AleziRadio Festival of Songs 1978

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AleziRadio Festival of Songs 1978
ARFOS 1978.png
Final16th of May 1978
VenueKrakovisech Theatre and Performing Arts Centre, Pyalivostokgrad, PY
Presenter(s)Beyranne Alveshovskiy
Musical directorDereyner Abernovich
Directed byDeltou Rankovich
Executive supervisorAlberto Aleksovich
Executive producerBerin Halvensov
Host broadcasterRadio Pyalivostok
Number of entries18
Voting systemEach region sends two juries and two public votes where each votes 1-5 for the best 5 songs

AleziRadio Festival of Songs 1978 is the twenty-first edition of the annual AleziRadio Festival of Songs. The competition is held by the authorities in Radio Pyalivostok. This is the sixth time that Pyalivostok hosted the event, after doing so in 1959, 1962, 1965, 1968, and 1970, after Aziz Goridagyev Novogrody won for the third time representing Pyalivostok last year.

The City of Pyalivostok is the coldest capital city in Mainland North Alezia and the second coldest capital city (after Aaren, Daya Island) in the entirety of North Alezia.During the year of the competititon, the city of Pyalivostokgrad reportedly have 1,332,381 people living in it according to the latest survey.

Krakovisech Theatre and Performing Arts Centre, which is located near the crossroads of Makovich St. and Novoldenyy' St. Was able to host around 1,200 attendees which sees no reduction since the space for the orchestra pit and the scrutineer spot has been prepared due to the fact that the place has hosted ARFOS before in 1959. Previously called only Krakovisech Theatre, the building was expanded in 1975 with hosting ARFOS in mind making them look like an easy choice for any time that Pyalivostok was given the right to host the competition.

This year saw the return of the previous 1-5 point system, however, it was updated to add another public voting group to the competition. From this year onwards, North Alezian regions and territories shall be divided in two so postal services can be relaxed and so it won't put a strain on other essential usage of the Alezians' local postal office.

The AleziRadio Team initiated the plan so that each year, the postal office who handled public votes for ARFOS shall be different as long as it stayed on its ARFOS' regional classification.

And for the first time, AleziRadio Festival of Songs was broadcasted live on AleziRadio Television Programme One nationwide. During this time, television usage skyrocketed with 1,7 million television sets (from the total of 2,4 million television sets in North Alezia at the time) recorded tuning in to the festival. However, the live broadcast while innovative, was met with criticism for frequency problems, occasionally disrupting people from watching performances in full. This would end up being fixed next year.

Postal Offices

In 3rd of April 1978, around a month before the competition's live broadcast and around two months after all entries has been announced, AleziRadio with the cooperation with the North Alezian Postal Services released the locations of the 18 postal offices that will receive ARFOS public votes throughout the month. The postal offices are:

Region Area Address
Pyalivostok 1 Pyalivostokgrad, Western and Eastern and Northern Pyalivostok Velyansk Rd. No. 172, Pyalivostokgrad, PY
Pyalivostok 2 Yovonykk, Central, Southern and Pyalivostokian Mountain Area Bredonsk St. No. 162A, Yovonykk, PY
Bristol 1 Victoria, Elton, and Outer Bristol Elsville Park Rd. No. 1, Victoria, BR
Bristol 2 Aubergine, Drennou, Outre-Ville, and Bristolie de Francaise Rue de Alezie No. 71, Aubergine, BR
Zafizamarrah 1 Metropolitan Zafizamarrah, Oldport-Newport, and Coast of Zafizamarrah Ruslanurrahman Blvd. No. 18, Metropolitan Zafizamarrah, ZF
Zafizamarrah 2 Al Husna, Dawridan, and Northern Zafizamarrah Ismamaruddin Rd. No. 9, Al Husna, ZF
Aramna 1 Las Araminhaes, Costa Delhavais, Olvenney, and Ribennou Rou Alhambraise No. 99L, Las Araminhaes, AR
Aramna 2 Chitellha, Bonsere, Caltou, and Outer Reubenniere Rou Livindez No. 182, Chitellha, AR
Daya Island 1 Aaren, Maava, and Yltesin Naalinen Rd. No. 18, Aaren, DI
Daya Island 2 Miitsonen and Raakenin Maehta St. No. 1, Miitsonen, DI
Mosin - Nagan 1 Trishi and The Islands of Mosin Raknashvel Walkway no. 3, Trishi, MN
Mosin - Nagan 2 Nerishpatuyan and The Islands of Nagan Bershan Beach no. 18, Nerishpatuyan, MN
Pantabang Islands 1 Bucinnois and The Communities of Dadon and Salem Na'ule'i St. No. 88, Bucinnois, PI
Pantabang Islands 2 Baranate Joint Community and Border Area Ile'i Rd. No. 188, Baranate, PI
Basna 1 Kota Basna, Pantai Area, and Kepulauan Basna Luar Jl. Putri Empat No. 82, Kota Basna, BN
Basna 2 Kota Kencana, Outer Kencana, and Inner Basna Area Jl. Angsa No. 100, Kota Kencana, BN
Tel Hadiv 1 City of Tel Hadiv and Western Tel Hadiv Mechalaim St. No. 72, Tel Hadiv, TH
Tel Hadiv 2 Yezateinu and Eastern Tel Hadiv Lo'amech-Deshveret Rd. No. 188, Yezateinu, TH


The list of conductors can be seen below.

