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The JSI-424 are known for their often cryptic grafitis and symbols.

The JSI-424, also known as the Dials, Phonenumbers or Phonies, is a Karazawa organized crime syndicate based on the West Coast of the country. It was formed in 1988 by ex-members of the Lazarene Clique lead by Olla Tsitsik. Today, the Cartel deals in methamphetamine production, arm trafficking, counterfeiting, illegal gambling, Procuring and is famous for their ellaborate crypted communications.


The cartel call itself the Jembache Iurhiri Sindarime 424 which in Karazawi means Blood Tied Brothers 424. Generally, each subset of the Cartel has an additional number as a prefixe (ex : 001-JSI-424). The "JSI" is then often coded as "574", referring to the position of each letters on a phone keypad, transforming the name of the subset into a proper Karazawi phone number (ex : "Call the chief of the 125th" becomes "Call 01001574424"). This habit explain why they've been nicknamed Dials, Phonenumbers, or Phonies by rival gangs.

The exact reason why the last number is "424" is unknown and many rumours exist about it, ranging from it being the address of where the first members gathered for the first time, a reference to the date of the Cartel's creation, or that it is a reference to Saturnian mysticism




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