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The United Volskan Realms
Flag of Volsk
and Industrial city
Official languagesVolskan
Recognised national languagesVolskan
Recognised regional languagesPolisk, Kladi
Ethnic groups
           Volskan Orthadoxy
Government   Federal constitutional monarchy
• Emperess of Volsk
Maria Valiry
•     Duke of Sochi
Petrov Romanov
Noble Forum
Assembly House
• Initial native Tribes
c. 700 CE
• Expansion
• War of the North passage
11 January 1684
• Independence
14 August 1812
421,530 km2 (162,750 sq mi)
• 2019 estimate
• 2015 census
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
$62 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$ 11billion
Gini (2017)76.1
very high
HDI (2017)Increase 0.101
CurrencyVolski ruble (LTD)
Time zoneUTC-5 (North artic Time (NAT))
Driving sideleft
Calling code+174
Internet TLD.sk

Volsk, officially the The United Volskan Realms (U.V.R), is a country in North East belisaria and North West Ochran, Bordering Velikoslavia to the West, it has territory in the islands and both sides of the Volskan Straits. Its Southern Belisarian border runs along the Jiklan River, Its Northern coast borders the Boreios Sea. Its largest city is Koz'mogorodskoye.

In 1681 the Puskin expedition established the settlement of Koz'mogorodskoye in the south of the newly proclaimed Far Eastern Territory and the territory continued to grow at a moderate pace, with many noble houses establishing mining Penal stations known as Kolmir. In 1812 The tar eastern Territory revolted during the end of the Ludvo Wars, as the perceived liberalization of the Velikoslavian Tsardom was unacceptable to the Noble estates of the east. This began the Eastern Succession Campaign, where a large Far eastern army marched to meet with a force under the Usurper Prince Alexander Sebrakov, meeting and destroying the Velikoslavian eastern army at the battle of Vimesk, before itself was defeated at the battle of Kaluga. The Velikoslavians were unable to take the Fortress of Manzya despite a 3 month siege, the War ending with the peace of Kalhost.

The Far eastern Nobles reorganized themselves under the Emperor Alexander Sebrakov as the United Realms of Volsk in the Kihzi Conference which reinstates the Old rights of the nobility. Despite the Successions goal being about the continuation of the old system, the nobility was forced to institute a number of reforms to survive in the isolated and harsh territory with the biggest of these being the creation of a new class of low nobility known as the patricians in 1815 and the reforms to increase agricultural production through the Nadal System in 1817. Beyond this the United Realms sat in a 130 year period of political stability and economic stagnation known as the Great Peace.

In the 1930s an increasing population led to urbanization of poor Patricians into a number of small industrial cities, with low wages and poor living standards compared to their rural counterparts led to the First Urban Revolt (1937-1938). While this revolt remained small scale ultimately being put down by the United Armies, it led to significant reform, with the first democratic representation of the patricians with the creation of the assembly house and the movement of 30,000 serfs to the Nobles of the industrial cities in the First Handover. This led to a rapid comparative growth of the industrial capability and led to 8 more handovers of a total of 200,000 serfs, and the liberalization of economic relations with foreign companies. This period came to an end with an occupation of the industrial cities by a coalition of conservative nobles which led to the 2nd Urban Revolt (1975) as urban patrician forces repulsed the Conservative noble forces, sporadic fighting continued for 2 months before a United army offensive crushed both factions. The Third Kihzi Conference led to the establishment of the first civil government of Volsk to limit the power of the nobility, Autonomy of patrician rule of the industrial cities with the Nobles their becoming ceremonial figures, the creation of a new class of skilled urban workers known as the Urban workers. In exchange for this the the Industrial cities could not exceed a population of 500,000, control of the military would be vested in the hands of a Noble elected by the Noble forum and their would be an increased tax levied on industrial goods. This settlement has continued to this day with the increasing economic power of the industrial cities being offset by the exploitation of oil reserves in Noble lands

Volsk self describes itself as a Totalitarian State with a single political party, the Volskan Theocratic National State, a Single ideology, Volskan Theocratic Nationalism, and a single Religion, Volskan Syncrtism. The Volskan Independence Articles states in the first article "that the Volskan Theocratic National State is the total representative of the will of the Volskan people”. Despite its Totalitarian system, in recent years its economy has shown to be semi dynamic and it has seen success.

