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Velikoslavian Nobility


Titled nobility

Hereditary nobility

Personal nobility

Estateless nobility

Ancient nobility


Noble titles of Velikoslavia

Noble titles of Velikoslavia
Title Crown Application Style of Address
Tsar of all of Velikoslavia

His Imperial Majesty The Lord Ruler and Autocrat of All Velikoslavia

Heraldic Imperial Crown of Russia.svg The ruler of the Velikoslavian Empire and its constituent entities. Your Imperial Majesty
Tsaritsa of All Velikoslavia

Her Imperial Majesty First Lady of All Velikoslavia

Heraldic Crown of the Empress of Russia.svg The legal wife of the Tsar of Velikoslavia. Your Imperial Majesty

His Imperial Highness The Lord Heir Tsesarevich

Crown of Russian Empress Anna Ivanowna.svg Heir apparent of Velikoslavia. Your Imperial Highness

His Imperial Highness the Tsarevich

Rangkronen-Fig. 43.svg Sons born directly in the current Imperial Line that are direct descendants of the current ruling monarch. Those with this title are considered candidates for succession to the throne and for appointment to Tsesarevich, should a ruling Tsar wish it. Your Imperial Highness


Her Imperial Highness the Tsarvena

T09 Herzog.svg Daughters born directly in the current Imperial Line that are direct descendants of the current ruling monarch. Those with this title are considered candidates for succession to the throne should a son not be available. Your Imperial Highness
Grand Prince

Her Highness the Grand Prince

Russian Princely hat.svg A living direct descendant of a former Tsar inherits this title once their generation inherits the throne. Your Highness
Grand Princess

Her Highness the Grand Princess

Russian Princely hat.svg A living direct descendant of a former Tsar inherits this title once their generation inherits the throne. Your Highness
Grand Duke

His Grace the Duke

Monomakh hat.svg A title reserved for sitting members of the Council of Nine. Only the nine heads of the highest ranking Telerian houses carry this title and new Grand Dukes cannot be created except without consent amongst all of the sitting Grand Dukes. Your Grace

His Grace the Archduke

Archducal Coronet.svg A title granted exclusively to families who can trace their lineage back to the original Telerian warriors that came with Dagan I. If one of the Nine Houses were to go extinct, an Archduke would be eligible for promotion to Grand Duke. Your Grace

His Excellency the Duke

Older Electoral hat.svg Hereditary title that is the highest title a house with no Telerian blood can hold. Your Excellency

His Serenity the Marquis

Crown of a Marquis of France (variant).svg The highest title held by middle nobility. Marquis are permitted at all court functions and are allowed to directly petition the Tsar during all of the court feasts. Your Serenity

His Serenity the Count

Rangkronen-Fig. 27.svg Rank of the vast majority of Middle nobility. Counts are the lowest rank that are permitted to visit Velinov Palace without gaining permission from the Ministry of the Velinov Court. They may petition the Tsar at the Feast of the Well Born every session of court. Your Serenity

His Lordship the Viscount

Rangkronen-Fig. 18.svg A rank a Baron earns in order to permit them to move within the walls of the Old City of Kollavik around the palace. A Viscout may also attend court and petition the Tsar at the Feast of Ravens. Your Serenity

The Well Born Baron

Rangkronen-Fig. 38.svg Low nobility title regularly inherited by merit. Your Well Birth

Honorable Born Noble

Rangkronen-Fig. 30.svg Title of nobility awarded to those who rise to certain ranks in the government or military. Those promoted may join individual private guard units of higher nobility or elite military units. Nobles are allowed to attend many court functions. Honored Sir


Other ranks and positions