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Empire of Aemperya
Βάλ Ημπεριααλες Αεμπέρια
Flag of
Motto: "Φιρ Ολιβεριαν υνντ Εμπερια"
"For Gods and People"
Anthem: [1]
Hail the Emperor/Empress
and largest city
Official languagesAemperyan Standard
Ethnic groups
52.5% Arjan
19.3% Lemurian
17.1% Laconii
10.2% Volghai
0.9% other
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy Parliamentary Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Anasztaziya vaz Valkyr
Konraad vaz Hoetzyndorff
Lord Maenfryd vaz Karstyn
Kornelia Zychaios
LegislatureImperial Assembly
• 2019 estimate
• 2013 census
GDP (PPP)2016 estimate
• Total
$11.142 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$11.142 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2014)Positive decrease 40
HDI (2011).875
very high
CurrencyKron (RK)
Driving sideright

Aemperya, officially known as Val Imperiaales' Aemperya (translit: Βάλ Ημπεριααλες Αεμπέρια) or Greater Empire of Aemperya is a sovereign state stretching from the Eastern regions of Patyria to occupying nearly all of North-Western Oridia. To the West Aemperya is bordered by Atka, Tapiria, and Lestara; South by Mahsadar, Altaia, and Ogharistan; bounded in the East by Sarangol, and the Arctic Sea immediately North. Aemperya is comprised of three Kingdoms subdivided into fourteen Provinces (Voblasztoi), one Grand Duchy, eleven Duchies, one Grand County, six Principalities, three Grand Principalities; one Khanate comprising two Hetmanates; Nineteen Imperial Free Cities (Fraepolisz Raion); Four Governorates subdivided into sixteen Oekrugs and one Republic. The Capital city is Vaalerya with a population of 7,992,675 people as of the 2018 census. Making it the largest city except in metropolitan area. Its population of approximately 200 million makes it one of the most populated in the world however also one of the least densely distributed.

The geographic area of the empire was originally inhabited by the Volghai peoples along the Volga River in Central and South-Central Aemperya. Various tribes branching out to settle as far as Varchia and East into Sarangol by 3,000BCE. However, the region would experience three waves of migration starting with the arrival of the Arjani peoples from the North-West. Whom settled in great numbers along the North-Western coast, lakes, and rivers from 1,800BCE till 600BCE. Coming into contact with the Volghai around the same period along with the various Sarangol and Urulic Tribes of the Far North and East. Forming their own realms and fighting among each other. The second migration began in 318BCE when expeditions from the Lemurian people's began to arrive on the South-Western coasts of modern Aemperya. Forming various colonies by 275BCE and spreading their culture along the entire South-Western coast line and littoral waters by 100BCE. Meanwhile in 86BCE the Volghai were united for the first time by Khagan Varparukh the Golden. Forming Great Volghai and inviting many Lemurian architects and learned men among them. To the extent that the Lemurians founded a colony in the Valtaic Mountains named Kaetyzh or Kaion in their own tongue. These three cultures warred, traded, and engaged in diplomacy until the arrival of the Laconii from the West, Vaegyar among themselves, who would settle much of the central Western and central territories in circa. 850CE. Gradually pushing the Volghai further East while the Laconii's Western tribes assimilated into the expanding Arjani and Lemurian spheres of influence. Eventually in 1000AD the Laconii largely settled down and joined the Arjani in a royal marriage. Uniting the two realms the Kingdoms of Arya and Vaegyarok. This new empire would gradually expand to envelope the Lemurian cities by choice or force while subjugating Great Volghai in the Siberian Wars of the 14th and 15th Centuries. Forming the Empire of Aemperya in its modern form in 1505 with the Writ of Establishment under Emperor Vladymor I the Great of House Valkyr.

The Empire would gradually expand over the succeeding centuries. Assimilating the Urulic tribes of the Arctic Coast to the East of the Arjani cities proper while unifying the people culturally and linguistically. The Arjani contributed their alphabet, the Laconii their grammar, and the Lemurian's their sciences and philosophy. While the Volghai bound them together by religion in the form of unifying the four's pantheon into a Polytheistic Religion.

Aemperya generally for much of its history was a backwards country. Not truly beginning industrialization to any extant till the mid-19th century and lagging behind till the mid-20th when full commitment was made under Emperor Alaexyndir IV to modernize the country. so that by the 1980's the country had a fast growing economy and exploding middle class. Yet, the power and wealth of the aristocracy still remained the single most powerful component in Aemperyan society. By 2019 the Nation was a dichotomy. In the West and coastal regions Aemperya boasted modern, clean, wealthy cities. But its hinterlands and Eastern tracts remained largely wilderness, underdeveloped, and poor.