Volsk has a policy of military first or known as "Сонгун". The military has almost 200,000 personel and almost 3.5% of the budget


roughly means far place.


Native settlement

Settled around 10000 BC by early humans.

Pre Empire

Slavic and Kaldi tribes occupied the area.

War of the Marsh(1504) WIP

Houses of Volsk

Houses of Volsk
Houses Ethnic groups
Baklanikha Kai Volskan, Volski
Koz'mogorodskoye Volskan,
Sindor Kaldi, Volskan
Cdyzyn Volskan,
Musahi Kaldi, Volskan,
lovozero Kaldi, Volskan,
Drozdovka Volskan,
Sochi Volskan,
Oma Volskan,
Mikun Volskan,

Baklanikha Kai

The far western relam of Volsk located on the border with Velikoslavia and stretching along the far northern coast until it reaching Cydzyn in the east, The federal state of Baklanikha Kai Is Volsk's largest state in land size. Economically it is reliant on, Oil, Coal, Iron and lumber. The House of Baklanikha Kai is actually a union of 27 different noble houses organized around 27 historical Kolmir stations which were unionized unwilling as part of the First Kihzi conference, this led to a bloody civil conflict between the houses for control of the realm until a rotating system of power was organized which exist to this day. 


The capital and most populous State of Volsk with 1.2 million people, Located in the far south of the mainland it is the chief economic, scientific and cultural centre of the country. Koz'mogorodskoye Was the First settlement in what became the Volsk territory in 1681 and served as the administrative capital of the Volsk territory until independence.  


Sindor makes up the islands that sit within the Sea of Volsk. Sindor is the richest state per capita thanks to its Geothermal Energy, metal refinement and tourism industries. Sindor also hosts the countries main naval and Airforce base at Volo.


The Island state Cydzyn sits as the most northern state of Voslk with its position deep within the arctic circle. It is the least populous state with 4,000 inhabitants. Originally uninhabited it was settled as penal station for 300 polisk rebels in 1880 until 1930, when it became a scientific station. Today Cydzyn remains culturally mixed polisk and Volski as the gas industry has driven many mainlanders to take jobs in the north.


Located on the Ochranian continent, Musahi is one of the Two main sights for copper nickel palladium mining in the country. It's population is concentrated in the mining city of kizhi and the port of Mayya. The Lumber industry is also an important part of the Musahi Economy with its supply of Ochran northern redpine. Musahi contains the kaldi reservations which constitute the majority of the traditional lifestyle kaldi in the country.


Lovozero sits at the centre of Volsk with a mixed economy of farming, mining, lumber and Reindeer herding. Many Volski citizens own dacha's in Lovozero for holiday and agricultural purposes during which they visit in the summer months. Lovozero contains the Pushki reservations which constitute the majority of the traditional lifestyle Slavic's in the country.


Drozdovka is located in the north eastern corner of Volsk, its capital Chelsk is northernmost city in the world and one of the few cities to sit in the continuous permafrost zone. With a population of 320,000 people the city of Chelsk sits on the worlds largest deposit of Nickel-copper-palladium in the world. The settlement was established in the late 1930s.


Sitting north of Koz'mogorodskoye along the Sea of Volsk, Sochi is 2nd most populous state in Volsk and is the countries centre of manufacture and with its many seaside towns a popular destination for local tourism. Its capital sochi, is home to Some of Voslks most famous companies including Ikeov and Doklan Minerals.


Located north east of Sochi, the State of Oma is Volsks smallest state by area, with an economy of molybdenum, tin, and Coal mining, as well as fishing.


Mikun sits north of Oma, and has an economy mostly composed on mining.


Volsk is a Extraction, agricultural and light industry based economy, over 40% 0f Volsks population is employed in the agricultural sector being made almost entirely of the Serf class, Oil and mining are the countires most important exports bringing in valuable foreign currency for the noble houses and maintaining their rule. 80% of all manufactured goods are made in the larger industrial cities of the continental coast and Sindor.


Agriculture remains the largest employer of Volskans despite modern growths in the industrial and service sector, with only a 2% decline over the last 10 years. Most agriculture is conducted by serfs in small leased plots known as Nadal which make up over 75% of the countries agricultural output with new development like the purchase of foreign GMO crops, new fertilizers and pesticides, wide spread introduction of Greenhouses and implementation of overwatch bodies have increased productivity and broadened the range of foodstuffs able to be produced, a lack of education and mechanization severely reduce most harvest size. Large Noble farms have been able to significantly grow in productivity due to the introduction of mechanization and automatization.


