FMM multipurpose frigate

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Class overview
Builders: Sylva Fincantieri
Preceded by:
Subclasses: ASW, GP, various other subclasses
Built: 1991–2010 (Sieuxerr)
In commission: 1994–present
  • 20 (Sieuxerr)
  • 10 (Sylva)
  • 8 (Maracaibo)
  • 6 (Khalistan)
  • 4 (Batavaie)
  • 68+ (Total)
Completed: 52
General characteristics
Type: Frigate
  • 5,400 tonnes
  • 6,500 tonnes
  • 130.7 m (429 ft) ASW
  • 154.8 m (508 ft) AAW
  • 15.9 m (52 ft) ASW
  • 16.4 m (54 ft) AAW
  • 5.1 m (17 ft) ASW
  • 5.4 m (18 ft) AAW
  • CODOG, 30,000 kW (ASW)
  • CODLOG, 40,000 kW (AAW)
Speed: 30 knots
Range: 5,000 nm @ 19 knots
  • 230 ASW
  • 280 AAW
Sensors and
processing systems:
  • Optronics:
  • 1 × Sagem Vampir MB infra-red search and track system (Both)
  • Radars:
  • 1 × DRBJ-17 3D radar (ASW)
  • 1 × DRBJ-19 3D radar (AAW)
  • 1 × DRBV-26 search radar (Early, AAW)
  • 1 × DRBV-27 search radar (Late, AAW)
  • 1 × DRBC-33J fire control radar (Early, Both)
  • 2 × RTN-30X fire control radar (Both)
  • 2 × Navigation and helicopter radars
  • Sonars:
  • 1 × DUBV-24 hull sonar
  • 1 × DUBV 43 towed sonar (Early, ASW)
  • 1 × UMS 4249 CAPTAS4 towed sonar (Late, ASW)
  • 1 × ATBF 2 VDS (AAW)
  • 1 × DSBV 62 TASS (AAW)
  • Communications:
  • Satellite links: Inmarsat, SYRACUSE
Electronic warfare
& decoys:
  • Jammers:
  • 2 × ARBB-33 jammers
  • 2 × BSM jammers
  • Decoy Launchers
  • 2 × SAGAIE launchers (Early, Both)
  • 2 × DAGAIE launchers (Early, Both)
  • 2 × ODLS-H launchers (Late, Both)
  • 2 × SLAT anti torpedo systems (Late, Both)
Aircraft carried:

The FMM ("Frigate Multi-Mission"; Merovingian: Frégate Multi-Mission; Sylvan: Fregata multi-missione) is a class of multi-mission frigates designed in the late-1980s and built throughout the 1990s and into the 2000s. The ships were designed to give EC states a common platform to replace "medium range" air-defense warships like the Durand de la Penne-class used by the Sylvan Navy and the Vercingétorix-class used by the Sieuxerrian Navy and also primarily ASW warships like the Maestrale-class and Charlemagne-class.

The FMM would spearhead a number of new sensors and weapon systems while also retaining legacy systems to help reduce costs and increase interoperability between allied nations. In the Sieuxerrian Navy it is known as the Aventurier-class and in the Sylvan Navy as the Mártir-Santo Mercurio-class.




As designed, all ships would be produced with the Sorenoro-produced OTO 127mm L/54 Compact deck gun. The gun was selected over the older 100mm guns previously used to achieve a better surface-bombardment effect. The gun feeds from three twenty-two round drums for a total of sixty-six ready rounds, an additional 500 rounds are stored in the magazine.

The 127mm gun can fire at a rate of forty rounds per minute, giving it roughly one and a half minutes of sustained fire from its ready ammunition. The gun has a number of rounds it can use including high-explosive, illumination, as well, these rounds have a variety of fuzing options. The guns have an effective range of 15,000 meters in bombardment, and roughly half that when used in an anti-air role. New guided ammunition has been produced for these guns, allowing for high-precision fire missions in support of ground forces or in targeting other naval forces.