The geographic area of the empire was originally inhabited by the Volghai peoples along the Volga River in Central and South-Central Aemperya. Various tribes branching out to settle as far as Varchia and East into Sarangol by 3,000BCE. The Volghai were a Caucasian peoples who were likely from the Steppes too the South of the Valtaic Mountains and West of the Altaia Highlands. Arriving and spreading along much of the Volga River throughout the 4th and 3rd Millennium BCE. Being a nomadic people they were highly mobile and broken up into dozens of tribes and clans under various Khans and Hetmans. Being accomplished horse lords and mounted warriors skilled in bow, sword, and spear. They where however a bronze age people that did not work Iron until the arrival of the Arjani and Lemurian's many centuries later. This contact they would obtain their first Iron and Steel weapons. The Volghai would not be united until the rise of Khagan Vasparukh the Golden from the Boelgherav Clan. Warring and gradually uniting the clans and tribes of the Volghai into a great Khanate known as Great Volghai. Easily becoming one of the largest ancient empires in history and stretching over much of modern Aemperya, parts of Altaia, and Sarangol by 86BCE. Vasparukh and his successors: Zimeon and Kroum would establish official ties with the Lemurians and import much technology from them. Eventually, culminating in the foundation of a Lemurian city in the Valtaic Mountains known as Kaetyzh (Kaion in Lemurian and Aemperyan Standard).

The arrival of the Arjani was a surprisingly peaceful event. Beginning in the early 2nd Millennium BCE and continuing mid-way into the first. The lands of the North-Western coasts were generally uninhabited except by small clans here and there. Allowing the Arjani arriving from the West to quickly spread throughout the Coast line and down along the great rivers and lakes without much impediment. Forming over a dozen different Kingdoms ruled by Jarls and Kings that would war among each other or neighboring groups of people like the occasional Volghai or Urulic tribe. The Arjani however were a more sophisticated people in terms of society and technology. While their alphabet has changed little over the years. The Arjan peoples quickly settled down and created a feudalistic society operating on a pyramidal structure in terms of land allocation. Marriages between nobles houses were common but boasted a very egalitarian society overall when it came to interpersonal norms. Women could hold land, divorce, and seek high religious positions. Female warriors were not unheard of but extremely rare and generally mixed with legend and myth. Periodically a High King would arise by uniting much or all of the Arjan peoples before descending into internecine warfare.

Technologically the Arjani built stone and wooden fortress towns, villages, and gradually more sophisticated castle structures as the centuries wore on. Their shipbuilding was advanced and could field large convoys of longships for trading or pillaging. They also worked Iron though of primitive quality until the creation of Arjan Steel. A form of production largely lost but made items of incredible toughness, durability, along with being exceedingly light weight. Arjan Steel weapons and suits are often prized heirlooms among the nobility of Aemperya even in the modern era.

The arrival of the Lemurians, first in 318BCE, and then from a permanent basis after 275BCE would profoundly change the region. Forming various colonies by 275BCE and spreading their culture along the entire South-Western coast line and littoral waters by 100BCE. The Lemurians were very philosophically, literature, and architecturally advanced. Uses of arches, concrete, and the buildings of many marvels like aqueducts and sewers could be attributed to them. The Lemurian's were based around individual cities and their colonies. As such their cities were often large, complex, and individually powerful entities along the South-Western coastlines of modern Aemperya. Atlyntoi boasted some of the finest shipbuilders while Lakonica were renowned for their disciplined soldiers. The fortunes of these cities fluctuating with time.

Early Realms

By the start of the common era and its first five centuries the region of modern Aemperya would gradually begin to develop politically. The Lemurian cities would begin to form their own empires against each other and explore neighboring areas. The Great Volghai routinely contracted and expanded in size but remained united under Khagans and Khans. The Arjani generally became more and more politically united under a series of High Kings and Queens from the Rouz, Tyndarr, Rohvarr, and Bjornling dynasties. Mighty Kingdoms like Nordgaard, Great Skyr, and Vanheim rose and fell until the ascension of High King Thundarr from the Kingdom of Arya in 640CE with his successors finishing the task of uniting much of Megas Arjani by 720CE.