Region Conductor
Pyalivostok Glenn Hashenkov
Bristol Dorothy Wayne
Zafizamarrah Muhammad Alif-Alamein
Aramna Levonders Aurevais
Daya Island Auri Nokainen
Mosin-Nagan Beni Kalvayan
Pantabang Islands Emile Ra'ela'u Dadon
Basna Putrawan Setyo
Tel Hadiv Shiru Akhlan

Participating Entries and Results

No. Region Singer Song Translation Language Place Points
01 Pyalivostok Alkov Yanerovich Моя лилия My Lily Russian 20
02 Bristol Calten Robbieniere Écoute moi Listen To Me French 5 39
03 Zafizamarrah Harun Samaruddin and the Creams أ - با - تا - ث A-B-C-D Arabic 1 65
04 Aramna Levie Group Hommais Russiaise Russian Man Aramnan 26
05 Zafizamarrah Sadiq Rafnur بصدق For Real Arabic 3 46
06 Daya Island Rooni and Nuuri Mako Liukua pois Slide Away Finnish 3
07 Aramna Beyne Rabe-Lilstavais Minoute Minute Aramnan 7
08 Pyalivostok Maria Lakeliyanova Никогда не подведу Never Letting You Down Russian 6 36
09 Mosin-Nagan Hilda, Ben, Roy, Mali რაღაც დიდი Something Big Georgian 9 31
10 Mosin-Nagan Yezla Arganan პრობლემები Problems Georgian 26
11 Daya Island Yaava Raakai Täytyy olla hauska Must Be Funny Finnish 10 29
12 Pantabang Islands Elkinda Ma'uei' Salem Ka'ana'aka Wa'i'awa'i Wealthy Man Alezian 2 65
13 Bristol Hartwing Dwells Somewhere Else Or Here -none- English 8
14 Basna KEEMASAN Seindah Emas As Beauty As Gold Indonesian 23
15 Tel Hadiv Shima Slaveshi הצד שלך Your Side Hebrew 4 43
16 Tel Hadiv Lika Hareshmi כמוני Like Me Hebrew 6
17 Pantabang Islands Belina Ra'uda'e Salem 'Ae Yes Alezian 7 35
18 Basna Muhammad Soewardji Bumi Earth Indonesian 8 32

Voting by Region

PY-1 PY-2 BR-1 BR-2 ZF-1 ZF-2 AR-1 AR-2 DI-1 DI-2 MN-1 MN-2 PI-1 PI-2 BN-1 BN-2 TH-1 TH-2 PY-P1 PY-P2 BR-P1 BR-P2 ZF-P1 ZF-P2 AR-P1 AR-P2 DI-P1 DI-P2 MN-P1 MN-P2 PI-P1 PI-P2 BN-P1 BN-P2 TH-P1 TH-P2 TOTAL
Моя лилия XX XX 4 2 4 2 XX XX 3 2 3 20
Écoute moi 2 XX XX 5 3 4 4 4 XX XX 1 3 1 2 1 1 4 4 39
أ - با - تا - ث 3 XX XX 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 2 XX XX 5 1 4 4 2 2 1 65
Hommais Russiaise 4 4 XX XX 5 2 XX XX 5 3 2 1 26
بصدق 2 5 XX XX 5 3 3 4 2 4 XX XX 5 3 5 5 46
Liukua pois 1 1 XX XX 1 XX XX 3
Minoute 5 XX XX 1 XX XX 1 7
Никогда не подведу XX XX 2 4 1 4 3 5 3 XX XX 2 3 3 3 3 36
რაღაც დიდი 3 XX XX 1 4 3 4 5 4 XX XX 4 3 31
პრობლემები 4 3 3 XX XX 2 3 1 5 XX XX 5 26
Täytyy olla hauska 3 2 XX XX 2 1 2 5 1 5 3 XX XX 5 29
Ka'ana'aka Wa'i'awa'i 2 5 4 1 4 5 2 XX XX 2 3 4 4 1 5 4 4 3 4 XX XX 3 5 65
Somewhere Else Or Here XX XX 1 2 4 XX XX 1 8
Seindah Emas 5 5 3 XX XX 1 2 2 2 2 1 XX XX 23
הצד שלך 1 5 1 4 1 5 1 XX XX 3 5 4 3 1 2 2 1 4 XX XX 43
כמוני 4 2 XX XX XX XX 6
Ae 1 3 1 2 4 2 XX XX 2 1 1 3 1 5 XX XX 2 4 3 35
Bumi 3 1 2 3 5 XX XX 1 4 4 2 5 XX XX 2 32