BBV Season 6: In-Depth Episode Synopsis

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Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Vitosium Season 6!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $500 000! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 Introductions:

It shows all 14 houseguests (Abello, Alannah, Calla, Callum, Fae, Felicia, Joey, Leon, Lucilio, Rae, Rosito, Soraia, Sofio, Valina) blindfolded, in 14 different chambers in the backyard. Soraia CCs that she is a mega fan of the show. Despite all that, she did not expect this beginning of her BB journey. Abello CCs that his son, Natano, loves the show and wanted to see him compete for the experience. Now that he is here, he wants to win it all for his family. Calla CCs that she started watching the show in Season 4 and her fave player is Rodrigo. She doesnt want to play like a villain but she isnt a pushover either. The host reveals to the audience that Alannah and Soraia Vallend are sisters but, if one wins the power, the other must become a nominee but can not reveal that twist. Additionally, somebody is playing with their twin and, at the moment, will be acting as one houseguest. Every three days, the two must switch.

When the blindfolds are taken off, they see each-other in the chambers. They all walk out into the backyard and see a table of food in front of them. Sofio CCs that he was surprised that they were all in pods. Lucilio CCs that the food is, probably, a twist. He doesn't trust it. The host reveals that they have been sponsored, hence the food. Although, there may be a secret hidden within the food. As they go to eat, they start introducing each other. Leon CCs that most people here are very good looking, especially Soraia and Alannah. Rosito CCs that he was watching since the very first episode. It is a dream of his to be here. Rae CCs that the a part of her really wants that secret but she also needs to socialize so she isn't targeted early. Valina CCs that she is more focused on everybody else than the food. She's rather be social. Lucilio notices a tiny piece of paper and pockets it without anybody noticing. He CCs that he may have found the secret. The doors unlocked and everybody goes inside and sees their bags. They all push to find a bed. Fae CCs that it is pure chaos trying to find a bed. As they all choose rooms, Joey CCs that he didn't care what bed he chose. Everybody else can argue about it so he just waited until everybody was done. In the living room, they all sit down to enjoy the wine.
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

Week 2

Week 2
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8

Week 3

Week 3 Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11

Week 4

Week 4 Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14

Week 5

Week 5 Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17

Week 6

Week 6 Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Week 7

Week 7 Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Week 8

Week 8 Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26

Week 9

Week 9 Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29