List of Wars on Telrova

Revision as of 21:52, 20 August 2022 by Minerdoublej (talk | contribs)
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The following table list armed conflicts which took place on Telrova.

Conflict Duration Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Result
First Charvillean Civil War 3 April 1919 - 21 December 1922
(3 years, 8 months, 19 days)
The Kingdom of Charville (Royalists) Republicans Republican victory:
  • Charvillean monarchy abolished and the royal family exiled
  • End to the Charvillean nobility: Royalist aristocrats and leaders tried
  • Republican leader Joseph Sharboune elected as the first president of Charville
  • Charville is reorganised into a federation and split into 7 provinces
  • Remaining Royalist rebels are crushed over the course of the 1920s
Great Santian War 11 May 1950 - 6 February 1955
(4 years, 8 months, 26 days)
Union of Basaquastan
Exberia (After 5 June 1951)
Liberto-Ancapistanian Alliance (After 21 January 1952)

Various partisan groups

Santia Liberto-Ancapistanian Victory:
  • Unification of Liberto-Ancapistan
  • Loss of remaining Santian imperial holdings
  • Silent Revolution in Santia
Great Ornivian War 1st September 1954 - 9th November 1960
(6 years, 2 months, 8 days)
Various Combatants Various Combatants Spring of Ornivia:
  • Removal of all dictatorial governments in the region of Ornivia between the 21st March and 29th June 1960
  • November Ceasefire
  • Warcrimes tribunals organised in the following years
  • Estimated 10 million combatants and civilians were killed
  • Region-wide economic and infrastructure damage
  • Establishment of Democratic Governments across the region of Ornivia
Second Charvillean Civil War 15 February 1961 - 3 January 1965
(3 years, 10 months, 20 days)
DistanThe Republic of Distan
The Uprising Distani victory:
  • Near eradication of The Uprising across Charville
  • Top Uprising officials are tried and convicted for war crimes
  • Charvillean president resigns in 1962 over handling of the crisis
  • Distan suffers great loss of life and economic damage
  • Distan readmitted to the Charvillean federation after 5 years of independence
Two Day War 30 August 2022 – 2 September 2022
(2 days)
South Fendiralia
United Federation of Telrova

Imperial Bloc

Rex Omnia


Coalition victory:
  • Partition of Fendiralia
  • Partition of South Fendiralia
  • Braitian annexation of Serka
  • Rex Omnian annexation of Fendira
Rex Omnian invasion of Charville 24 October 2022 - 3 November 2022
(10 days)
CharvilleCharville Rex Omnia Charvillean victory:
  • Rex Omnian forces withdraw from Charville
  • Rex Omnia is internationally condemned and sanctioned
Avalonian Independence War 10 March 2024 - 17 March 2024
(7 days)
Locotima Locotima Avalonian Separatist Group Avalonian Separatist Group victory:
  • Avalon recognized as independent sovereign state.
War in Moni First Phase: 12 April 2024 – 9 December 2024

Second Phase: 10 December 2024 – Present


Moni Autonomous Region

Free Moni Forces

Moni Popular Front (After December 10th 2024)

Conflict Ongoing
Nikeist-Avalonian war 1 November 2024 - 26 December 2024
(1 month and 26 days)
Republic of Avalon Nikeists Avalonian victory
Orinoccovian Civil War 27 December 2024 – 1 April 2025
(3 months and 5 days)
Orinoccov Government
United Federation of Telrova (After January 8th)

Jautia (After February 10th)
Native Orinoccovian Council (After February 14th)
Civilian Resistance

True Orinoccovian Kingdom Vermeer government victory:
  • Nieuwehoop peace treaty signed
  • Vermeer government remains in power
  • Pepe Vermeer assassinated
  • Elections held