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Penzance is the capital of the United Kingdom of Gaellicia. It is located on Loch Carolinea and the Sil River where the fertile lowlands meet the grassy highlands. Penzance comprises a 19th century planned core and an older portion built on the city heights and the remains of iron age earthen fortifications. The older section is referred to as the old city, or the àirdean cashel (cashel heights). Buildings that are hundreds of years old, narrow cobblestone streets, rocky vistas, and steep elevation changes are characteristic of this part of the city. Building materials here consist of stone, stucco, and in particularly old buildings, wattle and daub. The highest point in the city is commanded by Brig Speur (Sky Top) Castle. An iconic image associated with Penzance is yellow streetcars climbing through the narrow streets of the old city.

The newer city core dates to the 19th Century; Ríog Dorian I ordered for its design and construction. At the time Penzance was struggling with overcrowding and hundreds if not thousands of years of haphazard planning. The new core of Penzance is a grand city with wide avenues, large road circles, squares and plazas, and deliberately plotted monuments and buildings. The staple building materials in this part of the city are brick, stone, and quartz. Architectural styles are primarily neoclassical, victorian, neo gothic, and beaux-arts. Penzance has earned the nickname of Baile Draoidheil (the magic city) due to its’ grand designs and in particular due to the Draoidhad (magic roadway) that traverses the city.