Oxidentale Jet Works Mi-14 Harpy Eagle

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Mi-14 Harpy Eagle
KFX model.png
Model of an Mi-14-M1
General information
TypeMulti-role Fighter
ManufacturerOxidentale Jet Works
StatusIn production
Introduction dateMid 2016

The Oxidentale Jet Works Mi-14 Harpy Eagle (Mi - Mimbuku or 'Spear" in Reze) is a 5th generation fighter developed by Oxidentale Jet Works, a consortium that was incorporated by Santh Corp of Sante Reze and Falcus Designs of Orun Redisus in order to develop new generation advanced aircraft. The Mi-14 was the first new 5th generation fighter to be developed in Oxidentale in order to introduce new market alternatives to the UFC F-29 Hurricane, the other major 5th generation fighter in Ajax. The fighter has been deployed extensively in the SR AIRFORCE and has been delivered to several squadrons in the Royal Redisan Air Force as well with more planned for introduction by 2023. The program is divided amongst corporations with santh corp holding a 60% stake and Falcus Designs holding a 40% stake, the majority of which was acquired through funding supplied by the government of Orun Redisus.


One of two Mi-14 production lines Aethas, Orun Redisus

Operational History


The main armament of the aircraft is Reaper XM 30 mm revolver cannon. The determination of a powerful main armament was made early on for capable dogfighting. The design team was displeased with the performance of the previous models, which had been extensively tested aboard other aircraft. It was improved upon and deployed as the reaper XM. The gun has six barrels and is capable of up to 6,000 rpm. The revolver design also allows the weapon to fire rapidly, preventing any individual barrel from heating up excessively. Though the aircraft carries limited ammunition for the cannon, it was determined that the speed at which encounters happen would rapidly see ammunition depleted regardless.

Hard points for the transportation of munitions were next to be considered. Six of them were to be on the aircraft mounted along various struts in the frame. The Standard Weapon Mounting System is the primary munitions mounting system. SWMS is a standard mount that can be placed on a variety of missiles. The aircraft is configured as a multi role fighter and thus can use its hard points for ground attack as well as air to air combat. The pylons are also supplemented by two weapons bays along the center of the aircraft for larger, heavier munitions. With the potent weapons load and large number of weapons present, the dogfighting time was greatly increased compared to previous generation aircraft.

Avionics, Controls, and Cockpit

The aircraft was specifically to be designed to a 5th generation standard with numerous new and potent computing systems for operations. A digital fly by wire control system with artificial stability control ensures the pilot has plenty of assistance in flying the aircraft with a full load. Initially, the prototype featured a helmet with a full internal display, which came with each aircraft and was a permanent part of the cockpit. The helmet displays targeting readouts, aircraft mechanical and electrical information, and has the capability to take feed from several night vision and thermal cameras. The helmet is also capable of monitoring pilot vital signs with attachment pads for several medical sensors on the pilot's arms. This system allows the pilot and those on the ground and in aircraft around him to monitor their comrade's vital signs. The production variant included a detachable main wiring harness for the helmet to allow the helmet to be disconnected since the initial design proved impractical. An integrated specialty flight suit with its own wiring harness was developed in 2016 to replace the built in vital signs monitoring pads. Initial prototypes proved difficult to fly as several configurations were tested and it was eventually decided that a conventional HOTAS setup would provide the best functionality for pilots.

In the event of the aircraft being shot down or the pilot becoming incapacitated, the aircraft is equipped with a full ejection seat system. The cockpit glass cover first ejects with a small explosive that removes the linkage. A rocket motor then removes the cockpit from the aircraft. The seat then is ejected out with it's own rocket engine and the pilot can either eject from the seat or utilize the seat's own parachute. Basic survival gear is present within the seat's storage compartment. An emergency radio transmitter within the seat can also be activated if the pilot is within recovery area. The restraints in the seat can secure the pilot and provide a relatively safe landing in the event the pilot becomes incapacitated and unable to function.

