Sectatus Imperialis Telstein

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Sectatus Imperialis Ky'Telstein
Flag of the Imperial Sector
Seal of the Sectatus Imperialis
National Words
Salus Imperialis Suprema Est
Sector Capitol Ky'Telstein
Largest City Ky
Ethnic group Human 100%
Languages High Gothic
Low Gothic
Demonym Imperial
Governing Structure
Dominus Sectatus
John Smith
Cardinalis Sectatus
John Smith
Prefectus Primus Sectatus
John Smith
John Smith
Total (2019 Est.) XYZ
Total Area XYZ Planets
Date Check/Segment/Year/.Millennium

The Sectatus Imperialis Telstein (Telsteinian Imperial Sector) is a division of the Imperium of Mankind, rendered entirely separate from it for over a century since the Night of a Thousand Rebellions in 992999.M41.




+++ + IS IN PROGRESS + +++

The Telstein Sector vanished from all Imperial Record during the Night of a Thousand Rebellions in 992999.M41. Considered to have been destroyed by a chaotic rebellion, those within the Sectatus Imperialis still labour to discover how they have found themselves entirely separated from the Light of the Astronomicon in an alternate universe.


Location of the Sectatus in relation to Holy Terra.

The Telstein Sector is a three-dimensional area of space with sides roughly 200 light years long. Its borders correlate roughly with the Pre-Starshift Telstein Sector insofar as Imperial Adminstration would be concerned - though since the Starshift there have been territorial gains and losses which have resulted in minor but noticeable changes. The Telstein Sector sits to the West of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is positioned on the outer edge of the Perseus Arm, which is to the Galactic South-West of the Orion Spur wherin lies Holy Terra. The Sector was formerly seen as a bulwark against the Northern edge of the Veiled Region. The Telstein Sector sits at a longitude of 237° and at a latitude of 12° above the galactic plane according to the Galactic Coordinate System. It is approximately 18,000ly from Earth.

Whilst the Starshift has entirely removed Telstein Sector from the dimension of reality in which the remainder of the Imperium of Mankind lies, those concerned with its governance still consider Telstein a part of the Segmentum Pacificus, one of the Imperium of Mankind's Segmentae Majoris. The names of the Segmentae are also used commonly to describe the vast reaches of galactic space which they were responsible for administering. Within the Segmentum Pacificus, the Telstein Sector sits between the notable Macharian Sector and Chiros Sector, tending toward the border with the Segmentum Tempestus.

Administrative Divisions

The Telstein Sector consists of around 400 settled worlds with countless settled moons, man-made satellites, minor celestial bodies and void-stations. Whilst populations can rise to sit in the hundreds of billions on the largest of Hive Worlds, the majority of human-controlled planets are sparsely populated and the average population of a planet is in the tens of millions. These worlds of the Sector are principally divided into Sub-Sectors, Systems, Planets, and Inter-Sectors. The various governmental organisations possess their own administrative sub-divisions, but aside from differing terminology their boundaries typically correlate with these standard areas.

Sub-Sectors, also known as 'Clusters' are areas of space approximately ten to twenty Light-years in diameter. Rather than being a universal feature within the Sector that subdivide its entire space, they are instead centered on densely populated clusters of stars, important worlds, and convergences of stable warp-currents. Given inter-stellar travel for the Imperium relies heavily on these warp currents it is common for exploration and colonisation to cluster around such convergences, with key worlds forming thereafter. There are seven designated Sub-Sectors within the Telstein Sector. The largest consists of ten systems spread in a three-dimensional wish-bone shape at the point that the Haelian Warp Corridor bifurcates into the Upper Haelian Reach and the Capacitan Spur. The smallest consists of a single System, and was only elevated to the status of a Sub-Sector following the Starshift to recognise the importance of the Adeptus Mechanicus within the Sector's administration. Sub-Sectors are firmly claimed as Imperial Territory, with the borders of even the largest such divisions being something vessels of the Imperial Fleet can comfortably patrol. Despite this however, it would be incorrect to claim that Imperial Hold on territory within a given Sub-Sector is absolute. There are countless worlds visited and deemed unsuitable or irrelevant to Imperial colonisation efforts, and countless more that have yet to be visited by a vessel of the Imperium. Whilst it is exceedingly rare for an interstellar empire to unknowingly co-exist with the Imperium of Man, entire interplanetary civilisations, both alien and long-lost human in origin exist within so-called Settled Space. This is to say nothing of those worlds which hold life but claim no dominion over the stars: either that which has yet to step foot in the void, or small settlements that fail to recognise Imperial Authority.