One part of close-in-defense is provided by two twin-30mm turrets. These guns are 30mm automatic cannons with selectable rates of fire. The turrets have their own fire control radars, but can take cueing from the external directors if needed. The turrets have a combined rof of 1,600 rounds per minute per gun. Each turret has 2,000 ready rounds. The turrets have been relatively unchanged since accepted, however newer targeting systems were added.

Additional guns are provided in the shape of AA-MAS M.82 13.2mm machine guns and 20mm autocannons for defense against small boats.


The ships were built to utilize the new SYLVER vertical launch system, and were equipped with space for 6 8-cell blocks on the bow and 2 8-cell blocks between the hangers on the aft of the ship. The two aft blocks on all ships are A-43, which fires the Aster-15 missile with a range of 30 kilometers. These provide basic self and local area defense. Bow VLS cells were originally just A-50, firing both Aster-15 and Aster-30 along with the MASM-LV missile for anti-submarine duties. In production, Sieuxerrian ships did no reciever the full 6 blocks, only getting 4 of them. Batch II ships were built with a focus on ground strike, and had two of the A-50 blocks changed out for two A-70 blocks, able to fire SCALP EG and MM.90 missiles for anti-surface and anti-ship missions. Later Block III ships would have the same VLS arrangement.

On Batch I ships, self-defense was done by launchers firing the Mistral missile, these launchers were mounted onto the ODLS-H decoy dischargers. Experiences against Menghean KSR-5 and P-270 Moskit anti-shipping missiles in the Ummayan Civil War showed that the Mistral missile, a MANPAD, was ineffective at stopping said missiles. Batch II ships did not receive the Mistral launchers even before the civil war in 2004. Following the civil war, Batch I and II ships would be refitted with a Goalkeeper launcher. Batch III ships received two launchers. The Goalkeeper itself is a 17-round close-in-weapon system, firing the VT-2 missile, a modification of the VT-1 missile.

All ships were equipped with two four-missile launchers for anti-shipping missiles. The first ships were fitted with MM.40 Block 2 Exocet missiles with a range of 72 kilometers. Later some ships would get the new MM.90 anti-shipping missile, a supersonic anti-ship missile with a range of 200 kilometers. Budgetary restraints would mean not all ships would get the MM.90. As an interim measure, a number of ships would get the MM.40 Block 3 Exocet instead. The Block 3 has additional guidance abilities allowing it to be used as a land-attack missile. As well, it has improved maneuverability as well as a new air-breathing engine giving it a much greater distance of 180 kilometers. Many Block 3 missiles are instead conversions of existing Block 2 stocks.

Sylvan and Maracaibean ships are equipped with the Otomat anti-ship missile. This missile family is multipurpose, with variants able to conduct land attack, anti-submachine, and conventional anti-shipping duties. The basic missile of choice is the Otomat Mk 2 Block IV with a range of 180 kilometers. Depending on the mission, the Otomat Mk 2 E with a range of 360 kilometers and new types of guidance for long-range land to sea strike missions, or the MILAS anti-submarine missile can be fitted. The MILAS is a converted Otomat missile that has been modified to take an MU90 lightweight torpedo for anti-submachine duties. The MILAS has a range of under 35 kilometers.

Starting in the late 2000s, the Aster-15 was retired by numerous nations in favor of adoption of the Vipera 3/4VL missile. The Vipera 3VL has an effective range of 25 kilometers, with the 4VL having an extended range of over 40 kilometers. Along with the increased range, the missile can be quad-packed in the SYLVER VLS cells. Aster-15 missiles as they were removed from service were fitted with the Aster-30 and returned to service.


The ships are all equipped with 2 533mm torpedo tubes on both sides of the ship. They are designed to use the L5 and L17 series and later MU90 series of anti-submarine torpedoes.



