {REGION} on the continent of (CONTINENT). Its area extends from (PLACE) to the (PLACE). Ebrary borders {list of countries}. Its fifteen provinces and one autonomous region span an area of (area) km2 ((area) sq mi) and over X million people. Ceres is the nation's capital and largest metropolis, and other major cities include Arsa, Corbo, Miron, Gana, Cierala, and Urtedo. The Government of Ebrary is a Christian authoritarian state which includes elements of a presidential republic and theocracy, with a large amount of authority vested in the autocratic "Sovereign Protector".

Ebrary was long inhabited by the Old Ebrarians, Celtic tribes who inhabited the area roughly coinciding with modern Ebrary. Ebrary was settled by Aroman-speaking Christian settlers during the fifth to seventh centuries, who eventually developed a common ethno-cultural identity as Ebrarians. Ebrary became a unified kingdom in the 10th century upon being conquered by seafaring Buranians, and during the 16th century, Ebrary became the center of the Amendant Reformation. Following the Ebrarian Civil War, the Republic of Ebrary was declared in 1932. However, efforts to nationalize its (major industry) from foreign ownership led to a foreign-backed coup in 1943 and the reinstatement of the monarchy. After the Ebrarian Revolution, the current Christian Commonwealth was established in 1983 by Daniel Lucas, who became the country's first (and current) Sovereign Protector.


When the area now known as Ebrary was settled by the Aroman-speaking conquerors in the 6th century, they were led by General Marcus Ebraius to conquer and settle the coast of the nation. Originally the settlers referred to the country as Ebrarae, and made Ebrarius one of their ruling Consuls. By the 7th century, the Ebrarian chronicles began referring to the region as Ebraria in extant sources. The Anglish exonym "Ebrary" is derived from the native name Ebraria.



Government and Politics

Head of state

The head of state of Ebrary is known as Sovereign Protector, who heads the High Ecumenical Council. The office is held for life, and an individual can only be removed from office by a 4/5ths vote of the Supreme Court. The protector exercises a veto power over laws passed in the Parliament, may refer any law to review by the Supreme Court prior to enactment into law, appoints certain seats in the Senate, may dissolve the Parliament, has the right to attend cabinet meetings, moderates and votes in meetings of the High Ecumenical Council, and can refer treaties to popular referendum. Upon the death, resignation, or removal of a Sovereign Protector, the Senate and High Ecumenical Council will vote on a replacement in a joint session.

Head of government & cabinet

The Presidential Palace in Ceres, official residence of the Ebrarian President

The head of government of Ebrary is the President, who is elected by an instant-runoff voting method to a five year term with a two term limit. The power of the president includes the execution and enforcement of national law, and the responsibility to appoint national executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers, and some seats in the Senate. The president is also commander-in-chief of the Ebrarian armed forces, excepting the Christian Defense Legion. While a veto is reserved solely to the Sovereign Protector, the president may introduce bills directly to the Popular Assembly for consideration, review, and voting, and call a special meeting of Parliament in the event of a national emergency.

The Cabinet of Ebrary consists of the heads of executive branch's national ministerial departments, appointed by the president, with approval of the Senate. All members of the cabinet serve at the leisure of the president. The president may designate heads of other agencies and non-Senate-confirmed office-holders in the executive branch as Cabinet-level members of the Cabinet. The Sovereign Protector also holds the right to attend Cabinet meetings, although he is not considered a de jure member of the Cabinet.


The Palace of Estalta in Ceres, meeting place of the Ebrarian Parliament

The national legislature of Ebrary is the bicameral Parliament, made up of the Senate and the Popular Assembly. The Parliament makes national law, declares war, approves treaties, has the power of the purse, and has the power of impeachment, by which it can remove the President and sitting members of the cabinet and the judiciary. The Parliament may, by a 4/5ths vote of the Popular Assembly and a 3/5ths vote of the Senate, override a veto by the Sovereign Protector.

The Senate is the upper house, with 40 appointed members who serve life terms. Senate appointments are allocated to different institutions in the government and Ebrarian society. The Ecumenical High Council, Sovereign Protector, President, Ecclesiastical Amendant Church, Christenist Union, and the Theology School at Ceres University all appoint varying numbers of Senators, and two seats are hereditary seats. The Senate regulates its own membership and may vote by a 2/3rds majority to unseat one of its own members at any time, but the Sovereign Protector may reinstate a Senator whom he believes was wrongfully unseated. The Senate is presided over by the Consul, who is selected from amongst its membership by a simple majority of Senators. The Consul holds the ability to break a tie vote if the occasion occurs.

The Popular Assembly is comprised of 125 members directly elected by the people of Ebrary using mixed-member proportional representation, where each voter places a vote for his single-seat constituency and one for a political party. It is presided over by the First Assemblyman, whom is generally a member of the largest political party in the assembly. Seats are apportioned to the various provinces and two independent cities proportionally, excepting the Northern Region which is constitutionally allocated 10 seats.



People Groups of Ebrary
Ethnicity Percentage


Religion in Ebrary
Religion Percentage
Ecclesiastical Amendantism
Sanctity Movement

While Ebrary has no established church, the official religious doctrine of the state is Amendantism. Citizens who profess to believe to be trinitarian Christians are granted full voting rights in Ebrary, assuming other qualifications are also met.