Delamaria! (Song)

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Delamaria! is a Delamarian patriotic song and unofficial anthem. It was written in 1842 by poet William Staffordon, and set to music composed by the Anglian Sir Fraser Jonas. The song mostly describes the journey taken by early settlers and explorers of Delamaria, and describes Delamaria as a God given land for the settlers.

An Instrumental version of Delamaria!


When we set forth, at Heaven's command
We sought a land to lay our claim;
This great adventure, to venture for our land,
And God did guide us to this land
"Delamaria! Our land and holy home:
"To Liberty and Harvest shall we sing."

The great wars of past brought us here,
As must we mustnt forget them;
For freedom the did fight for us,
We honor them all with this strain.
"Delamaria! Our land and holy home:
"To Liberty and Harvest shall we sing."

As oceans crossed, and rivers swam,
Our fathers never did give in;
As venture did guide us here,
And God did bless us all to arrive here,
"Delamaria! Our land and holy home:
"To Liberty and Harvest shall we sing."
"Delamaria! To fight for thee is key:
"For our spirit will live on!"