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The United Volskan States
Flag of Volsk
and Industrial city
Official languagesSuvarovan
Recognised national languagesSuvarovan
Recognised regional languagesPolisk, Kladi
Ethnic groups
           Volskan Syncretism
Suvarovan orthodoxy
Government   Federal constitutional monarchy
Assembly House
• Initial native Tribes
c. 700 CE
• Expansion
• War of the North passage
11 January 1684
• Independence
14 August 1975
421,530 km2 (162,750 sq mi)
• 2019 estimate
• 2015 census
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
$62 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$62 billion ($12,492)
Gini (2017)44.1
HDI (2017)Increase 0.721
CurrencyVolski ruble (LTD)
Time zoneUTC-5 (North artic Time (NAT))
Driving sideleft
Calling code+174

The United states of Volsk is nation located in the north eastern Belisaria. The area was officially annexed by the Suvarovan Empire as a result of the 1503 War of the Marsh, although the empire only began the Koz'mogorodskoye colony in 1681 Proclaiming the Volsk territory. It was administered as a colony until 1900,when it was folded into the empire. Social unrest reached a fever pitch during the 1960s, Where religous violence between the Volskan Syncrenists and the suvarovan orthadox


roughly means far place.


Native settlement

Settled around 10000 BC by early humans.

Pre Empire

Slavic and Kaldi tribes occupied the area.

War of the Marsh(1504) WIP

a war of some sort that sets the borders between the nation south of volsk sorta pointless as at the time neither power really super interested in the claim

Early colonial period

In 1681 the Puskin expedition established the settlement of Koz'mogorodskoye in the South of the newly proclaimed Volsk territory, This First settlement Served mainly for the trade in Furs, which was successful enough that a number of small trading post began to pop up in the region. Trade with the natives largely fuelled this with many of these posts making alliances with tribes though contract and marriage, forming a complex web of alliances.

The Penal Era

As the volsk territory grew, the apparatus of the Suvarovan state began to exert itself into the region. Convict labour was seen as the best step forward to develop territory, with Sildor, Baklanikha and Bakz penal colonies being established in 1734. These overwhelming male populations would oftern take wives from the local tribes either through subjugation or alliance creating the first volskans. This intermixing of groups also created the Volskan syncretism religion which was looked past by the small number of orthodoxy. Growth of the region continued at a slow Pace with fishing and hunting remaining the the core economic industries with sulfur and copper mining in small scale.

Industrial age (1890s-1970s)

As Suvarova began to industrialise, The volsk territory saw rapid development first Railway and telephone wires were built in 1905. Mining became the regions most important economic function and many volskans were forcefully relocated into these new Industrial cities, Combined with The Suvarovan central government taking a much more active role in running the territory led to considrble resentment from the local populace. Growth continued in the region until the Economic slowdown of the early 70s presaged the suvarovan Civil war.

Independence Era

Civil War(1975)

When the Suvarovan civil war broke out most of mainland Volsk fell to Ordosocialist revolts with only major hold out being the far northern industrial city of Drozdovka which fell under the control of the 58th Naval infantry briagde and the Suvarovan far eastern Squadron under the command of LT Gen Cvjetko Borsa, with these collective forces being Know as Eastern Military Command (EMC). During the early Spring while the Communist forces Consolidated power in the southern cities, the EMC moved to retake the rail line to Suvarova and retook Musahi and Sindor desicivly deafeting the communist navy in the battle of West Sindor. Hoping to cut off Suvarovan-Volsk railway line and seige Drozdovka, the communists launched an offensive in mid-spring.

Siege of Drozdovka

By june the Ordosocialist forces had surrounded Drozdovka and began to siege the city.

Post War Era (1975-2003)

The post war era was a return to the relative stability of the industrial age, A new federal government was established with ten states, which followed a socialistic policy of large government run mining towns. Economically Volsk continued with sluggish growth and with the declining profitability of sulphur mining leaving the entire economy dependant on copper mining. The post war era is oftern looked upon favourably as a time of stability and faith in the government.

Crash and Shulki era (2003-2021)

During the winter of 2003 the price of copper crashed, sending the Volski economy tumbling. The Government began to attempt free market liberalisation, although this caused considerable social unrest, culminating in an attempted coup. The economy began to recover slowly during the late 2000s, And the nation began a number of policies to diversify into 3 key areas Geothermal energy production, Aluminium metallurgy and tourism. Despite the relative success of these plans, Volsk remains a largely Monoindustrial state. More

States of Volsk

States of Volsk
States Ethnic groups
Baklanikha Kai Suvarovan, Volski
Koz'mogorodskoye Suvarovan, Volski
Sindor Kaldi, Volski
Cdyzyn Polski, Suvarovan
Musahi Kaldi, Volski, Suvarovan
lovozero Kaldi, Volski, Suvarovan
Drozdovka Volski, Suvarovan
Sochi Volski, Suvarovan
Oma Volski, Suvarovan
Mikun Volski, Suvarovan

Baklanikha Kai

The far western state of Volsk located on the border with Suvorova and stretching along the far northern coast until it reaching Cydzyn in the east, The fedral state of Baklanikha Kai Is Volsk's largest state in land size. Economically it is reliant on gas production and Cobalt mining


The capital and most populous State of Volsk with 1.2 million people, Located in the far south of the mainland it is the chief economic, scientific and cultural centre of the country. Koz'mogorodskoye Was the First settlement in what became the Volsk territory in 1681 and served as the administrative capital of the Volsk territory until independence.  


Sindor makes up the islands that sit within the Sea of Volsk. Sindor is the richest state per capita thanks to its Geothermal Energy, metal refinement and tourism industries. Sindor also hosts the countries main naval and Airforce base at Volo.


