Constitution of the FRP

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proclaimed by the Russian Central Committee
on the 28th of August, 1981

Chapter I: Organization of Society

Article 1

The Federation of Russian People is a united workers socialist state, blind to races and beliefs.

Article 2

All citizens must work collectivly to ensure the stability of the state.

Article 3

All citizens must seek an education either by private tutors, public & private schooling or home-schooling until the age of 18 if military recruitment is rejected at the age of 15.

Article 4

All residential property is owned by the state and civilians will not be evicted from their residency if taxes are not paid.

Article 5

All property produced by citizens is owned by the state.

Article 6

All workers must be paid fairly, Raises or Cuts of payment without a justified reason will have the company fined.

Article 7

All civilians have the right to freedom of speech.

Article 8

All civilians will allow rationing by soldiers during national times of distress.

Article 9

All civilians have the right to bear a residency.

Article 10

All civilians have the right to own firearms with a firearm permit.

Article 11

All civilians have the right to own private industry.

Article 12

All civilians will respect and follow the orders of all civil service agency operatives.

Chapter II: Organization of The State

Article 13

The FRP is a Federation with the following as Federal Republics under the rule of the central government in Moscow.

  • The Russian Socialist Federal Republic
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Afghanistan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Belarus
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Ukraine
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Transnistria (Moldova)
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Baltica
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Finland
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Austro-Hungary
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Poland
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Germany
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Romania
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Caucasia
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Mongolia
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of China
  • The Independent National Socialist Republic of Kazahkstan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Kygyrzstan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Uzbekistan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Tajikistan
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Korea
  • The Federal Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Article 14

The government Departments and Ministries are the following, All Departments and Ministries each report their data and logs to the Central Committee.

  • The Department of National Security
  • The Department of International Aid
  • The Department of Internal Affairs
  • The Ministry of Defence
  • The Ministry of Welfare
  • The Ministry of Culture
  • The Ministry of Propaganda
  • The Ministry of Education
  • The Ministry of Public Relations
  • The Ministry of Justice
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Ministry of Industry
  • The Ministry of Land & Agriculture
  • The Ministry of Health
  • The Ministry of Transport
  • The Committee For The Federation of Russian People's National State Security
  • The Committee For National Welfare
  • The Aristocracy
  • The National Economic Committee
  • The National Security Council

Article 15

A civilian with citizenship in one FSR has citizenship in the entire FRP and can travel freely accross the nation.

Article 16

The laws and punishments in each FSR are the same for all FSR's.

Chapter III: Government

Article 17

The head of state & head of government is the Glorious Premier of the FRP.

Article 18

The ideology of Workers Socialism is a left-wing democracy which has two varients. one leading to a more communist style, the other is a capitalist style of the ideology. Socialistic Workers Socialism is the dominant ideology in the Federation of Russian People.

Article 19

The Premier may change national laws when he/she likes.

Article 20

The Premier may make punishment changes when he/she likes.

Article 21

The Premier may change military laws when he/she likes.

Article 22

The Premier may change the military codex when he/she likes.

Article 23

The Premier may change the police codex when he/she likes.

Article 24

The Premier may change the Spetsnaz codex when he/she likes.

Article 25

The Premier may change the Federal Guard codex when he/she likes.

Article 26

All citizens have the freedom to vote for any official political party and candidates.

Article 27

The national legislature of the Federation of Russian People is the Russian People's Senate.

Article 28

If the Premier is deceased during his/her term, The Supreme Secretary will assume role of the Premier until the next election.

Article 29

All civilians regardless of race, sex, ethnicity may become a member of the national government.

Article 30

The Central Committee is the most supreme government agency in the Federation of Russian People.

Article 31

The Head of The Central Committee is the most supreme government body in the Federation of Russian People.

Article 32

Only the Head of The Central Committee may choose candidates for the election.

