Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma

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Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma
Queen Diantha-Gown.jpeg
Dynast Queen of Greater Furia Curia
Preceded byCorisande Curie Ptochoprodroma
Personal details
BornAugust 27, 1985 (36)

Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma is the current Dynast Queen of Greater Furia Curia, succeeding her late mother, Corisande Curie Ptochoprodroma. She is the 48th ruler of the Curian Dynasty and 6th ruler of House Ptochoprodroma.

Early Life


Diantha with her mother, Queen Corisande, October 1990

Queen Corisande's Death

Regency Period

Young Queen Diantha with her uncle, Prince Regent Dorien, 1994

Adult Life


Career & Marriage

Reign as Dynast Queen

Political Views