The strength of Imperial Control weakens considerably outside of such Sub-Sectors, in what is referred to as Intersectional Space. Whether due to conventional distance, capricious warp currents, or even due to a parity opponent of the Imperium, these areas are not as tightly controlled by the Imperium. Naturally the proliferation of Imperial Colonies diminishes quite proportionally to how easy a given area of Inter-Sector is to reach from Settled Space. For this reason, Intersectional Space is often referred to as Wilderness Space. The vast majority of the Telstein Sector is made up of Intersectional Space, and it would be fair to say that more than half of the settled worlds within the Sector sit without of a Sub-Sector.

Below the grade of a Sub-Sector, comes that of a System. As with standard astrographical terminology, a System consists of a Star or system of clustered stellar objects which are orbited by non-stellar objects bound by the gravitational pull of the system's star. A system need not necessarily contain a Planet but it is exceedingly rare for such a locale to become so noteworthy that it is worth designating as a System. All Planets governed by an Imperial Commander will exist within a System, though if the System only holds one Imperial Planet then the difference between the two entities is minimal.

A Planet is defined astrogeologically as a rounded sub-stellar body. This is a wide definition that includes satellites of other sub-stellar bodies. Insofar as Imperial Bureaucracy is concerned, a Planet is a celestial body settled by Humankind and showing both fealty and worship to Him On Earth. Administratively speaking, a Planet will have an Imperial Commander or Planetary Governor appointed. Under the Lex Imperialis this figure holds absolute authority over that world so long as they meet their obligations to the Wider Imperium. The geological mass, environmental conditions, political landscape and population size of any two planets will differ - in some cases so wildly that one would struggle to conclude that they exist as part of the same Empire. It would be fair to say that due to the erratic and often glacial pace of travel, communication, and bureaucracy within the Imperium of Man, the Telstein Sector hold countless Planets it does not yet know it controls. As Rogue Traders, Explorator Fleets, Colonial Crusades and even private corporate efforts expand the borders of the Sector, civilisation can spread across entire systems - and die screaming centuries later - before the Administratum recognises the laying of the first foundation stone.

Planetary Classification

All Planets, even those Sub-Stellar Celestial Bodies which are not formally 'accepted' as Planets by dint of not possessing a Planetary Governor, are classified by the Administratum to allow Imperial Authorities to better understand the space they control. Classifications exist on a variety of different scales including those which divide them by their tithing requirement or their function within the wider Imperium. Whilst there are countless planets, the majority of them, which are classed as Gamma-Class Civilised Worlds, many others are highly specialised and could not survive for long if cut off from the wider Imperium. These include Alpha-Class Agri-Worlds given over entirely to farming practices often so monstrous they would be unrecogniseable to a modern farmer, Delta-Tau-Class Death Worlds so inhospitable to human life that daily survival is near-miraculous, Eta-Class Hive Worlds so overpopulated and overpolluted that a single late food conveyor can starve millions, and Phi-class Forge Worlds given over entirely to industry and worship of the Omnissiah.


Since the Shift the Sector's government has taken on a great deal more responsibility than it used to have. Many functions which lay with the Segmentum Commander and his cadre the Administration Adepts have now, by necessity, been adopted by the Sector Government. Further, many functions which were previously held by Planetary Governors or Sub-Sector Commanders have been adopted by Sector-level government. Ultimately this was a move which displeased many below the Dominus Sectatus, but due to deft political manoeuvring to ensure the loyalty of as many militant factions, the conflicts that followed this reorganisation were mercifully swift.