Chapter IV: Codex of The Glorious People's Army and other Agencies of the People

Sub-Chapter I: Military Codex

Article 33

All Personnel of the Federation's Armed Forces must address the army as either:

  • The Russian Army/Armed Forces (TRAF)
  • The Federation's Army/Armed Forces (FAF)
  • The Red Army (RA)

Article 34

Ranking system for infantry, cyber force, solar force and armor are as follows:

  • In-Training
  • Private
  • Efreitor
  • Corporal
  • Junior Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Senior Sergeant
  • Sergeant Major
  • Junior Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • 1st Lieutenant
  • Senior Lieutenant
  • Training Officer
  • Warrant Officer
  • 2nd Warrant Officer
  • Officer
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Marshal
  • Marshal of The Red Army

Article 35

Ranking system for the airforce are as follows:

  • In-Training
  • Junior Airman
  • Airman
  • Senior Airman
  • Junior Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Senior Sergeant
  • Sergeant Major
  • Junior Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • 1st Lieutenant
  • Senior Lieutenant
  • Training Officer
  • Warrant Officer
  • 2nd Warrant Officer
  • Officer
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Marshal
  • Air Marshal

Article 36

Ranking system for the navy are as follows:

  • In-Training
  • Junior Seaman
  • Seaman
  • Senior Seaman
  • Junior Sergeant
  • Sergeant
  • Senior Sergeant
  • Sergeant Major
  • Junior Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • 1st Lieutenant
  • Senior Lieutenant
  • Training Officer
  • Warrant Officer
  • 2nd Warrant Officer
  • Officer
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Marshal
  • Marshal of The Federal Navy

Article 37

All Senior Lieutenants must attend the Officer Academy to achieve ranks greater than Senior Lieutenant.

Article 38

The Officer Academy is voluntary.

Article 39

Only Training Officers and higher may host trainings.

Article 40

Senior Lieutenants may host trainings under supervision of a Training Officer or higher.

Article 41

All trainings are expected to last between a minimum of 1hr 30m and maximum of 2hr 30m.

Article 42

All trainings must be scheduled on the Federation Communications.

Article 43

The list of punishments for soldiers are as follows:

  • 1st Degree: Verbal Warning
  • 2nd Degree: Temporary Suspension from Service
  • 3rd Degree: Removal from Station
  • 4th Degree: Rank-Locked
  • 5th Degree: Demotion
  • 6th Degree: Blacklisted from any Sub-Division
  • 7th Degree: Permanent Suspension from Service
  • 8th Degree: Arrested
  • 9th Degree: Execution

Article 44

Bypassing any sort of punishment issued will result in a 8th Degree.

Article 45

Using the position as a soldier to aid terrorists will result in a 8th Degree.

Article 46

Using the position as a soldier to aid foreign aggressors will result in a 9th Degree.

Article 47

Only Training Officer and higher may be present at the main training grounds when a training is not in progress. Doing so results in a 1st Degree. If continuous, 2nd Degree.

Article 48

Failure to co-operate with orders from higher ups, will result in a 3rd Degree or 6th & 5th Degree depending who is issuing the order.

Article 49

Interfering with an Army branch will result in a 3rd & 2nd Degree.

Article 50

Interfering with Federal Guard or Spetsnaz will result in either a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 2nd Degree.

Article 51

Bribery, blackmail and other forms of extortion of a Low (Private-SGT Major) and Middle (Junior LT-Senior LT) rank will result in a 4th Degree.

Article 52

Bribery, blackmail and other forms of extortion of a High (Training Officer-Colonel) rank will result in a 7th Degree.

Article 53

Bribery, blackmail and other forms of extortion of a Senior (LT General-Marshal of RA) rank will result in a 8th or 9th Degree.

Article 54

Low and Middle ranks must not speak during a training unless given permission to by an instructor or a High rank.

Article 55

Low and Middle ranks may only interrupt the training if there is an urgent situation present.

Article 56

The instructor of a training has ultimate authority of how his/her training runs.

Article 57

If attending or instructing an event with an allied nation, you are expected to be respectful and to give a good representation of the Federation.

Article 58

All Non-Participating personnel below Training Officer do not have permission to spectate a training.

Article 59

Only 15 attendees can be promoted at one training.

Article 60

Personnel Under Junior Lieutenant must not leave their post unless they are off duty, or is given permission to by a 2nd Warrant Officer or higher.

Article 61

Only Junior Lieutenants or higher may tryout for a sub-division (Federal Guard & Spetsnaz).

Article 62

All orders issued by Border and Deputy Directors may be overruled by a Training Officer and higher.

Article 63

Soldiers are expected to follow orders of Federal Guards and Spetsnaz Personnel.

Article 64

Soldiers must not equip any equipment that do not correspond with their rank or division.

Article 65

All violations of the Codex must be reported to a soldier's commander, a 2nd Warrant Officer or higher, a Federal Guard, Spetsnaz personnel or the District Command.

Sub-Chapter II: Federal Guard Codex

Article 66

All Federal Guards under Lieutenant may not speak without permission.

