Witenius Bennett

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Witenius Bennett
Grand Preceptor VIII of Viba
OccupationPoetry, Grand Preceptor
CitizenshipBennett dynasty

Before holding the office of Grand Preceptor

Witenius Bennett was born in Cluba. When he was 6, he wrote the first poem. From 842 to 847, he reads his poems in the street and sold them for people to earn money.

Passing the two tests of the Emperor for Grand Preceptor

After Oli Virgo being executed (850), the Emperor Brandon Bennett opened a recruitment for this position. Many people have join this recruitment but noone has met the requirements of Brandon Bennett. After hearing about Witenius Bennett, Brandon Bennett invited Witenius to the Palace and says "You have been choosen for this position". Then Witenius replied the Emperor with a poem "
I am just a wanderer
But now I am here
Receiving gifts from the Emperor
How can this miracle happened
Brandon Bennett then asked him to get the uniform and he can be the Grand Preceptor tomorrow. He asked about he uniform. Brandon Bennett then replied
Your uniform is red
Hanging on a metal stick
Wearing this will angry you
You must get it now!
In the next day, Witenius got into an square room, he saw a thin man wearing iron armour and a metal stick. Witenius then asked the man to put his armour off. After the man finish putting the armour out, Witenius saw a red uniform and then changing his clothes with this uniform. The Emperor is very happy to see a man that fit this position then officially choose Witenius to sit in the position.