On Batch I and II ships wide-area aerial search was done by the D-band DRBV-26 series of radar, originally these were DRBV-26C with a range of 300km, but quickly replaced by DRBV-26D radars with an instrumental range of some 400km. Both series of radars could track up to 64 targets. Following upgrades to the Batch I and II ships and standard on the new Batch III ships these radars are then replaced by the DRBV-27L, a variant of the larger DRBV-27A which is used by the Chacal-class of air defense frigates but with a shorter search range as its radar array is smaller. It shares much of the below-deck components to the DRBV-26C/D radars with a passive phased array antenna replacing the older antenna. The DRBV-27L also, like with the 27A, has the capacity to track up to 200 targets at once. The DRBV-26 series was used by previous classes of warships and was an effective, low-cost wide-area search radar.

Sylvan ships at first used the DRBV-26 series for their wide-area search, however in the early 2010s new ships were equipped with the Selex RAN-40L radar. The radar boasts the ability to track 500 targets and has an effective range upto 400 kilometers. Only the GP subclass is equipped with them, the older ships retaining the DRBV-26C radar sets.

Batch I and II ships use S-band multi-function radar 2D Sea Tiger Mk2, known in the Sieuxerrian Navy as DRBV 15C. The DRBV 15C radar has an instrumental range of 130km. Batch III ships had the Sea Tiger radar removed in favor of the C-band Kronos Grand Naval radar. The Kronos Grand Naval features greatly improved capabilities over the Sea Tiger, including detection of various threats including high-speed sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, or small fast-attack craft. The range of the Kronos radar is 250 kilometers.

There are also two helicopter and navigation search radars and also fire control radars.

Ships in class

Name Hull no. Builder Laid down Launched Commissioned Home port Status
Sieuxerr Sieuxerrian Navy
Le Hardi D651 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 1991 1992 1994 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Fleuret D652 Chantiers Navals Courtillers, Courtillers 1992 1993 1995 AVA Joint Base Portcullia, Portcullia Active
Épée D653 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1993 1994 1996 Neons Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Mameluk D654 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 1994 1995 1997 Briquemont Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Casque D655 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 1994 1995 1997 AVA Joint Base Portcullia, Portcullia Active
Lansquenet D656 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1995 1996 1998 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Le Flibustier D657 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1995 1996 1998 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active,
Le Corsaire D658 Chantiers Navals Courtillers, Courtillers 1995 1996 1998 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active,
Aigle D661 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 1996 1998 2000 AVA Joint Base Portcullia, Portcullia Active
Vautour D662 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 1996 1998 2000 Neons Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Albatros D663 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1998 2000 2002 Briquemont Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Gerfaut D664 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1998 2000 2002 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Milan D665 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 1998 2000 2002 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Épervier D667 Chantiers Navals Courtillers, Courtillers 1998 2000 2002 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Le Fantasque D668 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 2002 2004 2006 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
L'Audacieux D669 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 2002 2004 2006 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Le Malin D670 Arsenal de Neons, Neons 2002 2004 2006 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Le Terrible D671 Chantiers Navals Courtillers, Courtillers 2002 2004 2006 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Le Triomphant D672 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 2006 2008 2010 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
L'Indomptable D673 Arsenal de Vaudouan, Vaudouan 2006 2008 2010 Vaudouan Naval Base, Sieuxerr Active
Sylva Royal Sylvan Navy
Mártir-Santo Mercurio MSM Fincanteiri 1993 1994 1996 , Sylva Active
Mártir-Santo Expedito MSE Fincanteiri 1994 1995 1997 , Sylva Active
Mártir-Santo Beso MSB Fincanteiri 1996 1997 1999 , Sylva Active
Santo Agostino Roscelli SAR Fincanteiri 1998 1999 2001 , Sylva Active
Santo Amabilis de Auvernia SAA Fincanteiri 2000 2001 2002 , Sylva Active
Santo Albino de Angers SAN Fincanteiri 2002 2003 2005 , Sylva Active
Santo Fileto SFI Fincanteiri 2004 2005 2006 , Sylva Active
Santo Margarita Burguesa SMB Fincanteiri 2006 2007 2008 , Sylva Active
Santo Ulrico de Augsburgo SUA Fincanteiri 2008 2009 2010 , Sylva Active
Santo José SAJ Fincanteiri 2010 2012 2013 , Sylva Active
Maracaibean Navy
Khalistani Navy
Batavaian Navy