List of Ebrarian National Landmarks

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A National Landmark (Ebrarese: Puncto National de Referiment), or PNR, is a building, district, object, site, natural feature, or structure that is officially recognized by the Ebrarian government for its noteworthy historical, natural, scientific, or religious significance.


Castello Providence

Originally a folly commissioned by Ceres mayor Marco Sartor in 1904, Castello Providence is now the official residence of the Sovereign Protector. Castello Providence sits on a large estate of gardens and forest in the Ebrarian capital. The structure was built in the Gothic Revival style. After the Ebrarian Revolution, the government of Ebrary purchased the castle for official use and Sovereign Protector Daniel Lucas made it his full-time residence in 1987. It is sometimes referred to by its previous name, Castello Ceres.

Gardens at Castello Providence

Three gardens are part of the grounds of Castello Providence, the Rose Garden, the Occidental Garden, and the Oriental Garden. The gardens are maintained and have served as staging-grounds for diplomatic talks, press conferences, and social gatherings hosted by the Sovereign Protector. A team of full-time groundskeepers and gardeners are employed by the Ebrarian government to maintain the gardens and the rest of the grounds.

Palatio de Estalta

The Palatio de Estalta is the meeting place of the Ebrarian Parliament, located on Estalta Hill in Ceres. The building was constructed from 1867 to 1869 in the Tagmatine Revival style to house the Parliament of the Kingdom of Ebrary. Successive legislatures in Ebrary have met in the building.

Palatio Presidential

Constructed between 1935 to 1942 in the Châteauesque style, the Palatio Presidential is the official residence of the president of Ebrary. The building was never used by the presidents of the Republic of Ebrary, because of a coup in 1943 which reinstalled the monarchy. However, the royal family of Ebrary appropriated the home and significantly renovated it for use as a royal residence. During this time, it was referred to as the Palatio Nove Royal (New Royal Palace). After the Ebrarian Revolution, all royal buildings were confiscated by the new government, and the building was then selected by a Parliamentary committee and approved by vote of Parliament as the official residence of the president of Ebrary.