The Island state Cydzyn sits as the most northern state of Voslk with its position deep within the arctic circle. It is the least populous state with 4,000 inhabitants. Originally uninhabited it was settled as penal station for 300 polisk rebels in 1880 until 1930, when it became a scientific station. Today Cydzyn remains culturally mixed polisk and Volski as the gas industry has driven many mainlanders to take jobs in the north.


Located on the Ochranian continent, Musahi is one of the Two main sights for copper nickel palladium mining in the country. It's population is concentrated in the mining city of kizhi and the port of Mayya. The Lumber industry is also an important part of the Musahi Economy with its supply of Ochran northern redpine. Musahi contains the kaldi reservations which constitute the majority of the traditional lifestyle kaldi in the country.


Lovozero sits at the centre of Volsk with a mixed economy of farming, mining, lumber and Reindeer herding. Many Volski citizens own dacha's in Lovozero for holiday and agricultural purposes during which they visit in the summer months. Lovozero contains the Pushki reservations which constitute the majority of the traditional lifestyle Slavic's in the country.


Drozdovka is located in the north eastern corner of Volsk, its capital Chelsk is northernmost city in the world and one of the few cities to sit in the continuous permafrost zone. With a population of 320,000 people the city of Chelsk sits on the worlds largest deposit of Nickel-copper-palladium in the world. The settlement was established in the late 1930s.


Sitting north of Koz'mogorodskoye along the Sea of Volsk, Sochi is 2nd most populous state in Volsk and is the countries centre of manufacture and with its many seaside towns a popular destination for local tourism. Its capital sochi, is home to Some of Voslks most famous companies including Ikeov and Doklan Minerals.


Located north east of Sochi, the State of Oma is Volsks smallest state by area, with an economy of molybdenum, tin, and Coal mining, as well as fishing.


Mikun sits north of Oma, and has an economy mostly composed on mining.


Volsk is a semi developed mix market economy and is the world's 3rd largest mineral exporter. Its economy is driven be resource extraction primarily of Nickel, Copper, Natural Gas, palladium, molybdenum, cobalt and tin, with many large industrial cities being dedicated to mining. In recent years the Volski economy has seen diversification into a broader range of services, industrial and manufacturing roles.


Agriculture in Volsk is limited due to its hostile environment, although seasonal farming, reindeer herding and fishing make up the bulk.  


Tourism is a fairly new Service with the most popular destination being the volcanically active island of Sindor, which is famous for its large geothermal pools and desolate landscape.


Due to it's access to large amounts of geothermal energy and plentiful gas fields, Volsk is a net exporter of electricity. A number of large projects have been started in recent years to improve it's export capability, Including additional exploitation of geothermal sights and a new electrical connection to Ochran.


The Manufacture industry has boomed since 2003 with Paper, fittings and furniture industries in particular seeing large scale success in foreign markets, With the Furniture manufacturer Ikeov being particularly popular for it's innovative and robust designs. ===Information technology ===   Information technology began to appear in Volsk after a number of government initiatives were launched to improve productivity in the winter months. Volsk's cheap electricity and cold climate are well suited for the operation of large computer networks. Cryptocurrency mining has also become growing industry with currency's such as,


The ruling political party in Volsk is the Вольсканское теократическое национальное государство (Volskan Theocratic National State, VOTNA). It was created in 1977, when the 87th naval infantry brigade led a coup to take over the Eastern military command during the suvarovan civil war. Although orignally seen to move towards democracy by 1980 the control of the VOTNA was absoulute.

Volsk has two main bodies for decsion making with the First being the Vol'skiy Sysshiy Sovet (High council of Volsk, VSS) which contains ten figures from the Party with ultimate authroity and act as govoners of the ten states of volsk.

The lower house is the Vol'skiye Polkovodtsy (Volskan high commanders) with 300 seats, which Serves to represent varoius interst groups and estates within Volsk. Although it has very little official power it can suggest laws to the High council of Volsk or raise issues.

The Vol'skiye Polkovodtsy included representatives from the mass organisations of:

  • Вооруженные силы вольсканской нацииVooruzhennyye (sily vol'skanskoy natsii, Armed forces of the Volskan nation, AFVN)
  • Командование государства и порядка ( Komandovaniyei poryadka, Command of State and Order, KSO)
  • Командование экономией (Komandovaniye ekonomiyey, Command of Economy, KE)
  • Kоманда науки (Komanda Nauki, Command of Science, KS)
  • Командование народным трудом (Komandovaniye narodnym trudom, Command of National Labor, KNT)
  • Командование Вольсканского государства (Komandovaniye Vol'skanskogo gosudarstva, Command of Volskan States, KVG)
  • Вольсканские дворянские усадьбы (Vol'skanskiye dvoryanskiye usad'by, Volskan noble estates, VDU)

Volsk is unique as it does not have a sepration between church and state, with the role of the Volskan church being roled into the Sub-Command of Education and Infomation Services.


The Volski Armed Forces are responsible for the defence of Volsk. Universal male conscription is in place, under which all men serve for 1 year, from the age of 18 then continue in the militia until they are 35.

volskI official policy states that a wartime military strength of 200,000 personnel constitutes a sufficient deterrent. The army consists of a highly mobile mechanised units backed up by local defence units. The army defends the national territory and its military strategy employs the use of the heavily forested terrain and arctic conditions to wear down an aggressor, instead of attempting to hold the attacking army on the frontier.

Volsk's defence budget equals approximately 2.1% of GDP.

In wartime the Volski Border Guard and the Volski forestry service (which are their own military unit's in peacetime) becomes part of the Volski Armed Forces.


Volskan Culture is heavily influenced By Suvarovan and Slavic traditions, religion and social norms.




alot of colonial fusion food, K.N.A must import a large portion of its staple foods