All instruments within the aircraft export data to the M21A Data Processing Computer. It was developed in conjunction with several computer manufactuerers rather than developing it in house. Having the specialists produce the system resulted in a much better computer infrastructure than would be possible otherwise. The M21A is assigned with the monumental task of processing all data from the aircraft. It can coordinate with other nearby M21A units and share data. The device is also capable of linking, via encrypted satellite signal, to a ground basec computing systems in the home country provided it can reach a satellite comm system. This role can be filled by various naval or air options as well as land based. This allowed the pilot to access data from other various systems. Incoming data is sifted by the M21A and information is compiled into several basic categories. The system can prioritize data as well. For example, a warning about an internal failure takes precedent over a long distance contact on radar.

Navigation is handled by a GPS system that operates off of navigation satellites. Navigation parameters are displayed on one of the primary cockpit displays. Navigation telemetry is considered secondary to combat and aircraft status data and is thus not displayed in the helmet system by default but can be brought on the helmet display if the pilot desires it. Two Litton LN-100F ring laser gyroscopes assist in providing the aircraft with unprecedented navigational capacity on its own apart from satellites if the aircraft is cut off. This lessens the workload of the pilot significantly by looking at the ground below and alerting him when necessary. Navigation data can also be gathered from naval vessels and land radars.

Electronic warfare is handled by an all new system. A EWP-5B low band tactical jamming pod mounted on the belly is designed to throw of missile tracking systems by jamming many low frequencies. Two XB-22A wide and low band receivers (one on each wingtip) combine with the EWP-5B to form a web of defense against air to air threats. A EW-1E Electronic Warning System alerts the pilot of tracking locks. An infrared jammer mounted under a radar transparent dome on the underbelly provides defense against IR missile guidance. It was decided that a new approach to countermeasures and defense would be needed for a hard countermeasure system. Traditional chaff would be replaced with an active disposable radar decoy device. The DD372 decoy system was developed specifically for deployment on the aircraft. The system deploys small pods in the shape of chaff pods which provide significant amounts of radar interference. As of 2017, the infrared strobe was swapped out for an active directional infrared interference module which improved performance significantly

An entirely new mechanically steered radar is featured aboard the aircraft, the LRDD45F Active Detection Array. This is a very large radar, with a detection radius 200-230 km against 1m^2 targets. It can sweep 50 degrees and has a tracking range of 25 km against objects from the size of a basketball and larger. It combines with the ability to track up to twenty two targets. The radar is one of the most developed part of the avionics. Specifically shaping the radar around the aircraft allowed it to be constructed in a smaller package, slightly reducing the size.

A WM-1G Weapons Management System (WMS) is standard within every aircraft. The system provides ample abilities and handles targeting. It also has an emergency weapons jettison protocol. Manual targeting is available as well as a backup countermeasure. The system can be displayed inside the pilot's helmet displays to provide an unprecedented degree of targeting capabilities for the pilot Friend/Foe identification was also integrated into the system. A new rendition of the software was released in 2019 along with new hardware taking advantage of virtual reality programming. Tests on a new helmet design began in 2021 that allows a pilot to be able to interact with the outside world in real time and see a full unhindered 360 degree view of the world around them and see real time radar pinging and targeting on the helmet display. This system further required the integration of several high speed camera pods mounted at various points of the aircraft and additional processing upgrades to provide a full view.

To integrate all of the avionics and data crunching, the SN37R Central Avionics Data Processing Computer (CADPR) is aboard the aircraft. This computer has the massive job of coordinating everything with a microprocessor on the plane. The system divides every computer into a bank, these banks have an individual processing system aiding the main computer by gathering and sending the data in manageable packages for the CADPR. The autopilot links to the CADPR before linking to the GPS system to provide a system in between the GPS and the autopilot. It pilots the aircraft by satellite. A EN3D Engine Monitoring Computer is specifically designed to monitor the various aspects of the engine, but this was thrown in as sort of a redundant backup. Overall, the module avionics system was maintained from the Na-5 to allow easy upgrades in the future.

