List of Political Parties in Greater Kamilistan

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Brief Overview

The Revolution Islamic Republic of Greater Kamilistan, or Kamilistan is a Federal Elective Parliamentary Republic, a Revolutionise Hybird regime state under the NAH Alliance, with Regionalism and Autnomy granted for the 6 to 8 Autonomy Self-Republic States. IThere is about 250 seats in the Representives, or the Lower Sector, while te upper sector is 90, though they have considered changing it to 110, while in local, or regional there is about 2500 - 2900+ seats, both district and cities. In order to form a goverment, as the law was inplented in 2006, a political party must have, atleast, 121 seats, however political parties must work together to form a coalition to become goverment. Kamilistan Registry of Societies and Parties has introucted that, a political party must have atleast 70-100 members to be counted as a political party.

After the long rulling party, the Revolutionary Kamilistani Communist Party reformed into the Democratic People's Left Union (Now the People's Union Party) introduced a multi-party system, by Bakial Ngakali. During which, there is only about 120 seats in the previous called "Democratic Revolutionary Assembly of the People or just "Ushvak", the senate was introduced during the final years of the communist rulling, by the end, there is about 3 total parties, "Democratic People's Left Union", Democrats Alliance and National Freedom and Identity Movement, with the DPLU won 80 out of the 120 seats, DA got 35 while the NAFIM got only 5. Itt was only then the registration of political movements and parties begen to sprung up.

During the Electional Parties Act of 2026, independent candidate shall not/participate in both local, and state elections, and must be part of a certain poltical party or societies, as for the example for Representives Louis Dyawtrew Olevski for West Yerevan, formerly representing for that seat as the United Labour Democrats ( a party that merged to one of the parties in the National Alliance of Hope ) during the 2031 General Election, he although win, but he have to gave up the seat due to the EP Act of 2026 being in affect, followed by many other independent from solo-parties, like Serafim Solovev of Tibbilisi Centre, from the "National Group of Independent Voices" , Sergey Olevkov of East Batumi, from the "People Libertarian Party" and etc.

Political Parties/Alliance that have representives in parliament and regional

Logo Name Abbr. Leader Political Ideologies Lower House (Representives) Upper House (Senate) Regional
Example National Alliance of Hope Example Bashkar Nugavaski Example Example Example
Example General Revolutionary People's Group GRSG/GRPG Imani Al-Khahan Makmoud Khan Example Example Example
Example United Liberal ULibarêval Yemelyan Kovalev Example Example Example
Example Electoral Bloc of Left Workers EBLW/SBSỉ Bakial Ngakali Example Example Example
Example Kamilistani Solutionary - Alternative Rally Decendents Example Mikhali Yougevchovski Example Example Example
Example Development and Justice Party AK-P/AK-Partije Yavuzsoy Aktas Example Example Example
Example New Generation - Rally for VOLTZ Matvey Poroshinya Example Example
Example Our Youth's and Kids Better Future Example Example Example Example Example
Example All Kamilistani Political Party "New Idea" Example Example Example Example Example
Example Democratic Right DR/DS Example Example Example Example
Example Party of Recreation and Revival PRR/PRƯ Erim Yartarman Example Example
Example All Kamilistani Political Party "People's Growth and Future" - Democratic Growth Party Example Example Example Example Example
Properous I.A Flag.png Islamic Alliance - Decendents Islamic Alliance Rostam Faramarzian Example Example
Example New Future Generation - Kamilistans' Forces of Progress Example Example Example Example Example
Example Get up and Fight! Mafia and Corrupters, Out! Yolsulụz Sorshalandır Fazel Barbarz Example Example Example
EHB-EGU Banner or Logo.jpg The Greens EHB/EGU Anatalia Tushekov Example Example
Example Contribution to Democracy Example Example Example Example Example
Example With a New Civil Working Example Example Example Example Example
Example United Board of Shias - Muntasiran Movement of Kamilistan MM/MH Naser Esfahani Example Example Example
GAF Logo.jpg Nationalist Order - Proud Motherland Front NO-PMF/MD-GAF Zaur Alasgarov Example Example


Parties or Coalition not in the Kamilistan's Parliament but have local representives in regional or districts

