United Kingdoms of Sia

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United Kingdoms of Sia
Flag of Sianese
Motto: "願達引導我們的靈魂" (Sianese)
"May Da guide our souls"
Anthem: "每個人都喜歡功夫格鬥" (Sianese)
Royal anthem: "榮耀歸於大,榮耀歸於沙基拉" (Sianese)
Location of Sianese
LocationWithin the Eastern Asian Sphere
and largest city
Official languagesSianese, Mongolian, CESM, Dutch.
Recognised national languagesSianese
Recognised regional languagesSianese
Ethnic groups
  • 79% Sian
  • 11% Mongolian
  • 5% CESM
  • 2% Dutch
  • 1.75% East Asian
  • 1.25% Others
(100 CE ~)
Great Dragons of Da
GovernmentAbsolute Theocracy Monarchy
• Great Emperor
Zhing Pong Dat-Dat
• Empress
Zhao Ping Dat-Dat
• Grand Marshal
Dai Xing
• Senior Commander
Fu Qiqiang
United Kingdoms of the Sian regions 
a collective of petty kingdoms
• The unification of Sia and the revolt against the Mongolian occupation
1100s CE
• The Great Anarchy - Sian-Mongolian War
1805-1807 CE
• The Great Sianese War - a war against Western Expansion
1910-1914 CE
• The Sian Civil War
1936-1938 CE
• 1950 estimate
550,000,000 - 600,000,000~
CurrencyDari (SID)
Time zoneSEST
Driving sideleft

The United Kingdoms of Sia (UKS) is a collective of petty kingdoms across Sia [China]. The whole of Sia [China] is ruled over by a Great Emperor or Empress, who oversees the petty kingdoms. The petty kings and queens act as governors for their state, but the Great Emperor or Empress has full control over the entirety of the nation. The UKS form in the early 1100s CE, under the first emperorship of Aabavaanan Vaageesh the Wise, who went under his way to unite the people of Sia [China] under one banner.


Brief History of Sia

The lands of Sia were divided into smaller petty kingdoms, with the people divided and constantly at war with each other. It wasn’t until the Mongolian invasion into Sia, did the people of Sia decide to unite against the Mongolians after centuries of being occupied by them. Aabavaanan Vaageesh was a noble, a part of the Petty Kingdom of Vaageesh. Their origins came from the heartlands of [India], before their noble house settled into Sia and formed the Petty Kingdom of Vaageesh. It wasn’t until around the 1100s CE, did Aabavaanan Vaageesh decide to rally the Sian people under one banner and revolt against the Mongolians.

The United Kingdoms of Sia held great influence across the regions of Sia [China], and established large trade spheres across Asia and other regions beyond the vast seas. This became crucial when Sia became fairly isolated during certain periods of time. Its most notable trade routes were via the city states in the Commonwealth of Eastern Maritime States, though way before its founding to become what it is in modern times.

In 1549 CE, a conflict arose within one of the petty kingdoms of Sia. The Petty King Aiguo Chen took arms against the ruling leader of the UKS, because one - they were female. Secondly - they kept spending all the collected taxes on vanity, trinkets and curios. Thirdly and finally - they thought believing in the ‘Great Dragons’ to be absurd and disgusting.

A war broke out throughout the regions of Sia, between the Petty King and the Great Empress. Aiguo Chen managed to win the war after 20 years of brutal fighting. The victory was costly, but many of the petty kingdoms supported Aiguo Chen usurping of the Emperorship in the UKS. With the war ending in 1569 CE, a new era arose and Aiguo Chen ruled over the UKS for another 10 years, before passing at the rightful age of 71. His sons continued the Chen Dynasty for many centuries, up until the 1800s CE.

The Petty Kingdom of Dat-Dat started to undermine the Chen Dynasty, by performing covert operations and trying to weaken their influence across the UKS. The Petty King and head of the Dat-Dat bloodline, believed to be the rightful emperor of the UKS. As well made claims that he is the reincarnate of the Divine One, a mystical draconic being, that has been said to walk amongst the mortals to spread the wise words of the Great Dragons of Da. 1845 CE would be the breaking point between the Petty Kingdom of Dat-Dat and the Chen Dynasty. A holy war was declared by the Petty King of Dat-Dat, and gathered thousands of loyalists to overthrow the Emperor.

The war lasted for numerous years and ended in 1877 CE, after the Chen Emperor was killed under mysterious circumstances. With members of the Chen Dynasty refusing to give up the emperorship, they would soon meet their demise and be executed once they were captured. The Dat-Dat Dynasty soon formed and the ruling Emperor would be given the title as Holy Emperor of the UKS.

In 1909 CE, the UKS trade sphere started to wane and many nations within Asia started to turn away from the UKS. With the fear that many of the Asian nations have taken influences from the Western world,the current ruling Emperor decided to take actions into his own hands. He rallied a large military force to stop the spread of western influence. The war started in 1910 - 1914 CE, ending in a great defeat for the UKS and causing further economic issues to arise from it.

The war took a heavy toll on the populace and caused many people to turn their views away from the monarchy. Many petty kingdoms collapsed and anti-monarchist movements began to spark across the UKS. This period would lead the UKS into a great depression, lasting from the 1915s CE up until the early 1930s CE. The UKS splitted into numerous factions, each taking a holding within the UKS lands. However, up until the 1940s CE, the Great Emperor of the UKS reached out to the Mongolian people. Despite their differences and setbacks, they formed an anti-western alliance to combat the ever expanding influence of western culture within Asia.

The Great Anarchy - Sian-Mongolian War

In the 1800s, the divide in the Mongolian nation not only caused issues internally for them, but also spreaded over to the border regions of Sia. The Chen Dynasty at the time was losing its influence over Sia, as numerous internal affairs caused problems for the Great Emperor. In 1805, the United Kingdoms of Sia decided to take advantage of the shattered Mongolian empire, they believed they had the greater advantage in securing Mongolian lands under Sian authority.