Article 67

The ranks of the Federal Guard are the following:

  • In-Training
  • Federal Aspirant
  • Federal Guard
  • Senior Federal Guard
  • Federal Sergeant
  • Federal Corporal
  • Squad Commander
  • Federal Lieutenant
  • Senior Federal Lieutenant
  • Federal Officer
  • Federal Captain
  • Federal Colonel
  • Deputy Commander
  • Federal Commander
  • Federal Commisar

Article 68

All Federal Guards must prioritize guarding their assigned VIP over any other incident nearby.

Article 69

Article 68 may be overruled if a member of a government agency is under attack.

Article 70

Areas where the VIP is traveling to or through must be secured of any threats before the VIP enters the area.

Article 71

Only Federal Lieutenants and higher may enforce a kill-on-sight.

Article 72

All Federal Guards can be given orders by Spetsnaz.

Article 73

All Federal Guards can be given orders by Border & Deputy Directors.

Article 74

All orders given to Federal Guards from Spetsnaz and Border Directors can be overruled by a Federal Lieutenant and higher.

Article 75

If somebody who is not permitted to be near Federal Guard is near one, they are to shout at them to get back. If ignored, the Guardsmen may fire a warning shot.

Article 76

A list of the following people not permitted:

  • Members of the public
  • Tourists
  • Police (unless they are at their post, or doing their assigned duties)
  • Red Army (unless they are at their post, or doing their assigned duties)

Article 77

Members of the public may be near Federal Guards if they are:

  • Staff at a building that the VIP(s) is visiting
  • Friends of the VIP(s)
  • Family of the VIP(s)
  • Citizens that the VIP(s) are interviewing
  • Film crews
  • Journalists
  • Religious leaders

Article 78

Tourists may be near Federal Guards if:

  • They are walking past FGs
  • The FGs are on a stationary post

Article 79

Upon becoming a Federal Aspirant, the Guardsman may choose which division to be in, those divisions are:

  • Guardsmen Division A: Protects government officials and their families
  • Guardsmen Division B: Protects Armed Forces Colonels+ and their families
  • Guardsmen Division C: Protects Militsiya Directors+ and their families
  • Guardsmen Division D: Protects International Government Officials when in Russian territory
  • Guardsmen Division E: Protect the Aristocracy and Border/Deputy Directors

Sub-Chapter III: Spetsnaz Codex

Article 80

All Spetsnaz under Spetsgruppa Alfa may not speak without permission.

Article 81

The ranks of Spetsnaz are as follows:

  • Trainee
  • Maroon Beret
  • Spetsgruppa Smerch
  • Spetsgruppa Groza
  • Spetsgruppa Kulak
  • Spetsgruppa Uragan
  • Spetsgruppa Spion
  • Spetsgruppa Trava
  • Spetsgruppa Vympel
  • Spetsgruppa Alfa
  • Executive Officer (Spetsgruppa Glavnyy)
  • Commanding Officer (Spetsgruppa Komandir)

Article 82

Upon reaching Maroon Beret, the Spetsnaz member will be randomly placed into a Sqaudron, which he/she cannot change. Those sqaudrons are the following:

  • Alfa Sqaudron: External operations
  • Beta Sqaudron: Border supervision
  • Charlie Sqaudron: Training unit
  • Gamma Sqaudron: Internal operations

Article 83

All infomation regarding Spetsnaz or other classified archives that are not disclosed in the codex which other Spetsnaz members have access to must not be revealed to members of the public.

Article 84

All members of Spetsnaz may forcefully stop all operations that seem hostile to them.

Article 85

All members of Spetsnaz only take order from Spetsnaz higher-ups and Border Directors.

Article 86

All members of Spetsnaz must help Federal Guards escort the VIP(s).

Article 87

Any evidence of treason or corruption within Spetsnaz must be reported to a Spetsgruppa Alfa or higher.

Article 88

All members of Spetsnaz must ignore any questions or comments asked to them by Red Army or Police whilst on duty.

Article 89

All members of Spetsnaz are to respond to any panic buttons or emergency alarms in nearby areas no matter the situation.

Article 90

Article 89 may be overruled if the member is on an espionage mission, is actively engaged in combat, protecting a training in a public area or protecting Federal Guards.

Article 91

All members of Spetsnaz are to safely escort any member of the CFRPSS to their destination quickly.

Article 92

Any member of Spetsnaz may engage a potential threat with non-lethal force.

Article 93

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Article 94


Article 95


Article 96


Article 97


Article 98


Article 99


Article 100


Article 101


Sub-Chapter IV: Police Codex