Mobile Expiditionary Force (Khyragus)

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An Ekspeditiven-class LCAC deploys members of the 5th Mobile Expiditionary Force during a training exercise in 2017

The Mobile Expeditionary Force (MEF) is the basic combined arms deployable unit of the Khyragusian Ground Forces. Each MEF functions as a self-contained rapid deployment force, available to be quickly transported via air or sea. They are typically commanded by a colonel.


Ground Combat Element

The ground combat element is organized into 3 battalions. Typically this will include two mechanized infantry battalions reinforced with artillery and a heavy armor battalion, however, the composition can vary depending on the requirements.

Mechanized Infantry Battalion

The mechanized infantry battalion consists of a headquarters company and three mechanized infantry companies mounted in MWV-2008 infantry fighting vehicles. The mechanized infantry companies can be equipped with vehicle mounted or infantry equipped ATGMs and surface-to-air missiles as needed. The battalion is reinforced with a mortar battery, usually comprised of six 85mm mortars mounted on LWV-2000s and two 120mm automatic mortars mounted on MWV-2008s. Support is provided by a signals and reconnaissance platoon, a logistics platoon, a medical section, and a vehicle repair section.

Heavy Armor Battalion

The heavy armor battalion consists of 2 tank companies of 12 HTV-2014s each, a mechanized infantry company mounted in MTV-86 infantry fighting vehicles, and a battalion headquarters operating out of two MTV-86 command vehicle. They are supported by a vehicle repair and logistics platoon, but other units, such as a reconnaissance platoon, may also be attached.

Artillery Battalion


Air Combat Element

The basic air combat element consists of 12 AVK-72 attack/transport helicopters, along with 8 AVH-2004 attack helicopters and 6 AVC-60 transport helicopters and 6 AV-2008 fixed-wing multirole VTOL jets, capable of being deck launched. The air combat element is supported by an air command and control detachment and a vehicle support detachment.

Support Element

The support element provides the necessary services for the mobile expeditionary force to operate without external support. It is responsible for combat engineering tasks such as base construction and bridge-laying, logistics, water and electricity production, and other tasks as needed.

Command Element

The command element is primarily responsible for coordinating the other elements of the mobile expeditionary force.