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Ruotsaland, officially the Republic of Ruotsaland, is a country located in northeastern Elisia, bordering the Arctic Ocean to its north, the nation of Pervincia to its east, and the nation of Kor to its west. To the south is, as of yet, a wild frontier to which no one knows particularly well what lies beyond. The capital and largest city is Helsingfors. Other major cities are Mariehamn, Pohjanmaa, Åbo, and Björneskog. Ruotsaland's population is 40 million (as of 2023), the majority of whom live in the cities along the coastal regions of the nation flanked from the interior by valleys of incredibly fertile, silty soil.

A relatively linguistically diverse nation, many languages possess official status: as a share of the population, 75% of the population of Ruotsa speak Swedish as their first language, while 10% first speak Finnish, 5% of the population first speaks Estonian, and approximately 1% speak Saami languages as their first. The remaining 8% to 9% of people who live in Ruotsaland that do not fall into these groups are often either of recent immigrant background and extraction, or immigrants themselves, and speak a plethora of languages as their first, with strong majorities of these populations being from the neighbours next door, Pervincia and Kor.

Ruotsaland is a unitary parliamentary democracy of 8 regions divided furthermore into 201 municipality regions with equal population sizes for parliamentary elections anywhere from every 4 to 5 years. Within this structure also rests an autonomous region of Ruotsaland, known as Soeder-Oear, which has devolved control over local affairs within their area, located north of the mainland.

Over 17 million people live in the Greater Helsingfors metropolitan area, with just over 10 million people living within the city proper. This is followed in population, in declining order, by Mariehamn (5 million within the city proper), Pohjanmaa (4 million within city proper), Åbo (2.7 million within city proper), and Björneskog (1.1 million within city proper).