Svacchavamsa Empire

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Svacchavamsa Empire
Svacchavamsa Empire.png
• 322-313 BCE
• 247-245 BCE
• 245-198 BCE
Historical eraPre-Irfanic Satria
Preceded by
Krala Empire

The Svacchavamsa Empire, was a state that unified almost all of Vedic Satria for over one hundred years from 322 to 198 BCE. It emerged as a rebellion against the preciding Krala Empire lead by Ravamsa and members of the priesthood who were frustrated by the lack of peity in Kitaji at the time. Many scions of the Svacchavamsas continued to rule parts of Satria for many decades after the reign of Ravigupta, but the empire ended after Ravigupta's filicide. Svacchavamsa rulers were deeply entertwined with the religion of the Satrians and devoted public resources to the formation of temples and documentation of many rituals, especially the Martandabhajana (aka Solar Hymnal), which is the earliest record of the Parbhan oral tradition. Later Svacchavamsa kings, most notably Devdaha and Ravigupta, attempted to assert their status as divine beings, which brought them into conflict with some members of tghe priestly class and especially with religios figures emerging from the declining Sorsanid Empire.