Airframe and Wing Design

The airframe, designers knew, would need to be strong and armored, so it was constructed out of titanium, aluminun, and carbon fiber. The wings are diamond planfom wings and are designed to have a high tinsel strength for extended periods of stress. The control surface layout was to be fairly basic which would allow for easy maintenance and export. A control column or a control yoke attached to a column, which moves the ailerons when turned or deflected left and right, and moves the elevators when moved backwards or forwards provides for ease of control. These provide for the plane to climb, dive, or turn left and right. The aircraft has limited stealth capabilities. A coating of special paint combined with angles in certain places reduce the aircraft's radar signature significantly. In an age of 5th generation aircraft, the Na-6 would not last long without some stealth capability to protect it. Weight and aerodynamics are still a consideration. The limited stealth is limited because it was insisted that the aerodynamics capability of the aircraft not be compromised. Performance over stealth was the decided design architecture used.


Initial engine considerations were a point of debate. Earlier engines such as the R220 and R230 were considered but in the end it lost out to an upgraded platform for stealth, based on the AA50 large aircraft engines, designated as the R320. The output was kept mostly the same as the parent engine design but added some new features to make such a design more viable for use on a smaller aircraft. The aircraft is configured for short take off landing or STOL which marks a departure from the long distance takeoff of the bomber the parent engines propel. A nozzle that can decrease the size of the opening to increase speed is standard as with the design as it is on most modern jet engines. An emergency oxygen intake vent and an electrical igniter to avoid flame-out are present to prevent the engine from suffering from high stress failure. The turbines themselves are titanium-nickel alloy to save weight and allow for greater handling of heat. Blown flaps and thrust reversers are standard. The engine's insides are constructed of lightweight titanium and carbon fiber. The fuel sprayer layout is three sprayers in a row, which spray at a carefully monitored and adjusted rate by the EN3D (see Avionics and Controls). The engine is further optimized with a third compressor to account for the gas expanding in the combustion chamber and saves some of the engine's performance. Past experience with jet engines indicated to the design team that a low bypass afterburning turbofan would achieve optimal performance.. A 3-D thrust vectoring system and bucket thrust reversers round out the engine's capabilities.


Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: center; background: #aacccc;"|Designation ! style="text-align: center; background: #aacccc;"|Origin ! style="text-align: center; background: #aacccc;"|Notes |----- |XN-14 |Template:Country data Sante Reese/ Orun Redisus |First prototype |----- |XN-14 Series A |Template:Country data Sante Reese/ Orun Redisus |Experimental VTOL prototype |----- |XN-14 Series B |Template:Country data Sante Reese/ Orun Redisus |Prototype equipped with two Phoenix High Performance Engines for testing |----- |}


General characteristics



  • Cannons: 1x 30 mm cannon
  • Missiles: 8x various air to air missiles
  • Other Ordinance: Additional ground attack munitions as required in different configurations.

Additional Stats

Length: 20 m
Wingspan: 12 m
Height: 4 m
Propulsion: 2x Jupiter Mk III three spool turbofans producing 20,000 kg of thrust each
Total Net Thrust: 40,000 kg
Empty Weight: 16,200 kg
Maximum Take-Off Weight: 47,546 kg
Minimum Fuel Weight: 9,136.5 kg
Maximum Fuel Weight: 12,791 kg
Limit Per/Number of Pylon(s):
-4x Wing Mounted Pylons, Inner Pylon: 1,200 kg, Outer Pylon: 720 kg
-2x Weapons bays with a 2,300 kg max load
-1x Central pylon with a 3,000 kg max load
Normal Payload: 8,400 kg
Maximum Payload: 13,000 kg
Normal Combat Weight: 37,391 kg
Thrust-to-Weight Ratio: 1.1
Combat Range: 1,200 km
Ferry Range: 3,240 km
Operational Ceiling/Altitude: 19 km
Electronic Warfare:
-1x EWP-5B Jamming Pod
Maximum Altitude: 19 km
Cruising Speed: Mach 0.9
Supercruising Speed: Mach 1.6
Maximum Speed: Mach 1.9
Crew (List):
Na-6A- 1
Na-6E- 2 man trainer


See Also

Comparable Aircraft