The Royal Sian Army mobilized towards the Sian-Mongolian border, before preparing for the great offensive into Mongolia. However, underestimating the Mongolian people, they faced sheer resistance from armed militia and a unified Mongolian force. Tuvan Khanate managed to withstand the Sian onslaught, and proved to be a tough foe for the UKS. The conflict lasted for 2 years, ending in 1807 with the Royal Sian Army withdrawing its forces in the southernmost regions of Mongolia. This military embarrassment only led the Chen Dynasty to decline further, and allowed for the Petty Kingdom of Dat-Dat to instate its influence across Sia.

The Great Sianese War

The Great Sianese War started in 1910, with the Dat-Dat Dynasty declaring a holy war against Western influence in Asia. Calling upon those wishing to stand up against Western expansion, the Great Emperor Peng Dat-Dat managed to rally a sizable army to seize all of Western Asia under the UKS. The Royal Sian Army managed to push its forces deep into Asia, securing smaller provinces and city states under the UKS. The first year of the war proved to fall into the UKS’s favor, before starting to go south during the second year of the war.

Numerous nations from the West partook in the conflict to quell the conflict, proving to be a difficult foe for the UKS. The Royal Sian Army suffered moderate losses throughout each engagement, due to the lack of proper communications and organization. The entire Sian campaign would come to a messy end, with many Sian soldiers giving up or refusing to fight a futile war. The war ended in 1914, with the Great Emperor Peng signing a treaty with the Western nations involved in the war.

A year later, numerous factions splitted off from the UKS, as the UKS started to become fairly unstable and on the brink of collapse. With growing tension sparking between all factions, it would be matters of years before another war would break out.

The Sian Civil War

The Sian Civil War kicked off in 1936, when the Great Emperor decided to reintegrate it’s lost territory back into the UKS. Better prepared and organized, the Royal Sian Army performed much better in dealing with the factions. The civil war only lasted up until the end of 1938. An agreement was made between all parties, at the cost of the factions independence. Each faction is made to pay tribute to the UKS, and must abide by UKS authority.

Factions of Sia

People's Socialist Republic of Sia

The Flag of the People's Socialist Republic of Sia

PSRS formed during the end of the Sianese Great War against the West. Its ideals take great influence from [Russian] politics and other western ideals elsewhere. However, greatly isolated from the rest of the world, the PSRS are fairly weak and form an almost communist-monarchist government, to appease the UKS. While many greatly despise the UKS, they do not have the manpower or the resources to spread their influence across Sia [China], not without taking great losses for little gain.

Shi-Shu Clique / Elito-Dharo Junta

The flag of the Shu-Shi Clique

A Nationlistic and Militaristic group that consists of a [Dutch-Chinese] populace and heavy western influence. Seeing the military weakness in the UKS, they strive to perfect that flaw and rid anything that shows the weakness within the military might of the Sian people. They did make an attempt to overthrow the emperor of the UKS, but failed greatly with the lack of support of Western backers. The SSC and other factions formed an agreement with the UKS and joined back into the UKS, while being made to pay regular tribute to the current Emperor.

The SSC despises the UKS and its anti-western views. Seeing the UKS ignorance of the West as a weakness, they hope to one day be able to exploit its weakness and bring an end to the monarchy. However, they do hold rivalry with the PSRS and the Sian Democratic Republic.

Sian Democratic Republic

Flag of the Sian Democratic Republic

SDR is another faction heavily influenced by the west. Considered to be the most westernized part of the whole of China, they are fairly independent from the UKS. They despise the UKS for being anti-western and being ignorant of changing times. With the UKS war on the West failing miserably, a warlord would lead the SDR into being an independent nation. Though, after many decades since the Great Sianese War, the UKS would learn from its past failure and attempt to wrangle all the factions back into the UKS. While the SDR did fend off the UKS invasion for a time, they couldn’t sustain long enough to withstand the onslaught from UKS military forces. With the West unable to back them fully, they were forced to sign a treaty like many of the other factions did. A puppet under the UKS, they await for a time to break free from the monarchy and spread democracy and liberty across the Asian region.

Followers of Sian Covenant

Flag of the Followers of Sian Covenant

A radicalized group of Ashtonites, who derived from Vesperia . They take a rather zealous approach to the teachings, while adding their own beliefs to fit their agendas. Many Ashtonites who may encounter these followers, may see them gone astray from the core tenets. The FSC spread fairly quickly during the end of the Great Sianese War, as many believers of the UKS religion lost faith with the great defeat of the monarchy. Many FSC members are heavily influenced by the Western world and often bring a lot of western trinkets and curios with them. They do not wish to bring any harm to the UKS, but wish to prosthelytize to the Sian people and convert them to their faith.

Important Figures

Grand Marshal Dai Xing

Born in October 1889, Dai Xing grew up in the poorer regions of the United Kingdoms of Sia. His parents were both rice farmers and worked non-stop to make a living. When Dai became of age, he decided to enlist into the army to experience a life away from the mundane rice fields. He served as an infantryman and would partake in the Great Sianese War.

The Great Sian War took a heavy toll on Dai psyche, as the war was fought poorly by the soldiers of the UKS. With the chain of command not prepared to face the superiority of the Western forces, the Royal Sian Army suffered horrific losses. The whole war ended after 4 years of brutal bloodshed.

Dai decided to work hard to rise through the ranks of the Royal Sian Army , wishing to prove his capable leadership. Gaining a better understanding of how the Westerners fought during the Great Sian War in 1910, Dai knowledge would later prove crucial in the Sian Civil War.