The arrival of the Vaegyarok (Laconii by Arjani and later Lemurians) whom burst into the region like wildfire caused major upheaval and bloodshed. These nomadic horse lords rode from the West, possibly from modern Grozyar, and conquered much of the Central Western and Central portions of modern Aemperya. Defeating the forces of Khagan Tzmilukh at the Battle of a Thousand Crows under their legendary King Arvad. While also raiding and defeating the Arjani at Vorgaard and Russelberg while sacking the Lemurian city of Vardaoi. It would not be until Arvad's great grandson Isztvun would Vaegyarok power be checked by the Lemurian Archon Agios Eripedes at the Siege of Karthynos in 929CE. The defeat of his son Arvad II's army at Kronberg in 955CE by High King Rangvarr III of Arya would the Vaegyarok be halted in their expansion. This would inadvertently pave the way for cross cultural changes to occur with the Vaegyarok (Laconii) adopting a settle lifestyle by 1000CE under King Zstoivan I. Wedding his daughter to the Aryan King and thus uniting both realms. Forming the dual Kingdom of Arya and Vaegyr (Laconia).

Unification Period

The Unification Period's start is open to conjecture but is generally accepted to have occurred with the union of the Aryan and Vaegyr (Laconia) crowns in 1015CE. The marriage of Prince Torvald and Princess Zytia would lead to the gradual unification of Megas Arjan and the conquest of much of Northern, Central, and Western Aemperya. The Urulic Tribes as far as Sarangol were subjugated by 1075CE and half of the Lemurian cities were paying tribute by 1130CE under High King Volen with his successor High Queen Katalina erecting the first structures in the Imperial Palace district of Vaalerya in 1157CE.

Great Volghai was gradually conquered and assimilated over the course of the next three hundred and fifty years until Khagan Bourisov VI bent the knee in 1419CE. The Syncretic Pact of 1294 officially joined and accepted the Arjani, Vaegyarok, Lemurian, and Volghai pantheons into one as a major milestone in the unification of the region. While the last Lemurian city of Pelleira would surrender voluntarily to the Royal armies in 1313CE. The Promulgation of Atlyntoi in 1314 and ratified in 1315 would mark the official union of much of the area at least in subjugation to the crown of Arya and Vaegyr (Laconia).

Kaion was taken in 1353CE by Royal forces and the first expeditions to Sarangol (1358), Altaia (1366), and Zaihan (1379) would be launched. While in the West heavy trading with the Patyrian kingdoms would be long underway.

Setbacks to the Unification would be the Religious Wars from 1095-1165, The Redfyre Rebellion 1191-1203, the Sundenburg massacre in 1216 which saw much of the Royal Family slaughtered, the White Death that swept through the region from 1310-1332 and the Lord's Revolt of 1404. All of which delayed the de jure and de facto unification of the region until the passing of the Sacred Union in 1427, the Act of Consolation in 1449, The Silver Bull of 1470, and the Proclamation of Aemperya in 1481. Though the Writ of Establishment in 1505CE was what technically established the Empire of Aemperya as a de jure nation state.

Age of Expansion

The Age of Expansion is the period after the founding of the Empire and the consolidation of Imperial control but before the Age of Revolution would kick off in the late 18th Century. The first Emperors and Empresses would commit Imperial policy to external growth via territorial expansion and colonization. Gradually every part of modern Aemperya was brought under control and more as the Empire focused it's energies on foreign conquest.

19th Century and Industrialization

The ascension of Emperor Alaexyndir II on February 13th, 1846CE would mark a turn in the previously traditional policies of the monarchy. Alaexyndir II would encourage industrialization and lead to the first major rail system to be built over the course of his reign. Along with telegram connecting major cities and the Agricultural Reform act of 1866CE ending Serfdom throughout the Empire. The Tax code was standardized across the Empire by the Financial Act of 1853 and the first civil policies protecting workers was legalized late in reign during the early 1870's. His successor Empress Katarina II (August 24th, 1872-September 2nd, 1912) would continue his policies and via the State Representation Act of 1896 formalize the Parliamentary proceedings of the Imperial Assembly.

20th Century and Imperial Crisis

Modern Day

Emperor Vyktor IV's assassination in 1996CE stunned Aemperya and triggered a series of local sectarian wars in the Empire's Southern areas near Mahsadar. Emperor Vladymor VI vaz Valkyr would launch a persistent and bloody campaign of subjugation during the late 90's and early 2000's along with continuing the economic industrialization policies of his forebears. His death in 2010 would bring his young daughter Anasztaziya to the throne at the age of ten and has so far continued her fathers policies of industrialization and economic freedom in the country. However, economic growth has led to increasing concerns of inflation, increasing income inequality that has seen much of the nation's hinterlands and Eastern territories left behind, and worries of a potential commercial bubble that may pop at any moment.


Political geography




Political culture

Administrative divisions

Foreign relations




Science and technology




Ethnic groups and languages


Education and health


Arts and entertainment

Literature and philosophy

