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The United States of Merixco
Estados Unidos Merixcanos
Flag of Merixco
of Merixco
Coat of arms
Motto: Libertad Para El Pueblo Merixcano
(Freedom for the Merixcan People)
Merixco City
Official languagesMerixcan
Recognised national languagesNapolitan
GovernmentFederal presidential democratic republic
• President
Plutarco Elias Monarrez
• Vice President
Cristiano Castanon
LegislatureCongreso de la Unión
Chamber of Deputies
• Formal unification of the warring tribes
CurrencySesopoy (SPY)

Merixco, officially the United States of Merixco, is a federal democratic republic located on the continent of Ausiana. It is located in the Coalition of Crown Albatross. It has had a turbulent history, starting with the unification of the warring tribes in the area after years of war and bloodshed. It became a nation in 1542 under the leadership of Emmanuel Lopez Hidalgo, whom has become a sort of mythical figure in the nations history. It is currently led by Plutarco Elias Monarrez, who became the nations leader following the 2018 Merixcan Elections.

The nation has a history of instability, having experienced 5 coups in it's history, with the establishment of the democratic republic done after the death of dictator Porfirio Trujillo.


Comes from the "Merico" which evolved into "Merixco"


The Warring Tribes Period and their collection

In the beginning of the country's history, the area which it now currently resides was populated with tribes that were very nomadic. They constantly moved around hunting and started to settle down in the area that is now Merixco. They then started to raid each other and as technology progressed they started to go to war with each other. One tribe, the Merico unified the region after years of bloodshed and war. They then established a constitution in 1542 and made the United States of Merixco.


The starting years after the establishment of Merixco was one that was dealing with stability problems after it's formation. The nations had to rebuild after years of warfare and was behind other countries in the world. The reason for a union of states was due to ethnic problems between the tribes it united. The first leader was Emmanuel Lopez Hidalgo who is considered the greatest leader in the countries history. He signed multiple legislations and was considered a great uniter for Merixcan identity. He wrote into law the Merixcan Basic Rights Law, which outlined the rights that every citizen is entitled to. He died in 1610 at age 98 and a council was formed to see who was to replace him. This led to the second democratic elections of the country in 1611 and the second president, Benjamin P. Salas, had signed into law term limits of four years and the expansion of voting from the wealthy landowners to the common folk. He then stayed true to his promise and stepped down from the presidency in 1619 after serving two terms in office. A period of stability followed until 1800 at the turn of the century.


After the preceding democratic election of President Guillermo de la Paz, his victory was disputed by the Merixcan populace, with claims of bribery to vote counters and election rigging. This led to the overthrown of de la Paz and the suspension of the democratic system, creating the 51 Year Dictatorship. This was led by a military junta headed by Saturnino Perez who installed many economic reforms and focused on industrializing the country with new technological advancements. He also did do democratic elections, although they were all rigged and he remained in power until his death in 1851 at age 99. He tried to reform the military into a strong force with mixed results. President Perez is widely considered mediocre by modern Merixco and his reputation is stained by his dictatorship.




Foreign Relations