Logo Name Leader Ideologies Political Position  Local  Reprsentives Notes
Example Freedom and National Identity   Centre-Right    One of the long last legacy of the "Right Group" or the United Freedom and Democracy Alliance parties which were the Kamilistans Forum of Traditionalist and Unity, A New Right, Liberal Nationalist Motherland Party, Red-Black Sector, Freedom Development Party and the Pride for the Nation. All of which have position as "National Conservatism and Far-Right" while the FNI has a "Moderately Conservatism"
Example Group of the People - Socialist 2000s   Left-Wing to Far-Left  A split of from the We are the Revolutionaries - Democratic Social Party and the merger of the Vladimir Sorodogo Movement of Socialism, Workers and Peasant People's Party, the short lived United Socialist Front for Democratic Labour, Democratic Workers Party and the Red Dawn
Example Humanist People Power Party Centre-Left Formerly United Power Humanist Party, the only Humanist-base party as of right now.
Example New Light - Democratic Forum for Preservation Centre
Example Bridge for Modernity and Partnership A political alliance, not to be mistaken as a sole legal one party, formerly the Modern Power Bridge, consist of Conservative and Democratic Christian base party like the Development for Unity and Stability Party
Example Hükấmdalirik Translations: "Monarchs", a Moranchist, National Consevatism and Traditionalist party, full name is the True Democrats and Saviour - Independent Party for Renewal and Recontruction "Hukamdalirik"
Example Bright Debate - Democrats of Kamilistan   Centre-Left     A split from the NAH's Progression with Democratic Ideas and the 'Old version' of the Democratic People's Party, advocates for Student and Same-sex marraiges.
Example National Right of the People Oriel Alexeev Right-Wing to Far-Right    Split from the Far-Right party the Front of the Traditionalist and National Socialist and merger of the National Organization of Kamilstan Alternatives and the United Right and the Defend the Constitution - New Defenders Sector
Example For Safety, Law and Order - United Vanguards National Movement Party   Right-Wing    Will or soon will be part of the National Order Front, or the Our Nation's Path - Kamilistan Path, both are far-right coalition, with the leader of coalition party being both is the Kamilistan Nationalist Socialist Union

Parties or Alliances that are not both regional or local and national representive

Newly formed Parties or Alliances

Historical Parties or Alliances

Defunct Parties

During the 2nd Democratic Election Era of the 21st Century (2000-2009)
3rd Democratic Election Era of the 21st Century (2009-2014)

======4th Era, known as the [

Banned Parties

Name Foundation Political Position Reason of Banned
Awakening Movement of Ashmaka 2016 Right-wing An political organization and militant movement that have made attacks in Kamilistan, mostly in the Northern Regions, their objective is to overthrow the Kamilistani Government and form an Religious-Autocratic State under so called "The True Leader" Temel Karaca and to praise the deity "Ashmarka" which is a former deity in the Kalda Religion, due to their extreme views it was banned in 2018 after the Northern Bombings by the AMA which was conducted by their armed wing, the Ashmarka Warriors.
National Free Party for Liberty, Reconstruction and Stability 2010 Example Founded by multiple oppositional leaders, it is currently one of the many NKFA political parties, it was banned when the NFPLRS or shortly reverse as Palita Party agreed to be NKFA's political wing, it has 12 000 members and it failed to run the 2031 election.
Defenders 2019 Example A collective coalition
Alternative Rally 2021 Alt-right A merger of 2 parties and 1 group, Bravery Front, National State Democratic Front and the Foundation of Identity, Truth and Defense, the Alternative Rally was banned from all elections after the incident where the Alternative Rally Vice Leader Baris Miliyari Surkham, a former military sergeant stabbed a 28 year old man in the state of South Dagestan, and the party was consider a extreme violent party with right-wing views. The AR was disbanded 4 months after, with multiple factions merged into the current Nationalist Order - Proud Motherland Front
Proud Veterans of Karbasa and Cakasia Union 2009 Unknown A political movement and labeled terrorist group in the state of West Coast Batumi and Kalsakia, made out of former soldiers, now members of the Proud Veterans, they are known for their violent campaign against the Left-Wingers, and Immigrants and those who are non-Kamilitani, they even attacked tourist viewing them as "Invaders and Liars", it was banned in 2021 after the killing of Shiro Tamadachi, a 35 year old worker who is working in kamilistan, it is considered as a Far-Right to Alt-Right group due to their distinctive logo and flag symbols.
Kamilistani Decendents Communist Party 2005 Far-Left Made out of former members of the RKCP (Now the PUP) who was against the Multi-party system, their armed wing, the People's Armed Bloc made guerrilla warfare, both urban and mountain warfare, targeting police post, military camps, officials guard and etc, striking fear into the normal day Kamilistani, however on March the 12th, 2011, the PAB was having a gun-fight between the Kamilistani Defense Security Volunteer Guards and the Kamilistani Anti-Insurgency Division in the city of Rustavi, the PAB was defeated and force to surrender following in 2015 the party was banned, and ex-PAB troops now formed the People's Bloc for Struggle with about 120 members
Warriors Movement 2015 Right-wing to Far-right A Traditionalist based party, the reason of it is because of their extreme-right views, fundamentalism and acts of hate after 3 of the members were arrested for violating "Protocol 34-B" and attacking officers on duty. It was banned on the 25th of June, 2019 and the Leader of the party Vanya Sokolo was arrested for violating and distributing illegal arms to the party's member.