South Terrifica War

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South Terrifica War
The Battle of Malbdoux (11th September 1822)
Date11th March 1820 - 19th April 1826
Magna Terra. Mainly the Great Europan Strait and south Terrifica.

Limited Imperial Victory

Treaty of Frankenlisch
Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Vionna-Frankenlisch

Gallandia.png Kingdom of Gallandia
Holdaria Kingdom.png Kingdom of Holdaria
Espicuta.png Queendom of Espicuta

Paritia.png Republic of Paritia
Commanders and leaders

Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Edward I

Flag of Castile-La Mancha.svg Duke of Teutonberg

Gallandia.png Louis XI
Gallandia.png Comte de Marchand
Gallandia.png Duc' de Cationne
Holdaria Kingdom.png Felix II
Espicuta.png Maria II

Paritia.png Lorenzo San Perita

The South Terrifica War was a conflict in the early 1820s. It was fought between an unofficial league of South Terrifican nations and the United Kingdom of Vionna-Frankenlisch. Begininning on the 11th of March, 1820, it is often considered as the baptism by fire for the young Vionna-Frankenlisch. Lasting six years, it was a bloody and gruelling conflict, ending in a limited Vionna-Frankenlischian victory at the Treaty of Frankenlisch.