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Republic of Shirazam
ཉོམྷུརིཡེ ཥྷིརཟམ
Jomhuriye Shirazam
Coat of arms
Official languagesAyar
• 2023 estimate
21 million

Shirazam (Aryi: ཥྷིརཟམ), officially the Republic of Shirazam (ཉོམྷུརིཡེ ཥྷིརཟམ), is a country located in Central Ochran, extending over the lower courses of the Great Rivers: the Sin-Darya (སིནདརྱ) and the Bozorg-Darya (བོཟོརྒདརྱ). It share land border with Zilung to the north and Chulam Sea define its eastern border. It's westernmost border are the Bülam Heights. Most of the country is dominated by a steppe biome and the population is concentrated on the shores of the Great Rivers and especially at their confluence: the Green Delta (མོསལསབྯ​, Mosalasabz). Skandiar (ཥྐནྡཱིར​) is the country' largest city and is located on the Chuyam coast, on the leftside of the Green Delta. But the capital is located deeper inland, at the confluence of the Sin and Bozorg-Darya: Shirkal (ཤིརྐལ​).

Shirazam was the birthplace of the ancient Avestani culture which gave birth to the Azagartians and all other related ethnic and cultural groups. Throughout its history, Shirazam has known three different imperial periods: the Azgaratian Empire, the Bayarid Empire, and the Zilung Empire. After 175 years of occupation, tensions between Zilung and the local Ayars people came to their gruesome conclusion during the Ayar War of Independence. Shirazam as a state went through multiple constitution: from a tribal society to a authoritarian state to a democratic republic. Shirazam is famous for its 'Bill of Rights and Duties of the Citizen' (མདནྕྷིཡོ ཏཀླིཕཡེ ཨཟཏམ, Madanchiyo Taklifa ye Azatana) which serve as the Constitution of the country.

The official language of Shirazam is {{wp|Tajik language|Ayar} (ཨཡར) and is spoken by the absolute majority of the population. Small minorities of Shirazamites speak Chuyan or Zilung as their first language, but they have no official status and are on the decline.

Shirazam is a single executive republic and is often considered the only Democracy in Central Ochran when compared to Zilungpa Oligarchy and Syalat Theocracy.




Shirazam is a Representative democracy organised as a unitary Parliamentary republic around its unicameral and supreme legislature: the House of Deputies (ཀནེཧེ གལིཀ, Khanehe Valika). Sovereignty belongs to the people, and that power is vested in the Parliament. Its 99 members may alter the constitution and ordinary laws, dismiss the cabinet, and override presidential vetoes. They are elected for a term of three years using Majority judgment. Shirazam is thus divided into 99 Delegations (ཏསྒིཟ​, Tasviz). These are used for purely electoral reasons and do not conform to administrative divisions. the terms are staggered so that approximately one-third of the Delegate seats are up to election every year.

The Public Salvation Committee (ཀོམིཏེཡེ རསྟྒརིཡེ མརྟཞམེ, Komiteye Rastgari ye Martaxme) is the organ through which the House of Deputies control the action of the Government (the Diwan). Its 9 members are chosen for a year-long mandate. Their role is to serve as the link between the Deputies and the Diwan. The Diwan itself is made up of the different Ministers: Justice, Diplomacy, Finances, Military, and Internal Affairs. Ministers are nominated by Deputies and appointed by the House through, once again, the Majority-Judgement system. They can be dismissed by the Deputies at will or resign at their own discretion, triggering new elections. As a result, while there's no fixed time limit to their offices, Ministers rarely serve for longer than a year.

During time of crisis, such as war or period of intense civil strife, the Assembly may give extraordinary full powers of the state to a single Magistrate appointed to solve this specific issue. Known as the Rahban (རབྷན​), they remain accountable during their office and the Public Salvation Committee keeps its role as an Overwatch of the Executive' actions. They are also liable to prosecution after the end of their mandate, just like any other magistrate or deputy.

The Judiciary system is not seen as an independent third power in the Shirazamite system, but is instead an extension of Executive authority. Shirazam' judiciary is thus entirely under the control of the Justice Minister.


