Tour du Pin
The Grand and United Principality of Tour du Pin (commonly Tour du Pin) is a relatively small monarchial country on the Isidorian Strait. The land area making up the country has been inhabited for thousands of years. The first inhabitants with written and known history were the Perrepanesse, a people known for travelling across the land of Tour du Pin. During the Holy Audonian Empire's civil war between Charles the Great and Lothaire III, the Perrepanesse clan heads chose collectively to join the side of Lothaire. Jean Tour, an illiterate mercenary from the nearby Ziuneix lands in the service of Charles, was told to conquer the Perrepanesse. He did this, and Charles, in an act of gratitude, gave him the Perrepanesse lands as a fief. This formed the Principality of Tour. It would later merge with the other Ziuneix principality to form Tour du Pin. The principality was pacifist throughout most of its history, being a backwater part of the Holy Audonian Empire, little development being done to the land. It is currently ruled by Guillhem III of House Vaussant, whose father has recently died. In the far parts of the nation, there are extensive swamps home to the Esterre. The Esterre hold a lot of political power. There is a firmly held rice culture in these lands, having some of the best rice known to man. These lands wish to become independent, due to radicalization done by the Neo-sedivacantist movement. Domestic conflict is common between rural towns due to deeply held clan-feudal loyalties.