Dominus Sectatus

The Dominus Sectatus, Sector Governor, or Sector Commander if exercising his role as supreme commander of military forces, is notionally the autocratic ruler of the Sector and enacts the will of the Emperor. In actuality the political realities of his position mean that the heads of the Adeptae beneath the Dominus are able to act with such independence that they are only really constrained by courtesy, favour, and the fear that straying too far from his edicts will be deemed traitorous by the Inquisition.

The Dominus is supported by the Familia Dominus Sectatus - an extensive staff of adminsitrative, advisory, domestic, and even personally loyal security personnel: the Cohorae Dominus.

In all things the Dominus Sectatus is correctly referred to as simply Lord Telstein, irregardless of gender or other titles held.

Senatorum Sectatus

The Senatorum Sectatus is a collection of the heads of the most powerful Imperial Organisations, or Adeptae. Unlike the Senatorum Imperialis that rules the wider Imperium in the Emperor's name, this cabinet does not consist of multitudes of subordinate nobles and functionaries. Instead it is more analogous to the 'High Twelve' of the Council of the High Lords of Terra. Notionally speaking those on the Senatorum are advisors to the Dominus Sectatus, but he usually finds himself working to gather support from different organisations as the situation calls through systems of favour and patronage. This is due to the tendancy for Adaptae's Masters' loyalty to be to the organisation and to their own advancement rather than to the Dominus Sectatus and his notional enactment of the Emperor's will.

The members of the Senatorum Sectatus are:

  • The Praesidentum Senatorum acts jointly as the chair of any meetings of the entire Senatorum, and also is responsible for arbitrating disputes between any members, and for upholding ceremony and procedures. Ostensibly the President is also responsible for safeguarding the Senatorum against undue command influence from the Dominus Sectatus, but in practice this element of his role is little-needed.
  • The Prefectus Primus Sectatus is the chief bureaucrat of the Administratum present in the Sector, and therefore has responsibility for record keeping, collection of the tithe and management of the sector's treasury, and even strategic-level military logistics through the Departmento Munitorum. Notionally in charge of the Imperial Fleet, and the Ordos Medicae and Tempestus, these divisions are almost entirely independent and rarely - if ever - pay even lip service to the Administratum.
  • The Cardinalis Sectatus is the first-among-equals of the Cardinals of the Ecclesiarchy within the Sector, and rather than looking down to a diocese is tasked with looking up to ensure that the Senatorum has sufficient regard for the Imperial Cult in all things.
  • The Fabricator-General of XYZ is not technically granted a seat on the Senatorum, though in his role as Sub-Sector Governor of Ky'Tertius, or Dominus Secundus Magos he is granted a seat. He acts as the representative of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
  • The Lord General Militant and the Lord Admiral are respectively the professional heads of the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Navy. They are joined by the Chartist Admiral who represents the interests of the Sector's merchant fleets, and is elected from among the most respected merchant family patriarchs for fixed terms.
  • The Lord Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites is responsible for all matters of justice and public order - though the Arbites usually do not concern themselves with local policing matters.
  • The Syndic Senatorum represents the Lord Inquisitor of the Inquisition on the council and notionally ensures their master's anonymity. Traditionally chosen by the confidence of their peers, the sector's Lord Inquisitor acts as a first among equals and, while lacking the ability to truly command or direct their fellows, is highly respected and is the only figure able to officially deem another inquisitor Excommunicate Traitoris.
  • The Dominae Secundus are the Lords, Governors, and Commanders of each Sub-Sector within the Sectatus Imperialis. Ostensibly they are honoured representatives of the people, in reality they are most often sinecure posts granted to the most obsequious of Planetary Governors. As above, the Dominus Secundus Magos is the Mechanicus representative.

Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy

Military Forces