Tourism is a fairly new Service with the most popular destination being the volcanically active island of Sindor, which is famous for its large geothermal pools and desolate landscape.


Due to it's access to large amounts of geothermal energy and plentiful gas fields, Volsk is a net exporter of electricity. A number of large projects have been started in recent years to improve it's export capability, Including additional exploitation of geothermal sights and a new electrical connection to Ochran.


The Manufacture industry has boomed since 2003 with Paper, fittings and furniture industries in particular seeing large scale success in foreign markets, With the Furniture manufacturer Ikeov being particularly popular for it's innovative and robust designs. ===Information technology ===   Information technology began to appear in Volsk after a number of government initiatives were launched to improve productivity in the winter months. Volsk's cheap electricity and cold climate are well suited for the operation of large computer networks.


The ruling political party in Volsk is the Вольсканское теократическое национальное государство (Volskan Theocratic National State, VOTNA). It was created in 1977, when the 87th naval infantry brigade led a coup to take over the Eastern military command during the Suvarovan civil war. Although originally seen to move towards democracy by 1980 the control of the VOTNA was absolute.

Volsk has two main bodies for decsion making with the First being the Vol'skiy Sysshiy Sovet (High council of Volsk, VSS) which contains ten figures from the Party with ultimate authority and act as governors of the ten states of volsk.

The lower house is the Vol'skiye Polkovodtsy (Volskan high commanders) with 300 seats, which Serves to represent various interest groups and estates within Volsk. Although it has very little official power it can suggest laws to the High council of Volsk or raise issues.

The Vol'skiye Polkovodtsy included representatives from the mass organisations of:

  • Вооруженные силы вольсканской нацииVooruzhennyye (sily vol'skanskoy natsii, Armed forces of the Volskan nation, AFVN)
  • Командование государства и порядка ( Komandovaniyei poryadka, Command of State and Order, KSO)
  • Командование экономией (Komandovaniye ekonomiyey, Command of Economy, KE)
  • Kоманда науки (Komanda Nauki, Command of Science, KS)
  • Командование народным трудом (Komandovaniye narodnym trudom, Command of National Labor, KNT)
  • Командование Вольсканского государства (Komandovaniye Vol'skanskogo gosudarstva, Command of Volskan States, KVG)
  • Вольсканские дворянские усадьбы (Vol'skanskiye dvoryanskiye usad'by, Volskan noble estates, VDU)

Volsk is unique as it does not have a separation between church and state, with the role of the Volskan church being rolled into the Sub-Command of Education and Information Services.


Volskan Theocratic Nationalism has been described by outside commentators as openly Invictus, ultra-nationalist, and hyper-militarist. The origins of Volskan Theocratic Nationalism came from the first missionaries mixing the Traditional Volskan Slavic religion within their own teachings, particularly the figure of Jesus and the figure of a Volskan Warrior God called Bronetra, This led to the creation of the Volskan 3rd Book which is a rewriting and mixing of the traditonal tales and songs of Bronetra. The book tells the story that after Christ had risen, he came north to the land of Volsk, who upon seeing the land full of degenerate tribes of men and sickly animals, he led the Volskans to cleanse the lands.


The Вооруженные силы вольсканской нацииVooruzhennyye (sily vol'skanskoy natsii, Armed forces of the Volskan nation, AFVN) are the armed forces of the nation of Volsk. Comprising the an Army, Navy and Airforce,

volskI official policy states that a wartime military strength of 450,000 personnel constitutes a sufficient. The army consists of a highly mobile mechanised units backed up by local militia defence units. The army defends they national territory and its military strategy employs the use of the heavily forested terrain and arctic conditions to wear down an aggressor, instead of attempting to hold the attacking army on the frontier.

Volsk's defence budget equals approximately 5.1% of GDP.

In wartime the Volski Border Guard and the Volski forestry service (which are their own military unit's in peacetime) becomes part of the Volski Armed Forces.


Volskan Culture is heavily influenced By Suvarovan and Slavic traditions, religion and social norms.




alot of colonial fusion food, K.N.A must import a large portion of its staple foods